Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 818 Yin Dalong

Zhang Yu helped the old woman to the courtyard gate.

The courtyard door was open, and there was a large tile-roofed house inside, but the lights were not turned on, so it was completely dark.

Under the moonlight, there was a black dog tied up on the left side of the yard. The black dog was circling back and forth, barking non-stop, looking very uneasy.

"Dahei, stop barking." The old woman glanced at the black dog.

"Woof woof..." The black dog barked twice, then looked at Zhang Yu.

It was restless before, but suddenly it lay down on the ground, as if it was suddenly at ease.

"You are so good, you are barking nonsense every day, and you are not letting anyone sleep." The old woman complained, and then walked forward.

Arriving at the door of the tile-roofed house, her door opened.

Before she opened the door, Zhang Yu smelled the smell of corpses. When the door was opened, the smell was stronger, far better than the smell on Nie Qian's body.

Zhang Yu didn't believe that the old woman couldn't smell such a stench, so he deliberately asked: "Auntie, why is your house so smelly?"

"It was a little smelly yesterday, and it's even worse today. It seemed to be coming from Dalong. I asked him, but he still didn't tell me. In the evening, he got even weirder and told me that he was about to die... I didn't let him talk nonsense, but he kicked me out of the house..." the old lady cried.

Zhang Yu nodded lightly and said, "Then is he at home now? Why doesn't he turn on the light?"

"She should be at home... Dalong, Dalong..." The old woman shouted several times and walked into the house.

Zhang Yu did not help her this time, but was cautious.

As soon as the old woman entered the door, she pulled the light cord on the side. This is the main room, which is relatively spacious and very bright under the sunlight.

Zhang Yu then stepped in. There were bedrooms on the left and right sides. It was obvious that the smell in the bedroom on the right was extremely strong. He pointed to the room and said, "This must be Brother Long's room."

"Yes... Dalong, Dalong..." the old woman said as she arrived at the door of the room on the right.

The room was not closed, and Zhang Yu could really feel that there was no one inside.

The old woman went in first and pulled the light cord, and then shouted anxiously, "Big dragon... where are the people..."

Zhang Yu followed and looked inside, and sure enough, no one was there. Thick black linen was hung on the windows of the room, as if to worry about the sunlight coming in.

The smell of corpses in this room was even stronger, especially on the kang, where Zhang Yu could see red and white pus and blood intertwined.

On the edge of the kang, there is a piece of paper with a pen pressed on it.

"Where's Dalong? Why is he missing..." The old woman panicked, and she followed him out of the room and ran towards the opposite bedroom.

Zhang Yu did not follow him, but came to the edge of the kang and looked at the piece of paper.

On this piece of paper, some words were written crookedly, and there was even pus and blood on the paper.

"This..." Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He was brave enough to be an expert, so he reached out and picked up the paper.

What I saw above was: Mom, when you read this letter, I will have already left. I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for Dad. Don't look for me anymore. I left you a sum of money, which is under the quilt in your room. Live a good life, your son is unfilial.

The content was very simple, but Zhang Yu could tell that the man's hands were shaking when he was writing. He didn't know whether it was because he was too sad or something. In addition to pus and blood, there were tears on it.

"Dalong! Dalong..." the old woman shouted anxiously, now re-entering the room, "Dalong is gone, I don't know where he went... what should I do... what should I do..."

"I'll go find him!" Zhang Yu said solemnly and walked out quickly.

Zhang Yu knew that Yin Dalong's current condition was very serious and he was afraid that he was about to die. Zhang Yu was not sure why this was happening, but one thing was certain: it was related to the necklace.

After leaving the main room, Zhang Yu glanced around. He didn't bring his fortune-telling chart with him. It was obviously not an easy task to find Yin Dalong like this. When his eyes fell on the dog, an idea immediately came to him.

He rushed to the side of the big black dog in a few steps. The black dog suddenly stood up, but it had no intention of attacking like Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu untied its rope and said: "I hope you can understand what I say. If you want to save your master, just take me to find him!"

"Woof woof..." The big black dog barked twice and ran directly outside.

Zhang Yu didn't hesitate and quickly chased after him.

The old woman looked puzzled and just cried, "Dalong, Dalong... where have you been..."

Zhang Yu followed the big black dog and ran towards Xiezili, passing through a rice field, and could vaguely see a river in front of him.

This place is called Sanjia River. There must be a river. From a distance, the bright moonlight reflects into the water, which is very beautiful.

Not long after, when Zhang Yu got closer, he could already see a figure standing by the river.

"Woof woof woof woof woof woof..." The big black dog started barking crazily.

When the figure by the river heard the cry, he turned around and said, "Dahei..."

Zhang Yu heard his voice and shouted quickly: "Yin Dalong! Don't jump into the river! I can save you!"

The man was even more stunned when he heard Zhang Yu's voice. At this stall, Dahei had already come to his side.

Yin Dalong asked feebly: "Who are you?"

"Someone who can save you!" Zhang Yu said, already running to Yin Dalong.

He could clearly smell the strong corpse stench, which was far worse than the smell on Nie Qian's body. It's almost the same as the smell in Xiaowengshan's fence yard.

Looking at Yin Dalong in front of him again, under the moonlight, his face was blue and somewhat ulcerated, with a lot of pus and blood flowing out of it. Not to mention how terrifying that appearance is, even Zhang Yu, if you were an ordinary person, would probably be scared to death.

He didn't have any clothes on, and his body was riddled with holes, which made him look unattractive. The ulcers on his body, which had probably been dead for several months, looked like this.

There is no problem in saying he is a ghost.

"Can you save me?" Yin Dalong obviously didn't believe it.

After saying this, he grabbed the left chest with his right hand. It could be seen that his hand was trembling, as if he wanted to scratch it, but he didn't dare to do it.

"Woof woof woof..." The big black dog barked several times and wagged its tail at Zhang Yu.

"Don't worry, there should be no problem." Zhang Yu said, taking out an evil talisman from his pocket.

With a "pop", the evil-repelling talisman spontaneously ignited and turned into paper ashes.

Yin Dalong was obviously shocked, "This..."

Zhang Yu handed him the paper ash and said, "Eat this first, and your body will stop itching..."

"Will it work..." Yin Dalong somewhat didn't believe it, but Zhang Yu's skills were so shocking that people had to believe it.

He stretched out his hand, which was covered with pus and blood. Zhang Yu put the paper ash into his palm.

"Uh..." Yin Dalong immediately cried out in pain, and a cloud of green smoke came out of his palm.

However, this guy was tough and didn't throw it away. Instead, he said: "It's a pleasure..."

Immediately, he opened his mouth, stuffed the paper ash into his mouth, and swallowed it.

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