Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 820 Bronze Mirror

"What's behind that stone door?" Zhang Yu asked eagerly.

Looking at Yin Dalong's horrified expression, Zhang Yu was certain that Yin Dalong's behavior must be related to what he encountered behind the stone gate.

"I walked over slowly...I was really nervous at the time...When I walked to the stone door, I found that there was a stone room...In this stone room, there were lights on , just like the kind of lamp in ancient TV, with a red lampshade... It is decorated like a woman's bedroom, with a bed and a dressing table. On top of the dressing table, there is a bronze mirror... I don't know if the other things are valuable, but I guess that the bronze mirror must be an antique... However, I didn't dare to go in right away. I observed outside for a long time and made sure there was nothing else inside. I had the courage to walk in... My goal at that time was the bronze mirror on the dressing table, but when I saw that mirror... I, I..."

Speaking of this, Yin Dalong's face became distorted, as if he was recalling a more terrifying scene.

Zhang Yu did not ask immediately. He wanted to wait for Yin Dalong to recover from the terror.

After a minute, Yin Dalong managed to recover. He said tremblingly: "I saw... the shadow in the bronze mirror was a corpse covered with ulcers... just like what I look like now... Ah. …”

At this moment, Yin Dalong screamed in fear.

"You said... what you saw in the mirror is what you look like now..." Zhang Yu said in shock.

"That's right, that's right... I thought I saw a ghost at the time, and I was so scared that I turned around and ran away... I ran to the entrance of the cave in one breath and climbed up desperately... After crawling out... I sat on the ground and sat there for a long time. I couldn't stand up... After I recovered, I went home and never dared to go down again... But I didn't expect that from that night on, my body began to change... I started to be afraid of light, and had strange symptoms on my body. It's itchy. As long as you reach out and scratch it, a layer of skin will come off... The scratched area will start to fester... I... I... I really feel worse than death... In fact, I also know that I am about to die. ..." Yin Dalong said painfully.

As for Yin Dalong's current appearance, he is no different from a ghost. His body is ulcerated and bleeding with pus and blood. This means that he, Zhang Yu, is very courageous. If it were anyone else, he would be the same if he were not scared to death.

With such an appearance, the moment Yin Dalong saw it in the mirror, how could he not be afraid? How could he not be frightened.

At this moment, Zhang Yu couldn't help but become curious. It was simply unexpected that there would be such a thing in the world.

He was certain that the mirror must be a magic weapon. Of course, this magical weapon is used to harm people.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Yin Dalong, it is said that people die for money and birds die for food. It is actually understandable that you risk doing such a thing. After all, people not only love money, but are also full of curiosity. In the end, you The letter you left for your mother can be regarded as a filial son. In addition, I promised you before that I would save your life, so I will definitely save you. But I hope that you can be well after surviving the disaster. Be human.”

"Don't worry, I will definitely be a good person..." Yin Dalong said, and fell to his knees with a 'plop'.

He now believes that Zhang Yu is capable of saving him. He thinks that after eating the talisman ash just now, he hasn't had any itch on his body till now.

"Let's go find a quiet place and wait for dawn. Your body is afraid of light, but if you want to save your life, you must accept sunlight. Only sunlight can save you. Let's go." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"Okay, okay..." Yin Dalong nodded repeatedly.

He immediately led the way, but after walking a few steps, he said again: "Dahei, go home quickly, don't let my mother look for me everywhere. Go home! Go home!"

The big black dog was really spiritual and could understand the meaning of going home. It immediately ran in the direction of home.

After Big Black Dog walked back, Yin Dalong continued on his way and walked along the river for more than a mile.

"This place is relatively remote, and usually no one comes here." Yin Dalong said.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Lie down."

Yin Dalong was lying on the ground honestly, and Zhang Yu took out a corpse-suppressing charm and put it on his forehead.

At this moment, Yin Dalong found that he couldn't move.

"I, I...why can't I move my body..." Yin Dalong said in shock.

"Because you are not completely alive now, your body is probably a corpse. You lie here and wait. When the sun comes up, you will be in pain. I hope you can hold on and don't scream too loudly. Once attracted Many people would feel uncomfortable seeing you acting like a human being or a ghost." Zhang Yu warned.

"I know, I know... Don't worry, I've suffered all kinds of hardships..." Yin Dalong said firmly.

"That's good. When you are exposed to the sun and can move, it means you have saved your life." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes.

"Thank you... thank you..." Yin Dalong said gratefully.

Zhang Yu didn't say anything anymore, just sat cross-legged and meditated.

Although he now knows the origin of the ruby ​​necklace, he doesn't intend to rush there right away.

It is not a good time to go to the tomb at night. The reason why tomb robbers are willing to go at that time is to steal things without being discovered and they dare not act openly. And Zhang Yu was not robbing tombs, so there was no need to take risks at night. Going there in the daytime is just relative and much safer than at night.

Zhongzhou Administrative District.

It is known as the Central Plains in China, and several dynasties established their capitals here in history.

On the outskirts of Zhongzhou City, there is a large forest farm estate, which is the property of Mu Wang Qiao's family.

Although the Qiao family has a tree farm at home, they also need to purchase from outside. There was no way around it, because logging was serious thirty years ago, and the mountainous land for the forest farm that the Qiao family bought was almost completely cleared back then. The trees planted later are unlikely to grow particularly quickly, as they require many years of cultivation.

A motorcade roared towards the forest farm, carrying trees one by one on large trucks. A discerning person can tell at a glance that the trees being transported have been struck by lightning.

The car arrived at the Forest Farm Manor, and two people came out of the Rolls-Royce at the front. The young man is none other than the fifth young master, and the one beside him is Uncle Du.

Although he came back by car, the fifth young master looked very tired. For those who didn't know, one might have thought that he was also carrying the wood.

He ordered people to unload all the lightning-struck trees from the cart, a total of twelve trees. There was a hint of pride on his face, this time he had achieved great success.

"Wan Zhi, you're back." At this time, an elder in his fifties came out of the gate of the manor.

As soon as the fifth young master Qiao Wanzhi saw the person coming, he immediately smiled and shouted: "Dad, I'm back."

The fifty-year-old man is none other than the fifth young master’s father, Mr. Qiao’s third son, Qiao Kun.

Qiao Kun came to his son in a few steps. He first glanced at the thunder-cleaved trees being unloaded from the car, and then said with satisfaction: "You did a good job this time. You brought back twelve thunder-cleaved trees at once." Son, I have already told your grandfather. Your grandfather is very happy and will come out in person later."

"Dad, how can I let grandpa come out to see me? It's better for me to go in and see grandpa." Qiao Wanzhi said quickly with a smile.

"Your grandpa said that he will bring the whole family out later. We can just wait outside. You did a good job this time. You were able to purchase so much thunder split wood at once. It really makes me proud. Let's go, Take me to see it." Joaquin said happily.

After speaking, he patted his son on the shoulder, and the father and son walked toward the truck behind.

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