Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 819 Beautiful corpse

Zhang Yu could see Yin Dalong's current symptoms clearly. Nie Qian's situation is called a living corpse. Although she is afraid of light and has corpse spots when she wears that necklace, her body will not rot.

But Yin Dalong is different, he is considered a dead body now. In other words, it is impossible to turn into a walking corpse. The body will keep festering and will be completely rotten by then.

You know, walking zombies don't just change if they want to. It's not that easy. They need to be raised by masters of evil cultivators. Likewise, it is impossible for him to become a zombie, because a zombie's body needs to remain intact for many years before it can mutate.

After Yin Dalong ate the paper ash, his eyes quickly lit up. He looked at Zhang Yu in surprise and said, "I, what... I really don't feel itchy anymore..."

The reason why his body became like this was mainly because he scratched it. It would have been better if the skin was not broken. Once it was broken, it would start to fester immediately. This was also the reason why he was itchy just now but didn't dare to scratch it.

"Don't be so close to the river, you might fall down accidentally." Zhang Yu said lightly and took a few steps back.

Yin Dalong followed and asked curiously: "You, you can really save me... but why did you suddenly come to save me..."

Zhang Yu took out the ruby ​​necklace from his pocket and said calmly: "Do you recognize this?"

"Woof woof woof woof woof woof..." When the big black dog saw the necklace, he barked eagerly, but subconsciously backed away, seeming a little afraid.

"You..." Yin Dalong was shocked, "Where did you get it?"

"You don't have to worry about this! You just need to answer, where did this necklace come from?" Zhang Yu asked seriously this time.

"On that mountain..." Yin Dalong pointed to the mountain in the thorn.

The location of that mountain is exactly the mountain behind his house.

"On that mountain?" Zhang Yu was a little puzzled and asked, "How did this thing appear on that mountain? Did you pick it up, or how did it get here?"

"Don't mention it..." Yin Dalong shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: "I just went out some time ago, just in time for the spring busy at home. My father passed away, so I can only do these tasks. My family has some chestnuts in the mountains and two acres of peaches. , when I was picking peaches that day, a peach tree suddenly fell over. So, I went over to check, but I never thought... there was a big hole underneath... I was very curious, so I took a rope from home and followed it. Go down. The hole is not very deep. After I went down, I found that there was a tomb inside, and there was a coffin in the middle..."

Speaking of this, Yin Dalong's face showed a look of fear.

Zhang Yu asked him to calm down for a while, and then asked: "What's next?"

"I was very scared at the time, but also very excited. I was in prison and watched "Tomb Raiders". Usually when this happens, there must be treasures in the coffin. At that time, I gritted my teeth and pried open the coffin... ...In that coffin...In that coffin..." Yin Dalong said, his face became even more frightened, and after a while he said: "There is a female corpse lying...that female corpse, there is no trace of decay on her body, she looks...just like a fairy beautiful, so beautiful...I have never seen such a beautiful woman..."

When he said this, Yin Dalong was breathing heavily, as if he was excited, but also fearful.

After a while, he adjusted his mood and continued: "I originally thought that there would be at least a lot of gold and silver buried in the coffin, but it turned out that there was nothing at all around the woman, just a necklace around her neck. . I could tell that this necklace must be very valuable, so I took it off..."

"Then what? She won't survive, right?" Zhang Yu thought of this question immediately.

"If she was alive, she wouldn't have scared me to death on the spot..." Yin Dalong sighed, and then said: "After I got the necklace, I saw that there was nothing else in the tomb, so I quickly climbed out along the rope. After I came out, I went home. After I got home, my dog ​​kept barking, which made the barker upset... At that time, I didn’t know why it barked so hard. I didn’t sleep well that night. , but the next morning, I took a car into the city and planned to sell the necklace. I asked several companies, and one of them, Caiji Pawn Shop, gave me the most money, so I sold it to him... "

Zhang Yu nodded, everything seemed consistent, "Then when did you become like this? I heard from your mother that it started just the day before yesterday, and the dog barked very hard."

"The Caiji Pawn Shop gave me 800,000 yuan. I spent a few days in the city and spent 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. This feeling is really good. I went to the city to work, but I just didn’t want to stay in the city all the time. In the countryside, I want to live in the city. A necklace can be sold for 800,000 yuan. I thought about it. If I can find something else from that woman, after selling it, I can almost buy a house in the city. . So, I decided to be cruel and went down to the tomb again the day before yesterday..." Yin Dalong said through gritted teeth.

It could be seen that this time his expression was even more frightened, as if he had thought of something terrible.

Zhang Yu secretly said to himself, "You still don't know the goods. That necklace only sold for 800,000 yuan. The pawn shop sold it to Ye Rong, but it sold for 6 million." I guess if you sell these, you can buy a house directly.

Yin Dalong calmed down his nervousness and finally said again: "I went down to the tomb again. After going down this time, I suddenly found that the situation in the tomb was different from the last time I went down. The first time I went down At that time, there were stone walls all around and there was nothing. But this time, a stone door was opened... I was shocked and sat on the ground, not daring to move for a long time... I wanted to climb back quickly, but then With luck, I thought someone might have discovered the entrance, found this place, found the mechanism, and opened the stone door... I only had money in my heart. I thought that a necklace could be sold for 800,000 yuan. After I found something, I went out. Sell ​​it, and I'll make a fortune... So I bravely walked to the coffin and took a look inside... I found that the woman's body was missing..."

When Yin Dalong said this, the muscles on his face were twitching.

It is not difficult to see how frightened he was when he saw this scene.

He was breathing heavily now and shaking violently.

"What happened after that? Did you still walk into that stone door?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes." Yin Dalong gritted his teeth and nodded, his ghost-like face turned even more terrifying, "I was very scared when I saw that the woman's body was missing... But then I thought about whether there were tomb robbers. Her body was stolen...I kept comforting myself, telling myself that nothing would happen...then...then I gritted my teeth and walked into the stone door..."


Special thanks to: Mr. Wugui, Diaoerlangdang, Daomingde, Ye Buli, Xiaojiu, The New Guide, Book Friends 141228, Eric.f, Holding Hands to Watch the Sunset, Wutong, Xiangsheng Jiajia’s big reward, and today’s 50 photos Monthly passes and more than 400 recommended votes.

The support of my brothers and sisters is the biggest motivation for Lao Tie. Let’s update four chapters today. Let me take a break. It’s really too much to live with the stars and the moon every day. Thank you all for your support, I cannot thank you enough. To be honest, I was too embarrassed to ask for votes when there were not enough updates for six or seven chapters.

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