Spear Teacher

Chapter 61

Qi Yu almost fainted from her anger.

He sent someone to cancel the appointment with the urology department, and went to the surgery department to bandage the wound.

Zhao Jin, who had just finished dealing with everything, came late after receiving the news. Without saying a word, he slid in front of him.

The heart-wrenching cry was similar to that of someone in the police station just now:

"Mr. Qi!!!"

Behind him, there was another person with a worried and anxious face.

Director Zhang, the chief director of the "You Know Love" program group.

He was seen holding a large bunch of lilies in his hand, and hurriedly stepped forward, with a tentative and fearful expression:

"Mr. Qi, are you... okay?"

He looked cautious on the surface, but he was furious in his heart.

Damn it, who on earth leaked the specific address and opening time of the theater to the fans? !

If the number of fans was not too large and the program team failed to find out in time, this ancestor would not have been out of the team.

Now he has even gone to the police station and hospital? !

The impact on the reputation of the program is not a big deal if this incident is exposed. If something goes wrong during his program, the consequences will be disastrous!

Thinking this in his mind, Director Zhang left the production team who were still live broadcasting and rushed to the hospital with Zhao Jin.

Even when Zhao Jin parked the car, he bought the largest bouquet of flowers in the flower shop at the door.

Qi Yu didn't react to his frightened look, but just nodded slightly and said:

"It's nothing serious."

After saying that, without waiting for Director Zhang to say anything more, he turned his head to look at Zhao Jin who had transformed into the King of Urgent, and his voice sank:

"You go and deal with those people."

Zhao Jin had been with him for several years, so he naturally knew what Qi Yu meant by what he said now. He nodded slightly and turned around and went out directly.

The pursuit of life is nothing but money and power.

And money and power have been inseparable since ancient times.

Those hooligans are probably still dreaming of extorting a large sum of money by relying on their injuries, but they don’t know what kind of Buddha they have provoked with this unintentional act.

After Zhao Jin left, Director Zhang seemed more reserved.

"Mr. Qi..."

He was about to explain to Qi Yu about the situation of fans at the theater entrance today, when he heard a brisk voice behind him:

"Qi Yu, you really don’t have... Director Zhang?!"

Jiang Qiyu canceled the appointment with the urology department and bought two bottles of water from the vending machine downstairs. As soon as she went upstairs, she saw Zhao Jin hurriedly greeted her and left.

As soon as she entered the room, she found Director Zhang from the program group sitting in the ward.


She was originally very happy, but now she felt embarrassed as if she had taken a good student to skip class to the Internet cafe but was caught by the head teacher on the spot.

She waved at Director Zhang in dismay, deciding to change the subject before he could teach her a lesson.

Her eyes fell on the huge bouquet of lilies he was still holding in his arms, and Jiang Qiyu pointed at it and said with a wry smile:

"Director Zhang, are you... planning to sell it?"


Director Zhang was thinking about how to explain to Qi Yu the mistake made by the production team.

When she asked him this question suddenly, he didn't think about it at the time. He just laughed dryly and said casually:

"At my age... it's not appropriate, right?"

"Ah..." Jiang Qiyu nodded, and then suddenly widened her eyes:


As soon as Director Zhang said this, he immediately realized that something was wrong, but before he could change his words, he heard a slightly smiling voice beside him:

"She was talking about flowers, Director Zhang thought it was..."

"Flowers! Of course it's flowers!"

Director Zhang was scared and broke into a cold sweat. He hugged the flowers in his arms and looked at the two people who understood immediately:

"I said that at my age, it's not appropriate to sell flowers..."

Jiang Qiyu smiled: Is that so? "

Director Zhang panicked: "Yes, yes!"

Then, he turned around and put the lilies in his arms on the table beside him, and said to the two of them seriously:

"Well, the program team temporarily said that you two were unable to attend the concert due to force majeure, and you can only return to the apartment."

As he said, he looked at Qi Yu's right hand and left foot, each with a bandage, and asked tentatively:

"But in this situation, do you still need to stay in the hospital for observation?"


Qi Yu put on his shoes and got out of bed, with a steel-like appearance and a calm tone, he said to him:

"Try not to spread what happened today, I will take care of the rest."


Jiang Qiyu's injury can be healed without a Band-Aid.

And Qi Yu's abrasion was not serious, and the two of them justFollowing Director Zhang's car, we returned to the Donglian Apartment.

They confessed in the morning, went to court in the morning, went to the cemetery in the afternoon, and went to the police station in the evening.

This one-day date, which could be called explosive in the entire entertainment industry, ended just like that.

It was already late when we returned to the apartment, and everyone went back to their rooms to rest. The lights in the living room on the first floor were all turned to the dimmest mode.

The two of them had a lot of experiences this day, and it would be a lie to say that they were not tired.

As soon as they entered the door, they both went straight to the elevator, went all the way to the top floor, said goodbye to each other, and went into their rooms neatly.

Jiang Qiyu originally thought that she could fall asleep as soon as she touched the bed, but after washing up, she lay on the bed and tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

She simply took out her mobile phone and opened the circle of friends.

[Whoever is poked with a spear will die]: I came back late at night, and saw many takeaway guys on the street still running to deliver food. Suddenly, I felt mixed emotions in my heart. Others were still eating so late, so why shouldn't I eat?

She didn't eat a single bite of the Chinese roasted bird tonight, and her stomach was already starving.

But after sending this message to her friends circle, no one responded after a few minutes.

She touched her empty stomach, and then clicked on the chat box of someone who must be still awake:

[Whoever is poked with a spear in shit will die: I'm not in a good mood now. ]

This time, it didn't take long for the other party to reply.

[Yu: Then don't say anything, I'm in a good mood and don't want to be affected by you. ]

She didn't care about his reply at all and continued to talk to herself.

[Whoever is poked with a spear in shit will die: Do you know what you should do when you are in a bad mood? ]

[Yu: I don't want to know. ]

[Whoever is poked with a spear in shit will die: You should eat when you are in a bad mood. ]

[Yu:? ]

[Whoever is poked with a spear in shit will die: Because I am sad and want to chew. 】


【Whoever is poked with a spear and stabbed with shit will die: So...[Expectation]】

【Yu: Gum? 】

【Whoever is poked with a spear and stabbed with shit will die: I don't like this sentence. 】

【Yu: Go downstairs, supper. 】

【Whoever is poked with a spear and stabbed with shit will die: Brother! You are my only brother! 】

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