Hearing the sound of the system, many people in the chat group were a little shocked.

Wanda Maximov: It's Dr. Manhattan, it's unbelievable. (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: He actually has a follow-up!

Deadpool: Hahaha! You didn't really create the DC Universe, did you?

Deadpool: What else are you going to do next? You're already the creator god!

Beria: What nonsense are you talking about?

Torrecchia: Creation ...... Universe?(⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: Hey, that's right, this blue eagle once created an entire multiverse!

Torrecchia: It's ...... The multiverse is a concept that is countless times more complex than a monolithic universe!

Torrecchia: The existence that created the multiverse will be in this group?

In the face of Deadpool's earth-shattering speech, even Torrecchia, who has always been cynical, was finally shocked!

Dr. Manhattan: Deadpool, I have to correct your point.

Dr. Manhattan: As I said last time, the being who created the DC multiverse wasn't me.

Dr. Manhattan: The way that high-dimensional energy is used is very different from mine.

Torrecchia: High-dimensional energy! You're a high-dimensional being!

Wanda Maximov: Hmm, this crazy Ultraman even knows about the multiverse and the "high-dimensional energy"!

Wanda Maximov: Incredible, is it crazy...... Can it still improve your horizons?

Beria: Phew, what the hell are you talking about?

Wanda Maximov: Poor fellow, you're really unsightly, no wonder you're being taken for experience, even that Torrecchia is better than you.

Beria: Bastard! Don't let me find you!(▼Dish▼;)

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[A calm narration sounded in everyone's ears.] 】

In the World of the Watchmen, Dr. Manhattan approved of the Pharaoh's crazy plan and was determined to conceal the truth and make himself a common enemy in the eyes of mankind in order to maintain peace on Earth. "】

However, Rorschach disagrees with this ...... Peace built on lies!"]

["The Pharaoh detonated a bomb made with Dr. Manhattan's energy in urban centers around the world, killing millions of people!"]

["Such a crime must be made public!"]

["The people have the right to know the truth!"]

["For the sake of justice and faith, Rorschach will never compromise until he dies!"]

["Even in the face of the end of the world!"]

Dr. Manhattan, on the other hand, believed that publishing the truth about the Pharaoh would endanger the survival of the entire human world. "】

["So, in the face of the uncompromising Rorschach, Dr. Manhattan personally separated him into elementary particles. "】

["Since then, tired of the intrigues of the human world, Dr. Manhattan has left Earth. "】

But this is not the end, this is just the beginning. "】

["Even the first wise man in the human world, Pharaoh Werther...... Unexpectedly, before Rorschach went to the Antarctic base, he had already expected that he might not be able to return. "】

["So, he mailed a diary that recorded his investigation process and all the truths to the newspaper!"]

["After research, the newspaper published the contents of Rorschach's diary with the headline "Huge Lie"]

["As the truth is revealed, the false peace created by the Pharaoh is broken!"

["Countless people took to the streets, and they surrounded the building of the Pharaoh's company to denounce this demon that killed millions of people around the world!"]

["But the wise Pharaoh vanished from the world long before the newspaper appeared. "】

["Soon, Pharaoh Werther became the world's most wanted criminal!"]

["Countless people want to catch him and break him to pieces! "】

And because the false peace has been broken, the military confrontation between countries around the world has become more and more tense. "】

["Fearing the threat of external forces, the Solstice Kingdom launched the attack first. "】

["And the rice country is even crazier...... Nuclear weapons were directly used!"]

["Seeing that mushroom clouds are about to rise all over the world! The end of mankind is just around the corner!"]

["The bell of doom is about to ring!"]

["Such a catastrophic situation is no longer something that anyone on the earth can prevent!"]

But in this desperate situation, there are still some people who are fighting hard for the survival of mankind. "】

"This is their story. "】

"This is a prison, and there is a riot of prisoners going on at this time. "】

["Seeing that the end of the world is approaching, all order is collapsing, and this is no exception. "】

["Let me out, you bastard!"]

["The situation of the prisoner riot!"]

["Everyone is going to die, why are you still keeping me here?"]

["Suddenly, a prison guard was grabbed by the neck of his clothes by a prisoner!"]

Just as the cell key was about to be snatched away, a masked man suddenly appeared, knocked down the guard with a punch, and took the key from him. "】

【"( ̄口 ̄)!! !"】

["Looking at this masked man, the fierce prisoner in the prison was immediately frightened like a quail, and the whole person trembled. "】

["How is it possible? Aren't you dead?"]

["That's right, this one is wearing an overcoat, a top hat, and an ink mask on his face...... The man who changes with his mood is none other than Rorschach, who is said to have been dead for several years!"]

[Rorschach ignored the little prisoner, took the key he found from the prison guard, went to Gate 31 in the depths of the prison, and opened the door. "】

["Marionette...... Erica Manson?"]

Rorschach looked at a female prisoner who was imprisoned here alone, and said coldly: "]

["We have 3 hours and 36 minutes left to save the world, now follow me."] "】


["Looking at Rorschach who has come back from the dead in front of me, the marionette...... Erica Manson's face turned pale with fright. "】

["You should be dead!"]

["And you said, the next time you see me, you will kill me with your own hands!"]

["Faced with the frightened marionette, Rorschach took off the glove, revealing the black palm inside. "】

["It turns out that this Rorschach is a fake, he is a black man!"]

Just as the marionette breathed a sigh of relief, Rorschach gave her another photograph of her son. "】

["If you want to see your son, do as I say!"]

The marionette was furious, but Aiko was caught...... She could only grit her teeth and give in. "】

["Still, the "marionette" still put forward one condition. "】

["If you want her to help, you must release her husband...... "pantomime" Marcos Mezi. "】

["Seeing that time is urgent, the fake Rorschach can only agree...... Together with the marionettes, I rescued the nervous "pantomime". "】

Next, Rorschach took the criminal couple to the underground base of the original "Night Stalker". "】

Here, they met Rorschach's partner, the most wanted man on Earth, Pharaoh Werther. "】

The Pharaoh told the pantomime couple his plan. "】

["Now, the plan he used to "save the world" has completely failed, and the end of the world is coming!"]

["Although the Pharaoh is already suffering from cancer and his time is short, he is still unwilling to give up!"]

["In order to save the world that is currently on the verge of destruction, it is no longer possible to do it with human power!"]

["The only one who can do this is Dr. Manhattan!"]

And the reason why the Pharaoh found a pantomime couple is because...... They've been caught by Dr. Manhattan before!"]

["Back then, when the pantomime couple was robbing a bank, they suddenly met Dr. Manhattan who came to fight crime. "】

Dr. Manhattan raised his hand, trying to turn the "pantomime" into elementary particles, but the "marionette" stood in the way of her husband. "】


"Staring at the marionette...... Erica Manson's belly, Dr. Manhattan gently lowered his hand, and there was an unpredictable look in his eyes. "】

He saw the fetus in the marionette's womb. "】

And this reminded Manhattan of an incident that happened before. "】

["The Laughing Maker once killed a pregnant woman in front of Dr. Manhattan!"]

["This matter...... It touched Manhattan a lot. "】

["After killing the woman, the laughing craftsman claimed...... Manhattan has no humanity at all, and it doesn't care about ordinary humans at all!"

["But, is that really the case?"]

["This woman...... The marionette, Erica Manson, once caused Dr. Manhattan's mood to fluctuate. "】

["She can be used to remind Manhattan that he was once a man, a man on our planet!"]

While adjusting the flying machine left behind by the night owl, the Pharaoh said to Rorschach: "

["Each living thing has a unique eigenfield that gathers its atoms. "】

"These are the four fundamental forces of nature...... The quantum fingerprint of the composition!"]

["With this quantum fingerprint, I have located the current location of Manhattan!"]

["It's just that he's not in our universe, so we're going to find him in another universe!"

After saying that, the Pharaoh activated the Night Owl Airship and pressed it on the dashboard in front of him. A button that represents Manhattan!"]

And at this moment, a nuclear bomb aimed at New York also crossed the ocean and shot straight over. "】


["A mushroom cloud rises with a bang, destroying everything within the blast radius!"]


And in the flames and shock waves of the explosion. The Nightstalk's airship turned into a flash of light and disappeared into this universe. "】

"The next moment, they came to the DC Universe, the Overworld. "】

["Here...... It's Gotham City!"]

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