[Leon and Claire soon discovered that the gas station was already full of zombies, and hurriedly got into a nearby police car and fled to Raccoon City. 】

[In the police car, the two hear the announcement that Raccoon City authorities are asking the survivors in the city to go to the police station.] 】

[Leon and Claire were also about to drive to the police station, but halfway through, their car was blocked by a roadblock, and a large number of zombies surrounded them in 4 weeks. 】

["Be careful, Leon!"]

[Caught by Claire's exclamation, a large truck that was out of control rushed towards the police car they were riding in at an alarming speed!]


[Leon and Claire escaped from the police car, but the road was blocked by the wreckage of the big truck after the explosion, separating the two.] 】

[In desperation, the two could only act separately and agreed to meet at the police station. 】

[After finally entering the police station, Claire found that the place was already full of zombies. 】

[But in this dangerous place, she even found one...... A little girl hiding in a cupboard!]


[Just when Claire was trying to pull the little girl out, a terrible monster rushed out from the side!]

[This monster is not only several meters tall, but also has a huge eye on its deformed right arm!]


With a bit of luck, Claire repels the monster and knocks it deep underground. 】

[After the war, the little girl also trusted Claire and told her...... His name is Shirley Birkin. 】

[At the same time, Leon also arrives at the police station.] 】

[At the police station, he meets a woman who claims to be an FBI agent named Ida Wang.] 】

[Leon wants King Ida to go with him, but the woman claims that she has a mission and leaves on her own.] 】

[In desperation, Leon can only continue to explore the police station.] 】

[He found a reporter in the police prison, who told Leon...... I was locked up by the police chief because I was investigating the Ambrera company!]

[Leon still wanted to ask in detail, but suddenly heard a loud noise, and a giant in a black coat suddenly crashed through the wall and pinched the reporter's head with one hand!]

[This monster is the latest biological and chemical weapon created by Ambrera Corporation...... Tyrant!]


[Leon was pinched by the tyrant's neck and lifted into the air, and he was about to die!]

[At this moment......]


[A police armored car suddenly rushed straight over and smashed the tyrant into the wall!]

[The person driving the car is none other than Ada Wang, who appeared earlier. 】

[In this way, the man and the woman walked together and began to act together. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: FBI? Are you an FBI agent? (⊙o⊙)

Nick Fury: Don't laugh, it's a disguise!

King Ada: Well, you don't have to be so blunt.

Ada: I think ...... Most of the FBIs can't match me.

Bruce Wayne: Now is not the time to talk about it.

Bruce Wayne: Ada Wang, the zombie crisis hasn't broken out in Raccoon City yet, has it?

King Ada: Hmm...... At least there were no zombies running around on the streets outside.

Ida Wang: But if the root cause of the zombies comes from the Western-style incident two months ago, then the T-virus ...... It must have been spread a long time ago.

King Ada: It's only a matter of time before it erupts on a large scale.

Stephen Strange: Damn, raccoons are destined to be destroyed by zombies, no matter what plane they are!

Stephen Strange: What a fate!

Strange's mood at the moment was like seeing a patient who was about to die, but he couldn't do anything about it......

Jerome Valeska: Ambrera Corporation! That strange "military giant" is the biological weapon they created!

Jerome Valeska: Also, the monster with the eyes on its arm is exactly the same as the "tyrant" that appeared in the "Western-style Pavilion" before!

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hee-hee, that kind of thing called the T-virus actually creates such a powerful monster, it's even more powerful than "Twilight".

Rampage Lori Jinx: I'd like to study it if I have the chance. ^_^

Morty: Sigh, you really don't know what's at stake.

Morty: If something goes wrong with something so dangerous, the whole world will be destroyed!

Morty: When the time comes, you don't have a portal gun, will you be able to escape to another world?

King Ada: Ha, if the world I'm in has become a zombie hell, then I really want to ...... What about the Portal Gun.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[The screen shifts to the other side of the police station.] 】

[Claire finally found the little girl Shirley again in the police station. 】

[But the "tyrant" in the military coat also found them and chased and beat the two girls!]

[At the moment of crisis, the "monster" with big eyes on his arm appeared violently and tore the tyrant in half!]


[Under the attack of the big monster, the elevator that the two women were riding fell down, and Claire also fainted.] 】

[When she woke up, Claire found that the little girl Shirley was nowhere to be found, and what appeared in front of her was a woman in a white coat. 】

[This woman's name is Annette Birkin, and she is the wife of William Birkin.] 】

[Annette tells Claire that the little girl is her and William's daughter.] 】

[And the huge "eye monster" that chased them was none other than her husband, Dr. William!]

[It turned out that Dr. William was also preparing to follow Wesker's betrayal and sell the "G virus" he developed to the U.S. military. 】

[Ambrera discovered all of this and sent mercenaries to beat Dr. William into a sieve!]

["Da Da Da!"


[Dr. William, who was seriously injured and dying, injected himself with the G virus in desperation, turned his body into a monster, and killed all the mercenaries!]

[In the process of fighting, the T virus test tube bottle in the laboratory was broken, and the virus leaked into the underground waterway, infecting the rats in the waterway, which led to the zombie outbreak in Raccoon City!]

After learning everything, Claire broke through many difficulties and defeated the monster William again! 】

[But Sydney at this time.] William has been infected with the G virus, and will soon be alienated into a monster!]

[In order to save the little girl, Claire, under the guidance of Annette, took Sydney to the Ambrera Research Base deep underground. 】

[This place, called the brood!]

At the same time, Leon and King Ida also came into contact with Annette. 】

[Finding out that King Ada's target was the G virus, Annette shot directly at the two!]



[In a moment of crisis, Leon volunteered to jump up and block a shot for King Ada!]

[King Ada tried to catch up with Annette, but she was knocked into the garbage compactor and seriously injured in the leg. 】

[A wounded man and a woman come together again.] 】

[And although Leon was shot in the shoulder, he still wanted to carry it, and King Ada, who was injured in his leg and was unable to move. 】

[In this case, between them...... Finally sparked a spark of love. 】

[Due to King Ada's leg injury, Leon can only leave her for the time being and go to the laboratory to capture the T-virus himself.] 】

[After a big battle with "William", Leon finally got a sample of the T-virus. 】

[But Annette suddenly appeared at this time and told Leon the truth.] 】

["That woman is not the FBI at all, but a mercenary who wants to take the t-virus!"]

Leon is shocked and prepares to go back and question King Ada. 】

[In the face of Leon, King Ida made no secret of it, and he also wanted to capture the T virus to complete the mission!]

[But she never could do it, killing Leon ......]


[At this moment, Annette made a plot next to her! 】


[Although Leon desperately wants to save, he can only watch his lover...... Disappear into the dark abyss. 】

[Fortunately, on the other side at this time, Claire used the pendant around Sydney's neck to open the machine for making medicines and make a vaccine that can cure the disease. 】

[After injecting Sydney with the vaccine, the little girl was finally saved.] 】

[And at this moment, due to the previous battle, the entire underground base "Hive" has entered the process of self-destruction!]

[Leon Claire and Sydney converge again, find a train that can leave the underground base, and start it!]

[Just as the train successfully departed, Claire and Leon heard a strange loud noise again!]

[It's William!]

[Under the influence of the G virus, this doctor has been alienated into a huge monster, and he has no human form anymore!]


[With the cooperation of Leon and Claire, they finally succeeded in defeating this terrifying monster and ...... it with the last carriage Abandoned together at the end of the track. 】

[After overcoming many hardships, Leon, Claire and Sydney finally managed to escape from Raccoon City!]

[Seeing this, the screen gradually dimmed.] 】

[End of "Resident Evil"]

King Ada: Oh, I didn't expect that...... That's how I ended.

Ida Wang: It seems that "falling in love" will really make a woman's IQ drop.

King Ada: But why do I like that silly boy?

Stephen Strange: Now is not the time to talk about this kind of thing!

Stephen Strange: If the crisis in Raccoon City is caused by "Dr. William", shouldn't you find a way to stop it?

Ada: Well, I'm not a superhero, and I usually only take money to do things.

At this point, King Ida suddenly lowered his head and looked at a photo he was holding.

That's the photo of "Silent Hill" she got by answering the question before!

Just then, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Target: Deadpool]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast was decided to: "The Adam Project"]

PS: This live stream will end this week, and then it's time for the newcomers to join! Play Dragon Ball! Ultraman! Saint Seiya!

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