Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 701 Secrets of the Past (Seventh Update)

The photo has turned yellow, and it can be seen that it is quite old.

Zhang Yu picked up Xia Yuechan's photo and looked at it. He quickly realized that this woman was not Xia Yuechan. Her age was not proportional to the age of the photo.

Gradually, he was able to determine that this woman was most likely Ouyang Yanyan.

He looked at the photos one by one. He didn't know many people here. In his impression, he could only recognize one as the manager who committed suicide in front of him today, and the other as Tu Shanqian.

Zhang Yu followed and looked at the medicine bottles. The medicine bottles were sealed and had not been opened. Maybe because of the age, even if they were sealed, they would evaporate. Now there are less than half of the bottles left.

There are names of medicines on the medicine bottle. Zhang Yu probably has two types of medicines, one is called "Donamisin" and the other is called "Yanamisu".

Zhang Yu was not sure what these two medicines were used for. After all, he was only a Chinese medicine practitioner and not related to Western medicine.

As for the connection between these photos and these two medicines, perhaps the answer can be found in these two notepads.

Zhang Yu picked up a notepad and opened it. This notebook was like a diary, but it was not recorded every day, but only occasionally. But looking at the date, it was very old, more than twenty years ago.

The contents of the first few pages can record the cheating schedule of the person involved. There are some names coming and going. These people should be members of the gang. Among the names that often appear are Qian Ge, Yang Yan, Santai Pao, Shuai Bin, Tian Tian, ​​etc.

Immediately afterwards, such a record appeared.

"We were arrested by the patrol today. The person who arrested us was Luo Xiao, deputy inspector of the Security Team of the Zhenhai Patrol Headquarters. But he did not punish us, but asked us to do things for him. From tomorrow on, we will be someone Now that he has become a con man, Brother Qian will open an underground casino. It’s exciting to think about it.”

The following content is about three days of fishing and two days of surfing the net. The content written down is nothing more than making money today.

"In the past year, we have made a lot of money, but all the money was taken away by Luo Xiao, a bastard. Brother Qian could only secretly give us a little bit, and the money we earned was not as good as before. The only advantage is, Maybe you don’t have to worry about it.”

"This year, the bastard Luo Xiao was promoted and became the detective of the security team. Needless to say, he must have been bought with the money we earned."

"Our underground casino has been upgraded, and now we have opened an entertainment city. The older ones can take charge of the overall situation. I am the only one who is younger and can only deceive gamblers in the casino."

"There has been a severe crackdown recently, and our entertainment city has been sealed. Luo Xiao became the deputy chief inspector of the patrol house. He said that he had contacted several shareholders and wanted to build an entertainment city on the sea. From now on, we will start drifting on the sea. .”

"A few foreigners came today and said they wanted to make a big deal. Luo Xiao asked us to go to the Biological Research Institute to find a person named Xia Zheng and get a piece of research information from him. He wanted to let Yang Yan and I I went to carry out this task, but Brother Qian said that I was too young to be promoted, so I was replaced by Tian Tian. In fact, I am not young anymore."

"This beast, Luo Xiao, actually assaulted me. I want to kill him!"

"Brother Qian asked me to obey. We are just Luo Xiao's tools now. If we resist, we will all die."

"The beast I obeyed today, I overheard him talking to a foreigner at night. They wanted to give Yang Yan, Tian Tian, ​​and the man named Xia Zheng a drug called Donamisin. I I didn't dare to say anything, so I went back and told Brother Qian about the matter. Brother Qian finally told me why he didn't let me carry out this task in the first place. It turned out that I would be silenced. Should I inform Yang Yan and Tian Tian? What about this Donamisu? What?"

"I finally listened to Brother Qian and did not inform Yang Yan and Tian Tian. It turns out that Donamisin is a chronic poison. After taking it, people can be poisoned and die without knowing it. The symptoms of death look like It's stomach cancer. It's really scary. I don't want to stay here anymore. But where can I go? I seem to have no way out. I regret becoming a con man."

"We can't contact Yang Yan. Did she find something and escape? In fact, that's fine."

"Yang Yan is back. She said she was traveling with Xia Zheng and couldn't notify her at the moment. Is this really the case?"

"Another piece of information was sent back today. Yang Yan said that this is the last piece of information because the relevant departments of the PCPD have stopped this research."

"Tian Tian seems to have died. Logically speaking, it shouldn't have happened so quickly. I feel really sorry for her. I was the one who should have died. It won't be long before it's Yang Yan's turn."

"Xia Zheng is dead, only Yang Yan is left."

"There has been no news from Yang Yan for several days."

"Yang Yan came back today, and she brought someone with her. This person was so powerful. He poisoned us all. Santai Pao and Shuai Bin didn't believe his words, so they died of intestinal rupture. Will I do the same? so?"

"Luo Xiao, the damned one, finally got his comeuppance. That weirdo poisoned Luo Xiao, and from now on, Yang Yan's Ocean Entertainment City will be Yang Yan's. She asked us to stay and work for her and help her make money. Maybe this is God’s will, I’m sorry for them, it seems like this is the only way to go from now on.”

"That weirdo actually used living people to conduct experiments! It's really scary! What Xia Zheng originally studied turned out to be subunit, a drug that can mutate living things. The monster was injured by his own test product. It's really scary. He deserves it. It’s just that we were all poisoned, so we still hope he doesn’t die.”

"I have been promoted to the manager of the casino. In fact, Yang Yan is very good to me. To be precise, Brother Qian and I should owe her and Tian Tian. That weirdo seems to have been told by Yang Yan and promised not to do anything on the boat in the future. Experiment. The rules of the entertainment city have also been changed. I’m afraid I can’t keep a diary anymore. Just keep these things here. Maybe it’s my memories, maybe I won’t have the chance to see these again in the future.”

After Zhang Yu finished reading the diary, he re-examined the two medicines.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the manager's expression when he died, and there seemed to be a sense of relief.

"Yang Yan..."

Zhang Yu unconsciously picked up the photo of Ouyang Yanyan again and muttered repeatedly, "Ouyang Yanyan... Yang Yan... Ouyang Yanyan..."

Suddenly, he thought of another person, "Xia Zheng! Xia Zheng... his surname is Xia... Xia Yuechan... why is it such a coincidence... Ouyang Yanyan and Xia Zheng... Xia Yuechan and Ouyang Yanyan look so similar... Could it be that Xia Yuechan is Ouyang Yanyan’s daughter?”

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu picked up another notebook.

As soon as he opened it, Zhang Yu found that there were a lot of papers inside. Zhang Yu picked up the top few pages. They were all photocopies, and the title was - Academic Report on Biological Variation.

There were six reports in total, and they were continuous, but they got stuck at the end. It seems that it was in response to what the manager said in the diary that this academic research was stopped.

However, what is surprising is that there are two academic reports on biological variation 5 and 6 respectively. The contents of these two documents are actually very different. They are very different.

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