in the live broadcast room.

"It's ......"

Seeing the image on the screen, Clark Kent took a deep breath, his face slightly moved, obviously in an extremely uncalm mood.

In his youth, although he had already experienced the death of his adoptive father.

But Martha, the adoptive mother, at least stayed by his side.

And the variant on the screen experienced the death of both parents at the age of 18!

And at this moment, everyone also saw the Flash...... Statements in chat groups.


Seeing this term, Clark involuntarily turned his head.

Feeling his gaze, Young Master Wayne shook his head slowly.

"It shouldn't be ......"

"Although Reverse Lightning is not mentally normal, he has not had a holiday with Superman. "

But Clark still frowned:

"Perhaps, it was the reverse lightning of this universe that changed the past again!"

"The timequake he caused ...... to the timeline"

At this time, little Wanda suddenly interjected:

"I think...... It's still that Manhattan!"

Little Wanda stretched out his hand to the screen and said eloquently:

"Look at that dead laugher who has come back to life!

"This kind of thing...... Who else but Manhattan can do it?"

Upon hearing this, Clark fell silent.

No matter how strong the anti-god speed of the reverse lightning is, you can't travel to the "Watcher" universe!

But just thinking about this, Clark was confused again.

Manhattan does this...... What exactly do you want to do?

Why did he kill "himself" adoptive parents, did he have an enmity with himself?

"Stealing ten years...... The frenzy of the superhuman...... The death of Superman's adoptive parents. "

At this time, Bruce Wayne lowered his head and carefully thought about the information revealed in the current video, and the whole person was thoughtful.

It's absolutely impossible for a character like Manhattan to do something meaningless.

But with his power to create the universe, no matter what he wants to achieve, just one thought is enough.

"Unless, Manhattan is experimenting!"

"He wanted to see ...... What kind of results will be triggered by your own actions!"

After thinking of the most reasonable explanation, Young Master Wayne not only did not let go, but his brows furrowed even tighter.

If this conjecture of his is correct, then it means ...... Dr. Manhattan has seen me as a superhero, and even the entire human race on Earth, as some kind of experimental prop!

Although the laughing man is crazy, he can always hit the nail on the head!

After gaining supreme power, Dr. Manhattan has begun to lose his humanity!

The individual human being, in his eyes...... Just like a guinea pig!

That's why he "cast" the statue of the laughing craftsman into DC and the world, just to see what will happen in the end!

At the same time, the chat group was also lively.

Torrecchia: I don't know who that reverse lightning is, but it seems to me that changing the past and messing up the world is ...... It must be that blue Manhattan!

Torrecchia: Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely do it!(* ̄) ̄*)

Beria: Hmph, with such a lot of power...... It's stupid not to be able to rule the universe and use it to play such a little trick.

Torrecchia: Beria, you're completely on the wrong path. Isn't it true that great power is used to play with others? That's where the real fun lies. ^_^

Big bones into soup: ............ ( ̄△ ̄;)

Starlight: You two, you're crazy!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the face of the sudden attack of the laughing craftsman, as the smartest earthling in the Watchmen universe, the Pharaoh immediately found an opportunity to turn off the lights. 】

[In the dark, he lured the laughing master to shoot at him, only to hit the tempered glass in the back!]


[Seeing that there were holes and cracks in the tempered glass, the Pharaoh suddenly rushed up and slammed it with all his might, knocking the glass open a big hole, and he himself fell from the roof. 】

["Bang...... Syllable...... Whoa!"]

[The pharaoh fell all the way from a tall building, and although he touched something halfway through, slowing down the force of the fall, he still fell a car, broke his head and bled out, and fainted on the spot. 】

[And seeing that the Pharaoh fell, the laughing master did not continue to replenish the gun on Lex Luthor, but just left. 】

[It didn't take long for paramedics and police to arrive at the scene, and they took the seriously injured Fa Lao Wang and Lex Luthor to the hospital. 】

[However, Lex entered as a victim.] 】

[The unconscious Pharaoh became a criminal who murdered Lex Luthor...... Handcuffed to a hospital bed!]

[And on the other side, the black man's Rorschach was also unlucky.] 】

[Batman, who discovers that someone has broken in, quickly returns to the Batcave.] 】

[Here he meets Rorschach. 】

[Worried that he couldn't speak clearly, Rorschach took out the diary left by the real Rorschach from his bosom. 】

[The publication of this diary directly led to the turmoil in the world of the Warden, and even the outbreak of nuclear war!]

[Rorschach firmly believes that if the Bruce Wayne in front of him is really so smart, he will definitely choose to side with him after reading the diary. 】

[Batman takes the diary and asks Alfred to take Rorschach to rest.] 】

[Day 2 morning Batman tells Rorschach that he has found Dr. Manhattan's location :]

[The Doctor is in Arkham Asylum.] 】

[Rorschach immediately believed in Batman and followed him to this place where the madman was imprisoned. 】

["I detected...... The traces of space-time disorder inside are very heavy. "】

"The person you're looking for is inside."" "】

[Batman gently opens a cell door in Arkham, and Rorschach rushes inside.] 】

"Dr. Manhattan, I have something to say to you. "】


[In the cell, Rorschach saw no one, and was greeted only by darkness. 】

And in the next moment, the door behind him slammed shut. 】

[Through the iron bars on the cell door, Batman said to him coldly:]

"I'm sorry, but you should stay here. "】


[Rorschach, who found out that he had been deceived, went crazy and rushed to the prison door, shaking the iron railing on the door in vain:]

["I'm going to kill you, you damn liar!"]

[Batman ignores Rorschach's wails and just turns away from Arkham.] 】

[Although Rorschach was locked up, Batman still spent a lot of time studying the diary left by the "real Rorschach" after returning to the Batcave. 】

[It seems that he didn't disbelieve Rorschach, but for some special reason, he put this black man in an insane asylum.] 】

[After researching for a while, Batman also began his reconnaissance journey.] 】

[With his knowledge of Gotham City, it didn't take much time for Batman to find the airship that Pharaoh and the others were riding. 】

[This airship large enough to travel through the multiverse is empty, and the "pantomime couple" who were locked on it by the Pharaoh have long since fled. 】

[Batman sat on the airship and waited patiently, and soon he waited for the person in his heart. 】

Pharaoh. 】

[Although he was not lightly injured after falling from a tall building, the Pharaoh still relied on his superhuman strength and wisdom...... Escaped from the hospital and returned to the airship. 】

["Adrian Witt!"]

[Looking at the Pharaoh, Batman raised the Rorschach diary in his hand with a solemn face. 】

["What did you want to do when you came to my world?"]

[In the face of Batman, the Pharaoh confessed his intentions. 】

And Batman, like Lex Luthor, accuses him of killing millions of people in exchange for a crazy plan for peace.] 】

[But Pharaoh didn't care, but instead satirized Batman's hypocrisy, thinking that it was someone like him...... It pushed the DC world in front of me to hell!]

["I eliminated the famine and calamity of the world I was in, and I did my best to save that world!"

["And you, what did you do besides jumping around in that costume?"]

["Now, I finally understand...... Why did Manhattan come to your world?"

["He wants to observe the futile struggle of you 'comic heroes'!"]

[While stimulating Batman with words, Pharaoh turned the steering wheel violently, opened the hatch at the same time, and threw Batman off the airship!]


[In mid-air, Batman hurriedly hooked the building with his lock hook gun, but the street under his feet ...... It was filled with angry protesters. 】

["That's Batman!!"]

["Beat me up! Kill the lackeys of this government!"]

[Angry protest, the people not only dragged Batman to the ground, but also swarmed up...... Punch and kick him. 】

[In the midst of this chaos, a group of people suddenly rushed out, rescued Batman from these registrations, and brought him to their boss. 】

[Their boss has a face of white oil paint and a full head of green hair.] 】

[It is the most terrifying villain in Gotham Altar...... Joker!]


["Little Bat...... Come with me somewhere. "】

[Putting the unconscious Batman in front of him in a wheelchair, the Joker takes him to an abandoned subway station.] 】

[The supervillains of the entire Gotham City are gathered here. 】

[And it didn't take long for the laughing craftsman and the pantomime couple to rush to this place with simple folk customs. 】

[Even Batman broke free!]


[Gunshots, killings, exclamations and screams.] Ringing again!]

[In this chaos, two outsiders also appeared in front of everyone's eyes. 】

They are Pharaoh and Rorschach. 】

[After Rorschach escaped from Arkham, he met a lot of people. I also found a green light!]

[For ordinary people, this lamp is just a bit strange in light, but the Pharaoh relied on his extraordinary mind and strange pet to see the abnormality on the lamp. 】

["On this lamp, there are Manhattan's time fingerprints!"]

["As long as you provide strong enough energy, you can make the existence of Manhattan ...... Pull it over!"]

["Even for 'him', resisting this pull can be extremely painful!"]

[Pharaoh stared at the laughing craftsman in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. 】

[In his opinion, the man in front of him also has a heavy "Manhattan trace"!]

[Combine him with this green lamp, and you can "forcibly summon Manhattan"!]

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