[Soon, a new image appears on the screen.] 】

[One day in 2050, two strangely shaped planes took to the sky and started a chase battle high in the sky. 】


[The pilot of the plane in front of him looks frightened, and there is a hole in his abdomen.] 】

[On closer inspection, this person looks exactly like "Deadpool".] 】

[The wound in his abdomen was bleeding profusely, wetting the driver's seat.] 】

[It seems that this "Deadpool" does not have the ability to heal itself.] 】

[Soon, a woman's voice sounded in the cockpit of "Deadpool". 】

["Adam, what are you going to do?"]

[Hearing the voice in the intercom, the driver "Adam" was covered in cold sweat, but still said with a forced smile:]

["Obviously, I'm going to steal this ship!"]

[The woman shouted, "Are you crazy, I can track you to the crossing point, you can't escape!"]

["Hehe...... So what?"]

[Adam flicks his tongue and activates the "wormhole" device on the ship.] 】

[Seeing this, the woman's voice on the other end of the intercom immediately became stern:]

["Adam, if you stop doing it again, I will order them to smash you to pieces!"]


[In Adam's uninhibited laughter, he violently opened a wormhole with the device on the ship, and then burrowed into it and disappeared without a trace. 】

[The next moment, the picture came to 2022.] 】

[On this day, a little boy also named "Adam" was beaten up at school because his mouth was too cheap. 】

[Because of this incident, Adam and two other classmates were each beaten by the principal with 50 boards and suspended from school at the same time. 】

[Mother drove to school and took Adam home.] 】

[On the way, this woman was also quite dissatisfied with her son. 】

[In the mother's opinion, since Adam's father died in a car accident in 2018, the child has changed. 】

[He became snarky, mean, and rebellious...... It's just as uncomfortable at home as it is at school. 】

[The two returned home, and in the evening, the mother, who was already single, was ready to go out on a date with a man. 】

[Little Adam thought of it...... I may have a new father, and I am very unhappy. 】

[But considering his mother's happiness in her life, he still had a broken face and pulled the zipper behind his mother's back. 】

[After his mother went out, a depressed Adam could only sit on the bed and play games. 】


[Suddenly, a flash of thunder flashed outside the window, the power went out in the house, and the game was terminated.] 】


[In the next second, Adam's dog seemed to sense something, barking and rushing into the grove outside the house. 】

[Following behind the dog, little Adam also walked into the woods with a flashlight. 】

[In the depths of the jungle, it saw an amazing image!]

[A large number of trees were cut off at the waist and even smashed into ashes!]

[It looks like a meteor is falling from the sky!]


[Adam was looking at God when a strange sound suddenly came from behind him, which immediately startled him. 】

[After all, it was a child, and the more little Adam thought about it, the more shocked he became, so he fled home with the dog. 】

[But before he could enter the house, he heard a strange noise from the garage next to him.] 】

[Little Adam forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, raised his flashlight, and slowly walked into the garage. 】

[I saw that in the room, there was a man with an injured abdomen, it was the same Adam from 2050.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Peter Parker: Two Adam......s! (⊙o⊙)

Deadpool: Time travel, it's time travel for sure!

Deadpool: This variant of mine is back in the past!O(∩_∩)O haha~

Rampaging Lori Jinx: No wonder, that kid has such a cheap mouth, it must have something to do with you.

Bruce Banner: If it's time travel, why would Adam go back to see his younger self?

Bruce Banner: And the people who injured him before...... And who?

Deadpool: That's definitely the bad guy, my variant is definitely just like me, a superhero who promotes good and punishes evil!

Deadpool: The reason why he went back in time must be to save the world! ^_^

Bruce Banner: Sigh, hopefully.

Bruce Banner: But as far as I know, time travel often doesn't end up well.

Loki Odinson: Hah, in a certain universe, those superheroes also came to time travel to save the world!

Loki Odinson: In the end, he lured a purple potato monster to his own plane!

Wanda Maximov: That event, in the end, it ended happily. You'll have to admit it.

While everyone was talking, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Two Adams, one big and one small, looked at each other, and the situation was a little awkward for a while. 】

["Deadpool" did not identify himself at the beginning, but only asked about Little Adam.] 】

[In the face of this adult, Little Adam was full of vigilance, and even wanted to attack him with a baseball bat at first!]

["Give me a good stay here!"]

["Deadpool" grabs a baseball bat and throws it on the ground, then leaves the garage and walks into Little Adam's house.] 】

[It's a pity, how can a curious baby like Little Adam stay still?]

[Not only did he follow, but he also talked to "Deadpool" with a look of fearlessness. 】

["Hey, don't touch my things!"]

[Seeing that little Adam put his suitcase in a mess, "Deadpool" was full of upset and hurriedly stepped forward to scold him. 】

["I'm going upstairs now to find something, you keep me calm, I won't hurt you!"]

"You're talking lightly. "】

[Little Adam pursed his lips and said nonchalantly:]

"In the end, I had to see a psychiatrist and tell them...... How a bad man 'Kangkang' me. "】

["I'll go!"]

["Deadpool" was dumbfounded when he heard this, and his mouth opened wide :]

["How old are you? You want to go to that place! Your psychology is too dark!"]

[In the face of Little Adam's stalking, "Deadpool" finally lost his patience and said casually:]

["Can't you calm down a little bit, for God's sake, Adam?"]

[Little Adam suddenly stopped, and doubts flashed in his eyes. 】

"I never told you my name. "】


[Looking at the thoughtful "self" in front of him, "Deadpool" sighed and finally revealed his true identity. 】

["You...... You are the future me!"]

[Faced with his sudden realization, "Deadpool" confessed his true purpose. 】

[It turned out that he wanted to go on a special mission in 2018.] 】

[But in the process of time traveling, there was an accident that caused him to land in 2022!]

[Next, "Deadpool" took little Adam to the forest. 】

[The spaceship he used to travel through time and space was parked over the woods. 】

[However, since "Deadpool" has been injured, the ship's artificial intelligence system determines that he is ...... No longer fit to drive. 】

[Therefore, "Deadpool" must find an uninjured "self" and use his DNA to activate the ship's system.] 】

[After activating the system, the ship began to repair itself, but it took several days.] 】

[During this time, "Deadpool" stayed in the garage for a while. 】

[Little Adam is full of curiosity about his future self, and pesters him all day long, asking all kinds of questions endlessly, making "Deadpool" full of black lines. 】

["Enough, why do you talk so much nonsense?"]

[Although he couldn't stand his talk, "Deadpool" still went out with little Adam. 】

[In this rare time together, he also helped his childhood self and taught two classmates who loved to bully. 】

[After returning home, Little Adam, who couldn't stay idle, took out a mobile phone from the backpack of "Deadpool", with a photo of a woman on it. 】

["Hey, who is this?"]

["That's my wife!"]

["Deadpool" looked at the woman in the photo sadly and said:]

["But she's no longer here!"]

At this time, on Temple 2.

"Oh my God!"

Gamora looked at the picture of the woman on the screen, her mouth wide open, and the green skin on her face almost discolored.

Although her skin color was different, she could recognize this woman at a glance...... Exactly himself!


Looking at Gamora's ugly expression, the nebula on the side suddenly laughed unabashedly.

[Video continued]

[In the face of Adam's endless questions, "Deadpool" finally stated his purpose for time travel. 】

[It turned out that his wife was a pilot in the time-travel experiment before. 】

[Once, after she traveled through time and space, she never came back. 】

[Not believing that his wife would die in an accident, Adam prepares to go back to the "2018" that his wife traveled through to find her. 】

[And the mastermind behind all this is Adam's father's partner...... Maya Soliland!]

[The person who invented the time-traveling machine is the father of the two!]

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