[In the 18th century, a European named Travis founded a maritime trading group...... Travis Trading Company. 】

[His youngest son...... Henry Travis, after inheriting the family legacy, invested all his money in his adventures in Africa. 】

[Although Henry has a lot of money, he is a natural adventurer. He spent half his life traveling to every corner of the African continent and obtaining countless first-hand information. 】

And in his last adventure, Henry Travis traveled to a country called "Dubaiya" and experienced first-hand the selection ceremony of the country's king. 】

[The king of Dubai is not hereditary, but is chosen from among the strong of the tribe. 】

[Those kings who succeed in ascending to the throne will be the closest to the sun god in fame.] 】

[And, according to the locals, the lifespan of these kings can reach hundreds of years!]

[But to sit on the throne, all candidates must go through a cruel trial:]

[That's it...... Eat a flower called the "Sun Ladder"!]

[Deep underground in the Dubai Empire, there is an underground altar full of strange red flowers. 】

[The poison contained in this flower is so poisonous that if an ordinary person eats it, it will die immediately.] 】

[Only the powerhouse of the otherworldly, plus the luck of the gods...... to endure this poison and survive!]

[Those who eat the ladder of the sun and do not die can not only become the king of Dubaiya, but also have a long lifespan and incredible power!]

[This trial is called the "test of the sun god"!]

[But for some reason, the king selection ceremony witnessed by Henry Travis was the last "test of the sun god". 】

[Soon after that, the Dubai Empire was hit by a civil war. 】

[The leaders of both sides of the civil war, let their respective subordinates eat the Sun Ladder separately!]

[They originally wanted to use this...... Craft powerful soldiers to defeat your enemies and dominate your empire. 】

[But in the end, the result is to create a terrible monster!]

[These monsters have a height and strange power far beyond ordinary people, and they also have terrifying tentacles on their bodies! Just a wave of the tentacles can beat ordinary humans to pieces!]

[And on the underground altar, the two most powerful monsters are fighting frantically, trying to decide the final victory!]

[In the midst of the ravages of monsters, this Dubai sub-empire, which was so powerful that it once ruled the entire West African region, slowly died out like this......]

[After spending a lot of money and more than ten years, Henry Travis returned to Europe and wrote the results of his exploration in Africa into a 72-volume tome:]

["Museum Overview"]

[It's a pity that this masterpiece did not get the praise it deserved after its publication, but instead met with countless ridicules, and many people believe that the humanities, terroir, geography, and minerals recorded in the book are ...... and so on, it's too detailed to be true!]

[More and more people are accusing Henry of being a crappy novelist, making up these contents out of thin air, and trying to sell books to make money.] 】

[A lifetime's hard work turned into a joke, and Henry had no choice but to end up depressed. 】

[And almost all of the "Naturalist Overview" published by one person spent a huge amount of money to recover. 】

[This man is Henry's brother, the chairman of the Travis family business.] 】

[Based on the ...... recorded in the Museum Overview The location of various mineral resources, this Travis chairman has opened mines all over Africa, made huge sums of money, and developed Travis into a giant!]

[That is, the so-called "triple company" in later generations.] 】

[However, this chairman is not the only smart person in the world. 】

[At that time, there was also a European aristocrat "Spencer", who also collected a complete set of "Naturalist Overview", and passed on this set of books in the family. 】

[In modern times, there was a man named Oswell Spencer who read the "Naturalist Overview" that had been passed down from his family. 】

[When Oswell Spencer was young, he once learned mysterious biochemical knowledge in Europe under the tutelage of a woman named "Miranda". 】

[And after reading the "Naturalist Overview", he also became interested in the sun ladder flowers recorded in the book. 】

[Spencer finds his noble friend "Edward", as well as Edward's classmate: Dr. James Marcus.] 】

[After research, the three of them came to a conclusion: the Sun Ladder Flower may carry some kind of virus that can change human DNA!]

[This virus can not only improve the strength of the human body, but also prolong the life of humans!]

[The three men joined forces and organized an expedition team, led by Dr. Marcus, to Africa to capture the Sun Ladder!]

[It took an astonishing amount of time and money to produce the results of Dr. Marcus.] 】

[It came up with a special virus from the flowers of the Ladder of the Sun and named it "Ancestral Virus"!]

[In order to better study the Archaeopteryx virus, the Smiths set up a pharmaceutical factory. 】

[This nascent pharmaceutical company is called Ambrera!]

[In the beginning, Ambrera only tested the progenitor virus on insects. 】

[As a result, the bodies of these insects have swelled many times, and they have also shown an astonishing appetite.] 】

[But Dr. Marcus thinks that this result is not any evolution at all!]

[Marcus, who was already completely crazy because of the research, like the other two, proposed to experiment with the progenitor virus...... Extend to humans!]

[Both Edward and Spencer agreed to this suggestion.] 】

[And Spencer, in order to hide people's eyes, is in a remote town...... A research institute has been secretly established in Raccoon Town. 】

[This place, called the Acre Institute, is the "Western-style Pavilion" on the outskirts of Raccoon City in later generations!]

[In this foreign pavilion, Dr. Marcus conducted a series of experiments, but the results were not satisfactory.

[Marcus, who has already taken this step, is becoming more and more frenzied!]

[Dr. Marcus's subordinates also run a cadre training center for Ambrera Company, where many students are trained. 】

[Thinking that his research was not progressing because of the lack of test subjects, Dr. Marcus simply treated these trainees as guinea pigs!

[In 1977, two newcomers came to the cadre training center. 】

[They are William Birkin and Albert Wesker.] 】

[Both of these men showed amazing talent for dealing with virus research, and Marcus was quite pleased with this, and soon took them as his assistants to accelerate the research on the progenitor virus.] 】

[Maybe it's because of a new assistant, maybe it's God's help, it didn't take long for Marcus to ...... The real T virus was isolated from the Sun Ladder!]

[Surprised Marcus, he injected the created T virus into the leech's body, wanting to see what the results would be.] 】

[But at this moment, Spencer had already made a move.] 】

[He made a presentation on the board of directors of Ambrera...... Dr. Marcus treats the trainees of the cadre training institute as guinea pigs!]

[When the directors of the company learned about it, they were in an uproar!]

[Eventually, Dr. Marcus was removed from all positions, and the cadre training center he was in charge of was closed.] 】

[All of Dr. Marcus's research was taken over by two of his students, William Birkin and Albert Wesker.] 】

[It turned out to be these two people who told Spencer what Marcus had done.] 】

[All this is to kick out this old man and monopolize his research results. 】

[Furious at the discovery that he had been hidden by the birds, Dr. Marcus turned down Spencer's transfer and returned to the cadre training center alone.] 】

[It was in this empty space that Marcus continued his research on the T-virus.] 】

[It took many years for him to finally research the existence known as the "Leech Queen"!]

[The leeches that he injected with the T-virus formed a kind of collective consciousness! Although they are numerous, they can act in unison like individual creatures!]

[Moreover, these leeches begin to form some kind of strange relationship with Marcus, like a pet acknowledging its owner.] 】

[But just then, William Birkin and Albert Wesker struck again.] 】

[At Spencer's behest, they sent a surprise attack on Marcus's research institute and smashed him into a honeycomb on the spot! 】

[Just before he died, Dr. Marcus saw ...... The figure of William and Wesker!]

[He knew that he had been betrayed by his two proud disciples!]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Tian Xiaoban: I'll go, it turns out that this is how Ambrera Company came!(⊙o⊙)

Ghost Rider: A bunch of crazy bastards, if I'm here, I'll burn all the souls of these guys!(▼ヘ▼#)

Rampaging Lori Jinx: Strange, isn't that Dr. Marcus dead a long time ago......? Who was that "leech man" later?

Rampage Lori Jinx: Why did he want to avenge Marcus?

Ada: That's a mystery.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the terrifying "Former Cadre Training Center", Rebecca and Billy encounter giant insects and many zombies. 】

[It seems that these monsters are the products left over from Dr. Marcus's biochemical experiments here.] 】

[In the process of fighting side by side, Rebecca and Billy gradually eased their relationship with each other. 】

Eventually, Billy tells Rebecca what had happened.] 】

[It turns out that Billy's team was once ordered to attack the terrorists hiding in the village. 】

[But when I arrived in that village, I found that there was no trace of terrorists at all. 】

[Seeing this, Billy's boss actually wanted to kill Liang and take the risk!]

[It was because of this incident that Billy Cohen became a criminal!]

[At the same time, both Wesker and Dr. William have received instructions from Ambrera.] 】

[That's it...... Activate the Acre Institute's self-destruct system and blow up this mansion into the sky. 】

[Let Wesker think that they can lure Stars' A team to the foreign pavilion to test the effect of the T-virus!]

[With the actual combat performance of the T-virus, Wesker can use it as a gift to his new company that is about to change jobs!]

[But Dr. William decided to stay in Ambrera and continue to study the G virus, which is more powerful than the T-virus!]

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