Spear Teacher

Chapter 60

They skipped work at 7 o'clock and entered the police station at 8 o'clock.

Jiang Qiyu didn't even finish the two pounds of grilled chicken offal and two bottles of beer. She was so distressed that she felt terrible.

When she arrived at the police station to take a statement, it was fortunate that she was holding up her mobile phone to record the video.

The live video proved that the other party was the first to fight, so it can be classified as a mutual fight, and the police can then conduct civil mediation.

"Ouch! I'm dying, my chest hurts, I can't breathe!"

"Ahhhh - I broke my bone, I may have broken my bone!"

"I'm dizzy, I want to go to the hospital for an X-ray, I have a concussion, I can't stand it..."

But the three people on the other side have been refusing to cooperate with the investigation since they arrived at the police station. The police asked eight questions, and they were wailing that they were about to die ten times.

In summary, this beating can't be in vain.

You have to pay!

The police on duty couldn't do anything about these frequent visitors to the police station, and they couldn't get them to cooperate smoothly after repeated scolding.

Just as the situation was at a stalemate, a louder and more painful wail sounded in the police station.


Jiang Qiyu was seen holding her hand tightly, looking at the policeman who was startled by her scream with a face full of pain and panic:

"Comrade police, I think... I may have to... amputate..."

She just searched her whole body and only found a wound that was almost healed on the palm of her hand, which should be left when she hit the man's head with a wine bottle.

However, her ability to reverse right and wrong is really amazing. With a turn of her eyes, she restored the scene:

"Just now in the chaos, I don't know who it was, a wine bottle flew over..."


Hearing her words, the few people sitting on the other side instantly became excited:

"This woman is talking nonsense, we didn't move at all..."

But before the man finished speaking, he felt a chill on the back of his neck.

"Touch her..."

Feeling a cold gaze falling on him, a sense of fear of being stared at by a beast instantly swept through his heart.

The unfinished rebuttal turned around in his throat and was taken back. He did not dare to look at the man who was like a living devil, and turned to cover his chest and began to pretend:



They howled, and Jiang Qiyu howled with them.

As the saying goes, evil people will be punished by evil people.

Just now at the barbecue stall, they wanted to fight, and met Qi Yu, the living devil. Now in the police station, they wanted to play rogue, and they met Jiang Qiyu, who was even more rogue.

Qi Yu just sat quietly beside her and watched her howl without stopping her, and from time to time he threatened the three men sitting not far away with his eyes.

The three men couldn't fight, and couldn't win the howl. They were so frustrated that their eyes were red, and they almost burst into tears in the police station.

They shouted at each other for a few times, and the police comrades on duty at the police station at night really couldn't stand it anymore.

And looking at the bloody faces of the three gangsters, they should go to the hospital to bandage first.

So the two groups of people suspended the mediation first, and accompanied by the police, went to the hospital for examination and treatment, as well as to make an assessment of the injuries.

There were not many people in the emergency room at this time, so Jiang Qiyu simply acted out the whole set.

First, she went to the orthopedics department to check the external injuries, then took a CT scan to check the internal injuries, and finally went to the psychiatry department to confirm the mental damage.

In the end, the doctor's examination results were: it is recommended that the man behind her go to bandage first, and she doesn't need to check.

After the doctor's reminder, the two found that Qi Yu still had abrasions on his hands due to excessive force.

In this way, she brought her own large number of test results that looked bluffing, but all the tests were normal, and nervously helped Qi Yu sit on the chair in the corridor of the hospital.

She squatted beside him and asked with concern:

"I was just busy acting. Why didn't you tell me that you were injured?"


Qi Yu just looked at her strangely, paused, and then answered seriously:

"I'm afraid that if I tell you, you will make me cry with you."


"I'm embarrassed."

Jiang Qiyu glanced at him unhappily: "Then you won't be embarrassed if I cry in the police station?"

"It's embarrassing."

Facing her rolling eyes, Qi Yu lowered his eyes slightly and looked at her with a smile in his eyes:

"But it's better than me crying myself."


Despising this evil capitalist in her heart, she pursed her lips and then looked up at him slightly:

"Besides your hands, where else does it hurt?"

After saying that, he muttered to himself:"Why don't we check everything..."

The man sat quietly on the chair, looking down at the girl squatting in front of him.

His gentle eyes traced her soft hair, bright eyes, and upturned nose, and finally fell on her pink lips that seemed to be slightly pursed because of worry.


Qi Yu slowly lowered his head and approached her, with a tone of temptation:

"Are you worried about me?"

"Of course!"

Jiang Qiyu did not deny it at all, and nodded very seriously.

She looked around with a sly look, and then she also imitated Qi Yu and moved closer to him.

The distance between the two was really too far, and Qi Yu could even smell her faint sweet fragrance from the hospital corridor full of disinfectant.

Just when he was slightly stunned by the distance between them, he heard Jiang Qiyu's deliberately low voice:

"Do you have any genetic diseases, chronic diseases, infectious diseases, allergens, etc.? Let's check them out. Whether it's getting angry or athlete's foot, it's all because of them."


As soon as she finished speaking, Qi Yu's heart, which was jumping up and down just now, crashed into death. He quickly moved away from them, leaned back slightly and said with a slightly unhappy tone:



Jiang Qiyu pouted in disappointment. There was nothing she could do. She was too healthy now. She didn't even have a mouth ulcer on her body. It was hard to blame her.

I wanted to find something from Qi Yu, but this time it failed.

Isn't it said that nine out of ten CEOs in novels have stomach problems, and one has phobia of women. Why is he so energetic?


Seeing her tangled face, Qi Yu shook his injured right hand impatiently, and then moved his left foot which had been aching slightly since just now.

He spoke to the person who was trying hard to find something wrong with him:

"In addition to my hand, my heel seems to hurt a little, go and make an appointment."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the originally gloomy face gradually changed his expression, and looked at him up and down with a strange expression.

Then he raised his hand and patted his knees, stood up firmly and walked towards the registration window.

Qi Yu frowned slightly, and couldn't keep up with her jumping brain circuit.

What's going on in this person's mind?

But soon, he understood what Jiang Qiyu's slightly surprised, sympathetic, and even comforting eyes meant.

"......Is this the number you registered for?"

Looking at the registration receipt she brought back excitedly, Qi Yu felt a splitting headache and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth:

"Why did you register for the urology department?"


Jiang Qiyu was stunned, with a puzzled look on his face:

"Didn't you say that your heel hurt?"

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