Spear Teacher

Chapter 304

I tried my best to defend myself, but after many years, I finally met this fateful star.

Jiang Qiyu.

Many, many years have passed since I first heard this name.

It has been so long that I thought I had forgotten the existence of this person.

But the moment Chi Guyuan called out this name, I remembered everything I knew about her.

The one who was destined to love and hate me, the crazy heroine.


At this moment, I realized that what was written in those books was not exaggerated.

As the heroine of this world, she is indeed beautiful, so beautiful that even I, as a person who avoids her, can't help but look at her sideways.

Of course, she is indeed crazy to a certain extent.

Even though we just met for only three minutes, she didn't even say a word to me.

I can see it.


If it were ten years ago, I would have turned around and ran away as soon as I heard Chi Guyuan say these three words.

I ran far away and carried the train overnight.

But now, as I grow older, I am no longer the middle school boy who was determined to "destiny in my own hands".

As I said before, I have become a business tycoon who can make a stomp of my feet at will.

So, facing the situation at this moment, I was just slightly stunned, and my expression soon returned to normal.

But in fact, I was curious about her.

Anyone who knows from childhood that he has a destined object, and will be crazy about her and bang his head against the wall for her in the future, will be curious about what kind of person the other person will be.

But I dare not be curious.

Everyone says that I, Qi Yu, am bold and never consider the consequences of doing things. I dare to say anything and dare to offend anyone.

I dare to jump from a height of 10,000 meters, dare to survive on an uninhabited desert island, and dare to take on unpopular projects that no one is optimistic about.

But in fact, no one knows that I am actually the most cautious one.

I never touch anything I am not sure of.

This time is no exception.

So I could only suppress my curiosity, change my face that deserves a beating just now, and pretend to be deep and silent.

I should actually leave here quickly, but it is pouring rain outside, and it is difficult to find another store within a few kilometers, so I can only stay temporarily.

Chi Guyuan is not stupid.

Although he does not know the inside story, he also knows that when I ruthlessly released the news of not recognizing the engagement between Qiao Qi and his two families to the media a few years ago, I had a grudge with this "ex-fiancée" whom I had never met.

So I only said to the "Korean female idol" who had lost her vest and could no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb to avoid the conversation:

We were her former fans, very fanatical ones.

Yes, I was also included.

This bastard.

However, with the familiarity of this bastard, I have greatly satisfied my long-standing curiosity about this person.

This B&B was actually opened by her. When she quit the entertainment industry, she said she wanted to enjoy life. It turned out that she opened a B&B in such a beautiful place.

I frowned.

What kind of enjoyment of life is this?

And the little girl who lied with her was her assistant when she was an artist.

She was actually not young, but she was dressed childishly and looked like a college student who had just entered the society.

Seeing that Chi Guyuan could really talk about several variety shows about Jiang Qiyu, she naturally believed what he said about "die-hard fans".

After checking us in, under Chi Guyuan's enthusiastic offensive, she half-heartedly talked about their heroic deeds in the entertainment industry in those years, and their leisurely life after retiring from the peak period.

Now is the off-season for tourism, and coupled with the heavy rain outside that has not stopped, the whole B&B is now the only guest.

As a veteran in the business world, Chi Guyuan easily got acquainted with the little assistant and tricked her into sharing her experiences in the past few years with a beaming face.

I guess he was bored and gossipy, and the assistant was aroused by the strong desire to talk.

But the person who had always been the center of the topic did not stop it, but just lowered his head to study the proportion of cocktails in front of the dazzling wine cabinet.

Seeing her enjoying it.

I couldn't help but frown again, and began to doubt how I, a patient with severe alcohol allergy, could fall madly in love with such a drunkard?

It was so absurd that it didn't seem to be made up.

So, I sat not far away and pretended to be deep and flipped through an English book, but in fact I was watching and listening.

While listening to the two people talking about her, I couldn't help but secretly observe her every move.

Even I didn't realize that my behavior at this moment was as clumsy as Chi Guyuan's casual talk.It's nonsense, just like a fanatical private fan who has been following her for many years.

But in fact, I didn't think too much about it. I was just curious about her life in the past ten years, and I wanted to know what kind of person she is.

If she knew that her future life had been planned as a love-and-death romance drama like me, would she try every means to resist like me?

Or would she look forward to meeting me?

If she was looking forward to it, would she be disappointed to know that I had deliberately avoided her all these years?

No, she seemed to have said that I was not her cup of tea.

So what is her cup of tea?


Just as I was letting my thoughts spread without boundaries, a crisp sound of glass gently colliding brought me back to reality.

I subconsciously pinched the pages of the book that I hadn't turned for a long time, and when I looked up, I met a pair of eyes with a faint smile.

I don't know when, she came to my table, holding two glasses filled with light-colored wine and smiling at me.

I was slightly startled, and before I could react, I heard her say:

"I heard that you are my fanatical fan?"

At this moment, if Qi Yu, who was in his twenties, was present, he would definitely deny, refute, and pretend to be indifferent and defensive.

But now I know that it would only make me look more clumsy.

So, facing her half-smiled and inquiring eyes, I closed the half-read page and shrugged lightly:

"It can be."

It can be, then it is not.

She was not surprised at all, sitting opposite me in a familiar manner, pushing one of the wine glasses towards me, as if chatting:

"Are you a translator?"


"Why are there so many dialects?"

"You mean, foreign languages?"

"All the same."

What is the same?

I laughed in my heart, but my face remained calm: "It's for work."

She didn't ask any more questions, but just sipped the beautiful cocktail at hand and said casually:

"Then can you teach me a few words?"

I nodded.

I raised my eyes and suddenly met her shining eyes, and the voice that was not deliberately lowered came into my ears:

"How do you say coward in Japanese?"


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