[While Wesker and William were discussing whether to betray Ambrera, Rebecca and Billy finally found a streetcar that could escape from the underground base. 】

[Unfortunately, just before getting into the car, Billy was attacked by a T-virus gorilla and fell into the sewer. 】

[Already seeing Billy as a comrade-in-arms, Rebecca has no choice but to give up her escape and get on the tram to the sewers to find him.] 】

[In the process of her search for Billy, Rebecca encounters a giant T-virus mutant, also known as "Tyrant"!]

[Normal attacks have no effect on the tyrant at all, and Rebecca can only run away desperately.] 】

[At great risk, she finally found Billy at the entrance of the underground sewer!]

[The two teamed up again, preparing to return to the underground tram and leave this hellish place、]

[But halfway through, a white-robed man stood in front of them!]

[This man who can manipulate leeches, like Rebecca and Billy, tells the truth of everything.] 】

[It turns out that after Dr. Marcus was assassinated by Ambrera Corporation 10 years ago, his experiment ...... The leech queen burrowed into his body. 】

[These leeches, which have a collective consciousness, have absorbed the DNA and memories of Marcus's corpse and have been reborn in another form!]

[The real Marcus is already dead!]

[Standing in front of the two of them is just a group of leeches with the memories of Marcus!]


[After telling the truth, the Leech Queen revealed her original form, turned into a huge monster, and pounced on Rica and Billy!]


[In the face of this monster, although the two of them shot desperately, they couldn't hurt it at all!]

[Fortunately, Rebecca finally discovered that the leech queen has a weakness, that is, she is afraid of light!]

[The two risk luring the leech queen to the bottom of a shed very close to the ground, and then open the ceiling. 】

["Squeak squeak!"

[Under the sunlight, the leech queen let out a helpless scream and finally fell to the ground.] Turned into a huge dried corpse. 】

[After eliminating the Leech Queen, Rebecca and Billy escape from Ambrera Corporation's underground base.] 】

[In the light of the sun, Rebecca tells Billy.] He would forge his death certificate to make him ...... as a dead man Keep alive!]

[But at the same time, another team of stars has encountered another wave of Resident Evil!]

[Because Rebecca and the others' B team did not respond for a long time, Wesker led Team A to support. 】

[Just after they landed in the mountains, they immediately encountered a large number of zombie dogs!] One of the team members was bitten to death by these monsters on the spot. 】

[In order to avoid the zombie dogs, Team A and the others could only escape to the depths of the mountains, and finally escaped into a western-style mansion here. 】

[Among the surviving members are Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, and the captain...... Albert Wesker!]

[After entering the Western-style pavilion, Jill and Chris thought they were finally safe.]

[But soon.] They heard gunshots coming from inside the mansion!]


[Everyone hurriedly entered the depths of the mansion to continue exploring. 】

[As a result, they found a zombie gnawing on the corpse of a member of Team B's "Stars"!]


[When has Jill ever seen such a terrible scene!]

[In the end, it was Barry Burton who used a large-caliber revolver...... Three shots were fired in a row, killing the zombie on the spot!]

[Inside this mansion, there are all kinds of huge monsters and zombies, which is a death trap!]

[In the process of finding a way out, Jill is still in the Western-style pavilion. Found a monster with a face on his head and shackles on his hands!]

[Jill couldn't kill this monster at all, so he had to run all the way, and finally escaped alive. 】

[After exploring the Western-style Pavilion for 4 weeks, Jill finally found the truth about this shackled monster.] 】

[It turns out that this chain monster is the daughter of the architect of this kind of Western-style pavilion, called Lisa.] 】

[But after the architect built the Western-style pavilion, the family was used as a test subject by Ambrera Company, injected with a variety of viruses, and caused terrible mutations!]

[After overcoming all odds, Jill finally entered the basement of the Western-style Mansion. 】

[This is the underground research base of Umbrella Corporation!] Experiments related to the T-virus are being conducted. 】

[It is precisely because of the leakage of the T virus in this experimental base that infected the wild animals of the Acre Mountains outside, and there were various beast killings!]

[At this moment, Wesker appeared in front of Jill.] 】

[This time, Wesker didn't hide it anymore, he told the truth of everything.] 】

[It turns out that he was originally a spy for Ambrera Corporation!]

[And Wesker's mission this time is to use the monsters in this foreign pavilion...... to test the combat effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons against armed soldiers!]

[After the test is over, Wesker will activate the self-destruct device of the Western-style pavilion and blow everything up to cover up the traces!]

[And after all the dust settled, Wesker also prepared a second betrayal!]

[He has decided to hand over the results of his research on the T-virus to Umbrella Corporation's competitors for personal gain.] 】

[After telling the truth, Wesker activated the ultimate biochemical weapon in the underground base, the tyrant T-002!]

[But no one expected that after the tyrant woke up, the first person to attack was Wesker.] 】


[Pierced in the chest by the tyrant's claws, Wesker falls backwards and lies on the ground never moving again.] 】


[The clever Jill found that the tyrant's heart was exposed outside his chest, and hurriedly bombarded it with a heavy weapon, temporarily knocking the tyrant down. 】

[But after winning this battle, Jill suddenly discovers that Wesker's body has disappeared!]

[Although I don't know what's going on, seeing that the self-destruction procedure has been activated, Jill hurriedly escapes from the mansion with the still surviving STARS members.] 】

[Jill, Chris, and Rebecca, who rushed here to meet, and Barry, summoned the Stars' helicopter.] 】

[But at this moment, the "tyrant" who was knocked down by Rebecca before actually rushed out again!]

["Shoot! Kill this monster!"]

[4 STARS members shot desperately, but ordinary bullets couldn't kill the tyrant at all!]

[At this time, the helicopter pilot in the air dropped a bazooka!]


[Jill has a quick eye, picks up the bazooka, and blasts the tyrant to pieces with a single rocket launch!]


[After killing this monster, the 4 team members successfully got on the helicopter and flew into the sky with the loud sound of the explosion in the Western-style pavilion!]

[Until this time, Jill and the others thought that the crisis had passed. 】

[But they don't know that Wesker has already injected himself with the mutant T virus!]

[Moreover, the real Resident Evil has just begun!]

[Two months after the Western-style incident, Chris's sister, Claire Redfield, rides a motorcycle to come to Raccoon City to find him.] 】

[Halfway through, she stops at a gas station and wants to refuel here.] 】

[But Claire never expected that as soon as he opened the gate of the gas station, he saw a young policeman raise a gun and aim it at him!]

["Get down!"]

[Young Policeman...... Leon S. Kennedy yelled, and then pulled the trigger!]


[Leon's shot just killed a zombie behind Claire!]

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