Spear Teacher

Chapter 59

"Damn, this woman..."

Because Qi Yu was present, the three men restrained themselves somewhat, but they still didn't want to lose face.

One of the fat, dark-skinned men came over, looking at the two men fiercely with a fierce look in his eyes:

"Do you want to meddle in other people's business?"

Jiang Qiyu still held up the phone and ignored him, but took a step back and whispered to Qi Yu beside him in a low voice:

"Why did you stand up? Didn't I signal you with my eyes just now that I would hold them back and you should call the police?"

But Qi Yu just lowered his eyes and glanced at her, then followed her movements and moved closer, but his voice did not lower:

"I thought you just made a 6 with me."


Jiang Qiyu rolled his eyes and made a phone call gesture again: "6."

"It doesn't matter."

Qi Yu smiled at her, then took out his phone and said calmly:

"Call now."

Then, under the fierce eyes of the three men, he calmly pressed "110".


Seeing the masked man and woman in front of them so unscrupulous, and even calling the police in front of them, the men who were always arrogant immediately exploded.

One of them kicked over the table beside him, picked up the empty wine bottle under his feet with one hand and rushed up cursing:

"You fucking called the police?! I raped your woman!"

After coming over, he raised his hand with the wine bottle and prepared to hit Qi Yu on the head without saying a word.

At this time, the call to the police was just picked up.

But before the operator on the other side could speak, Qi Yu stuffed the phone into Jiang Qiyu's hand, and then went to the man with the wine bottle without hesitation, and raised his long legs-


The first man who rushed up was not tall, and Qi Yu raised his foot and kicked him cleanly in the chest.

This powerful kick almost made the strong-looking man fly backwards and hit the table where the girls had already left.

The table, which was not very strong to begin with, fell apart in an instant, and the dishes and plates were shattered all over the floor.

The other two people were furious when they saw their companions injured.

"You are looking for death!"


One of them carried a chair, and the other found a broken table leg at random, and rushed towards Qi Yu like crazy.

"Be careful!"

Jiang Qiyu told the police the location, turned around and saw the two mad dogs rushing up regardless of anything, and subconsciously warned them.

However, Qi Yu was not afraid of the two men who were coming at him aggressively. Instead, he took the initiative to step forward, sideways to avoid the wooden stick that was chopped on his head, and nimbly dodged the chair that was swung at him.

He dodged the attacks of the two without any injury, and then shook his arms that had not been used for a long time, posing a professional fighting posture.

"If you are so non-aggressive..."

He tilted his neck towards the two people who were a little slow to react, and his tone was full of contempt:

"Then I will attack you."

Coincidentally, fighting in underground casinos abroad was also a way for him to seek excitement.

And when he was fighting, he had a special hobby.



"Shut up, your mouth stinks after eating shit?"

"Bang! Bang!"

"Ah! Ah!!!"

"What are you yelling for? Your dental plaque is two taels heavier than your brain."


Then, the expressions on the faces of the onlookers changed from fear and fear to more fear and fear.

During the short ten-minute fight, the expression on Jiang Qiyu's face gradually changed from surprise at the beginning to excitement.

Halfway through, she found that the man who was kicked down wanted to struggle to get up, so she carried a bottle of wine and went around from the side.

After the man finally sat up, she aimed at the target——


After knocking the man to the ground again, she smiled awkwardly at the horrified onlookers around her, pointing at the man on the ground and sighed:

"Look at this young man, he is in good health and falls asleep as soon as he lies down!"

After the other two fell to the ground wailing, Qi Yu took the table leg he had taken and walked towards the man who had started the fight.

Jiang Qiyu didn't hit him hard just now, he was just stunned for a while and then regained consciousness.

At this time, he sat up with his head covered, but saw the man who looked like a devil Satan approaching him step by step with a wooden stick.

Hearing the endless wailing of his companions in his ears, he was speechless for a while, and tried to escape with his trembling hands to support his body.

But Qi Yu took two steps forward, stepped on his chest suddenly, shook the bloody wooden stick in his hand, and leaned over to look at the man."What did you just say?"

His expression was not fierce, and his tone was even very indifferent, but in the eyes of the man, it sounded like the whisper of a devil, which was creepy.

"I, I, I, I was wrong, I just..."

Before he finished speaking, the foot stepping on his chest exerted more and more force, making him unable to say a word.

"I don't like this sentence, please take it back."

Qi Yu shook his head, holding the huge and thick wooden stick in one hand and pretending to poke it into the man's mouth.

But just as he raised his hand, he felt his arm being pulled by someone, and then Jiang Qiyu's slightly serious voice came from behind:

"Don't be violent."

He turned his head in confusion, and saw that she was holding a steel chisel that she had picked up from someone else's food, and smiled sinisterly:

"Give me a thin one."



Before Qi Yu could make any move, the man under his feet was frightened by the two living devils and howled, rolled his eyes and fainted.

And cheers gradually came from the crowd:

"Awesome... Awesome!"

"This skill is so cool!"

"Good! Good fight!"

Jiang Qiyu came to her senses and was glad that the two were still wearing masks so that they would not be recognized on the spot.

And just as she was about to take the opportunity to escape, the sound of sirens gradually sounded in the distance.

Facing several policemen who quickly pushed through the crowd and rushed in, Jiang Qiyu pulled his teammate who had a triple kill record and said with a wry smile:

"Police comrade, what if I say... they were like this when they came?"

And the policemen looked at the chaotic scene in front of them, and the unconscious man and two screaming men on the ground, and said righteously:

"Please come with us, both of you."

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