Bruce Wayne: Gotham City??? (⊙_⊙)

Seeing the picture on the screen, although Master Wayne was already mentally prepared, he was still surprised!

Although Dr. Manhattan insists that the "blue hand" who created the DC multiverse does not belong to him.

But the scene in front of me proves the opposite...... He is indeed located in the DC Universe!

Even, maybe in his hometown of Bruce Wayne!

Thinking of the terrifying power of Dr. Manhattan's "Eradication of the DC Universe for ten years", Master Wayne only felt his throat dry for a while, and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

You can travel between different multiverses as you like, and even enough to create ...... and even the destruction of the universe!

What will such an existence do when he comes to Gotham City?

In addition to Master Wayne, the newcomers in the chat group were also revealed in the video...... Shocked!

Killed millions of people all over the world? The Pharaoh thought he was saving the world!

Big bones boiled into soup: Is this guy crazy?

Deadpool: Haha, if anything, this guy is a lunatic!

Deadpool: But his crazy plan...... It has indeed brought peace to the world!

Deadpool: Because there is a common enemy in front of all mankind, and that is the blue eagle! ^_^

Torrecchia: To come up with such an incredible plan, to put it into action, and to succeed!

Torrecchia: There are geniuses among the human race! It seems that they can't be underestimated anymore, hehe......

Big bones boiled into soup: Genius? What are you talking about? This is murder! So many innocent people have died!!

Robert Killiman: "Sacrifice" for the sake of peace on earth and the survival of humanity...... Sometimes it's necessary.

Robert Killiman: Back then, the emperor also waged wars for many years in order to unify Terra, and there were countless casualties.

Robert Killiman: But without these sacrifices, there would be no peaceful life for the people of Terra today.

Hermione Granger: But what did those people do wrong, inexplicably...... He was blown up by the Pharaoh!

Beria: Hehe, you humans, you are so grateful!

Beria: If it weren't for the human named Pharaoh, maybe all the people on that earth would have died!

Beria: If that really happens, you're satisfied?

Tian Xiaoban: Perhaps, you can ask that Manhattan doctor to intervene and let those countries stop fighting.

Clark Kent: Sigh, trust me, it's not a good idea.

Thinking of "The Red Son" and "Injustice Superman" that appeared in the previous images, Clark's eyes suddenly became a little complicated.

Clark Kent: To be honest, I don't think ...... either Dr. Manhattan is willing to stay on Earth and maintain peace on Earth endlessly.

Bruce Wayne: The human problem, at the end of the day...... It's still up to humans to solve it.

Bruce Wayne: But I don't think the Pharaoh's approach is the only right answer!

Jerome Valeska: Even if we don't talk about good and evil, the pharaoh's plan ultimately failed.

Jerome Valeska: And, what is he going to do now? Count on that mad woman with white paint on her face...... To impress Manhattan?

Jerome Valeska: It's not madness anymore, it's despair at all!

Dr. Manhattan: "Mime" Erica Manson?

Dr. Manhattan: I do remember this man, but he has no influence on me.

Dr. Manhattan: If that's Werther's plan, he's doomed to fail......

Deadpool: Blue Eagle, even you said that, it seems that it is really no fun!

Bruce Wayne: However, this pharaoh was able to travel across the multiverse and find Dr. Manhattan's location!

Bruce Wayne: This man is not to be underestimated!

Torrecchia: It's fun to travel across the multiverse with the power of science......

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After successfully arriving in Gotham City, Pharaoh and Rorschach first woke up from their coma. 】

[They found the "pantomime" couple still in a comatose state due to the time and space shock, so they handcuffed them and left the ship. 】

[After arriving on the streets of Gotham City, the Pharaohs and the Kings immediately noticed something unusual. 】

[The face is full of marches and demonstrators, and they are all under the banner of "against Batman" and "against superhumans"!]

[In order to know himself and his opponent, the Pharaoh first came to the library of Gotham Altar. 】

[Through computer queries, he finally figured out the current situation. 】

[It turns out that on this earth, there are not only a large number of masked vigilantes wearing tights, but most of them also have superpowers!]

[And after the appearance of a strong man who calls himself "Superman", all kinds of superhumans have also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. 】

[These strong men have all surrounded Superman, intentionally or unintentionally, like the green leaves that set off the safflower,]

[The world looks up to these powerful people in awe and calls them "superheroes". 】

[However, after studying these superheroes, a geneticist came up with a shocking theory!]

[Transhuman Theory!]

[According to research, the so-called superhuman is not a product of natural evolution, but artificial!]

[There is at least one superhero who has been proven to ...... It is the product of the secret experiment of the Mi government. 】

[This theory can also explain: Why more than 90% of superhumans appear in the United States?]

[Because the government of the United States has the most powerful biochemical technology in the world!]

[It was Mi who created these superpowers!] and then gave them titles such as superheroes and supervillains! 】

[But all of this is actually some kind of biochemical experiment!]

[And the ultimate goal is to let the United States create the world's strongest weapon of live mass destruction!]

[With the deepening of "transhuman research", the relationship between the government of the United States and transhumans has also been revealed. 】

[Soon, all the people found out...... They have been deceived!]

[What "superheroes vs. supervillains", all of them are biochemical experiments of the government of the United States!]

[Everyone is a white mouse, including the people!]

[Under the fury, all parts of the country have set off a storm of protest marches!]

[And in Gotham City, the focus of the protests ...... It's Batman!]

[What do people think...... Batman is a stooge of the government!]

[The government of the United States just wants him to be a "vigilante hero" without superpowers, mixed with other superpowers, so as to prevent the public from discovering the strangeness of "superhuman"!]

[The public wants Batman to stand up, reveal his true identity, and answer the public's questions:]

[Why are 97% of the world's superhumans all Mi people?]

[Such a ratio... How could it be a coincidence?]

[In the Gotham Library.] 】

[Seeing the information on the computer, Rorschach suddenly said amazingly:]

["Perhaps, the person who created these superheroes is none other than Dr. Manhattan!"]

[Pharaoh thinks...... Maybe Manhattan is getting a makeover, hiding in these superheroes, ready to experience a new life!]

[In order to find out the whereabouts of Dr. Manhattan, the Pharaoh locked up two of the smartest people on this earth. 】

[That's Lex Luthor, and Bruce Wayne.] 】

[The two decide to go their separate ways, with Pharaoh going to see Lex Luthor and Rorschach going to Bruce Wayne.] 】

[Before the two parted, the Pharaoh specifically warned Rorschach to never contact anyone other than Bruce Wayne, and not to touch anything. 】

[But after arriving at Wayne Manor, Rorschach discovers the breakfast that Afu left for Bruce in the kitchen.] 】

[Hungry, he ate breakfast without hesitation. 】

[Once he had his fill, Rorschach began to investigate Bruce Wayne's study. 】

[It didn't take long for him to discover the secret passage behind the Great Bell.] 】

[But this fake Rorschach, after all, was too young to notice the sensors on the stone steps when he entered the secret passage......]


[Batman, who was fighting crime on the streets, immediately noticed it...... Someone broke into his home!]

At the same time, the Pharaoh also found ...... wisest man on "this earth" in his mind. 】

[Lex Luthor.] 】

After the meeting, the Pharaoh confessed the purpose of his trip and what he had done in the Warden universe. 】


But after hearing all this, Lex Luthor just laughed out loud and laughed at what the Pharaoh had done before...... Crazy and childish]

["You're the smartest person in your universe? don't laugh at the dead. "】

[And at this moment, a gunshot suddenly sounded next to him!]


[Although suffering from cancer, the Pharaoh still managed to avoid the vital point with his superhuman reflexes, only to be grazed by bullets. 】

But Lex Luthor was not so lucky, he was hit head-on by a bullet and fell in a pool of blood. 】

["Werther...... The last time you and I fought, I drank too much. "】

[A somewhat maniacal laugh rang out in the corner:]

["This time, let's do the second round again!"]


[Staring at the man who came out of the shadows, the Pharaoh's eyes almost popped out.] 】

[That's the laughing craftsman!]

[He was thrown from the roof of the building with his own hands and fell into a meatloaf laughing craftsman!]

[He's still alive!]

[At this time, in an apartment in the metropolis, Clark Kent is having nightmares. 】

[He dreamed that when he graduated from high school, his parents drove him and took him to school for a prom. 】

[But just as Clark's parents were driving home, they were in a car accident!]


[With a loud bang, Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent were killed on the spot!]

[In this universe, Superman lost his parents at the same time the year he graduated from high school. 】

Seeing this, the Flash suddenly bubbled up in the chat group!

Barry Allen, The Flash: No, Superman's parents shouldn't have died so early!

Barry Allen, The Flash: Flashpoint! This must be Flashpoint! It was Reverse Lightning that killed Superman's parents. (⊙o⊙)

PS: After the doomsday bell is ready to pick up the laughing bat, and then I want to write Godzilla!

Brother vs. King Kong, Godzilla vs. Avengers! ^_^

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