Spear Teacher

Chapter 305

Finally, I still didn't tell her how to say "coward" in Japanese.

And my first real meeting with her ended in such a mess.

Good news: someone like me has awakened to self-awareness.

Bad news: All my years of hiding have been laughed at.

It's like a king suddenly realizing that he is walking naked on the street, but in order to maintain his pitiful dignity, he still has to hold his head high and insist that only smart people can see the shame of his clothes.

So early the next morning, I pulled Chi Guyuan and stepped on the slippery ground after the heavy rain and hurriedly left this small courtyard.

It's not that I fled because of what people said, but mainly because there are still a lot of jobs waiting for me as a decision maker in S City to plan and direct the country.

At this time, the huge business empire of Qi's left me, just like a fish left...

"Mr. Qi? Why did you come back early?"


Well, actually the company doesn't need me so urgently at the moment.

After all, before I left, I had already completed the project of the previous stage, and handed over all the affairs that the company needed me to handle in the past half a month, and I was ready to take a long vacation.

At this time, among the thousands of people in Qi's headquarters, I am probably the CEO who is the most idle.

Once people are idle, their thoughts begin to spread as if they are out of control.

When did she know this?

What did she think when she knew this?

Did she think that my actions in recent years were too naive?

What was she laughing at at that time?

Was she laughing at me for making a fuss and worrying about nothing?

Or was she laughing at me for taking the initiative to approach after hiding for so many years?


Perhaps the upward arc of her mouth was too sarcastic, or perhaps I was very curious about people who had awakened their self-awareness.

Or maybe it was just because of the word "coward" that made me break my defense.

Anyway, when Zhao Jin cast his inquiring eyes at me for the eighth time, I stood up with a normal expression and picked up the luggage that had just been placed in the lounge for two hours.

"Boss Qi, are you going to..."

"Book me a flight to Y City now."

"Ah? Didn't you just come back?"

"I left something there."

"What is it? Otherwise, I'll ask someone to..."



I know Zhao Jin must be cursing me, the boss, for being mentally ill at this time.

But I don't care.

I usually curse him a lot.

The second time I stayed in this homestay was only a few hours away from the last time.

But I didn't see the culprit who broke my defense immediately.

It is said that she flew to H City urgently on the day I left.

The people in the store didn't know the specific reason, but I got the answer from Chi Guyuan's powerful gossip ability.

Actually, it was nothing. Her third sister-in-law had just given birth, and Qiao Jingyuan reported that she was safe in the circle of friends. In a moment of excitement, he did not choose the photo, and only posted the time and the weight of the child.

Jiang Qiyu was quick and was the first to reply with congratulations below.

He also said, "Where did you catch such a big baby?"

Then, Mr. Qiao forcibly recalled her to the Qiao family's old house on the grounds that "You didn't even know that your third sister-in-law was pregnant, do you still have this family in your heart?"

It was amazing.

Since I met her, every behavior of this person made people feel outrageous, but if you think about it carefully, you can taste some truth.

Pretending to be deaf and dumb is a Korean female idol,

Asking your own niece where she caught it is also a question.

Jiang Qiyu is not here, I don't know if this is good news, but I was indeed relieved when I heard it.

Because I haven't thought about what to say to her yet.

After that, I went to Yulong Snow Mountain alone.

Standing on the snow and looking at the endless mountains, I suddenly remembered a sentence I had read in a book:

‘Life and the world are mostly like this. If you look at it from close up, it is not spectacular. ’

Just like the snow-capped peaks shining in the sun at this moment, they are majestic, magnificent, sacred and pure from a distance.

But if you are in it, you can only feel that the snow under your feet is thick and the steps are difficult, and the rocks ahead are steep and dangerous.

The scenery is like this, and the people are the same.

So, after coming down from the snow-capped mountains, I didn’t stay in Y City for long. The next day I flew to Africa alone according to my original plan.

Located in northeastern Tanzania, 160 kilometers south of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, the highest peak in Africa -

Mount Kilimanjaro.

This is a mountain range that extends nearly 80 kilometers from east to west. Over the years, mountaineering enthusiasts have planned seven different climbing routes for it.

A few years ago, I climbed to the top several times along the most difficult Umbwe route.

The goal every timeAll of them are trying to reach the highest peak in Africa in a shorter time, so they have never really appreciated the scenery along the way.

So this time, like most tourists who come here for the mountain, I chose a more leisurely and gentle mountaineering route.

The whole journey is more than 80 kilometers, from the foot of the tropical rainforest to the snow-covered mountaintop. In the expected six-day climbing route, due to the large altitude difference, the scenery seen every day is different.

Watching the migration of elephants at a distance of only 100 meters, crossing the canyon and climbing the rock wall in the sudden bad weather, standing above the clouds at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters overlooking the entire East African savannah, and taking advantage of the night to climb to the top, sitting on Mount Kilimanjaro at an altitude of 5,895 meters to enjoy the hard-won sunrise.

At the top of the mountain, a pair of obviously exhausted white lovers hugged and cried, and amid the cheers of several companions, the man knelt on one knee and put a ring on the woman.

This behavior is not uncommon, but I still can't understand it.

People get rid of the constraints of reality and devote themselves to nature. After going through hardships, they stand on the top of the mountain that symbolizes freedom.

But at this moment of dominating themselves, they mark each other's souls that have finally been free.

I don't understand.

And I don't need to understand.


After returning to China, I quickly put this vacation experience behind me.

I no longer have unnecessary curiosity about anyone, and of course I don't avoid it deliberately.

Naturally, I saw Jiang Qiyu again at the full moon banquet of Qiao Jingyuan's daughter.

She is still the same. Even if she is wearing a low-key champagne-colored long dress, she can easily attract the attention of most people present.

Even though she had not been in this circle for many years, she could still easily respond to others' ambiguous inquiries:

"Marriage? My boyfriend is still young, there's no rush."


"Not much younger, just three years old."


"No, three years younger than Qiao Fang."


Qiao Fang, her eldest brother's son, just 19 this year.

This conversation made some people shy away from it, but some people seemed to smell an opportunity and took the initiative to come forward to talk, with ambiguous hints in their words.

But she just gently lifted the soft hair hanging on the side of her neck in the face of these, with a peaceful smile but full of boundaries:

"Are you happy to meet me? Then you're a little too happy."


"Boyfriend? Some, what's wrong?"


"Sorry, I still want to eat something good."


I watched her being able to handle such occasions with ease and kill all around, making some people with ulterior motives blush, turn pale, and turn green, and finally couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

She is indeed a very interesting person.

If that was all, then my relationship with her would probably end here.

After all, although we both knew each other's identities, neither of us had any idea of ​​going further.

But that day, I happened to overhear her conversation with her friend.

"...Seriously, have you met the one from the Qi family today?"

"Stop, we are not suitable."

"What's wrong with us?"

"I am a human, he is a cuckold, we are reproductively isolated, and there will be no good results."


Okay, okay.

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