Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 700 Information (sixth update)

"Maybe it's a deserved reputation. Most of the academic talents in the country are exaggerated." Luo Xiao said disapprovingly.

"If Mr. Luo says that, he is clearly trying to trick us." Will's face became serious.

"Mr. Will, what are you talking about? All the people who performed the mission have been silenced, and I have never seen that information. After so many years, you suddenly come to me and tell me that that information is false. Then Who do you want me to talk to to reason with?" Luo Xiao said angrily.

"Okay... Since Mr. Luo said so, let me show Mr. Luo something else..." Will said, taking out a photo from the briefcase under his arm and handing it to Luo Xiao, and then said : "I also know that those who performed the mission back then were silenced. But... why is this woman alive and well now? Can you give us an explanation?"

Luo Xiao was stunned when he saw the woman in the photo. The woman above was none other than Ouyang Yanyan.

Luo Xiao then said: "Is she still alive? I'm not sure."

Seeing Luo Xiao like this, Will's face became even more ugly, and he said in jerky Mandarin: "I have already experienced the characteristics of your domestic public offices. What they are best at is prevarication, prevarication, and kicking the ball! This time I'm here to find you. You have conducted a detailed investigation before, the purpose is to prevent you from openly cheating! Come and see this again..."

As Will said, he took out a stack of photos from his briefcase and threw them in front of Luo Xiao. He said sternly: "As far as we know, although Xia Zheng was married before his death, he had no children. How come one suddenly appeared?" Daughter. Also, why does this girl look exactly like the woman who performed the mission? Also, why did your offshore entertainment city suddenly become like this? Our organization is very dissatisfied with this matter. The higher-ups have already issued a death order to me. If If I can’t get the real information back this time, I’ll be dead! But before I die, I’ll definitely have a lot of people behind me!”

After saying this, Will's eyes were already widened. Looking at his posture, he seemed to want to tear Luo Xiao to pieces on the spot.

Luo Xiao glanced at the photos in front of him, with a look of helplessness on his face, then smiled bitterly and said, "Then kill me."

"You..." Will grabbed Luo Xiao's collar, but then let go. He calmed down and said calmly: "Luo, what happened? You were a powerful figure back then... If you encounter If you have any problems, you can tell us and we will definitely help you..."

"You can't help. If you think there's any problem, just kill me." Luo Xiao shook his head and said.

"Our organization won't be able to help, how is that possible? Just tell me...if I can't help, I'll leave right away!" Will said seriously.

"I have been poisoned by a chronic poison. This poison is very strange. I need to take the antidote once every three months. If I don't take it, I will die immediately from intestinal perforation and rottenness. When I die, it will be extremely painful..." Luo After Xiao finished speaking, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"It turns out you were held hostage, what did I say..." Will stood up and said: "Don't worry, our organization is full of talents, and it's just poison, it's nothing. I'll let Smith in now. , help you take a look."

"Mr. Will, can you really help me get rid of this poison?" Luo Xiao's eyes lit up.

"Don't worry, we can't save the dead, but we can cure anyone who is alive." Will said confidently.

"Okay! If you can cure me, then I will tell you everything and help you find what you are looking for!" Luo Xiao said seriously.

"No problem!" Will said and immediately left the study.

After a while, he came in with a man in his fifties wearing a black robe. In this outfit, he looks like a priest.

As soon as the door closed, Will said: "Mr. Smith, Mr. Luo has been poisoned. See if you can cure him."

Smith came to Luo Xiao's side. He raised his old hand and slid it back and forth three times on Luo Xiao's body.

Luo Xiao and Will both watched his actions without blinking. When he stopped, Luo Xiao said, "Did you see anything?"

"There can be seven or eight bugs in your body. These bugs are sleeping now, but once they wake up, they will reproduce and eat up the organs in your body as quickly as possible. If my guess is correct, it will definitely Someone is using a drug to make these bugs sleep all the time." Smith said seriously.

After hearing this, Luo Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately said, "Mr. Smith is right, so is there any way you can resolve it?"

"Although I can see this, curing diseases and saving people is not my strong point. However, I know a friend who has this ability." Smith said.

"Who?" Will asked immediately.

"It's the Reverend Lalana of the Zhenhai Christian Association. He has great abilities, but he rarely shows them. Most people can't ask him. But he should give me this face." Smith said.

"Then you go and ask for the great priest Lalana." Will said.

Santai Street, Keda Community.

This is an old-fashioned community. Perhaps because the buildings are too dense, no developers are interested.

At night, Zhang Yu came here alone.

The handover took place in the Zhenhai Patrol Headquarters in the afternoon. It didn't take long and the procedures were very simple, but everyone could see that Tu Shanqian was destined to die. Maybe even Tu Shanqian himself understood this. Maybe that night, news will be revealed that he committed suicide for various "absurd" reasons, and even the means of suicide will be very absurd, but no one will care about this kind of thing.

After entering the building of the second unit, Zhang Yu went directly to the fifth floor. Outside the door of 501, he knocked lightly several times, but there was no sound from inside. He took out the master key borrowed from Pan Yun from his pocket, opened it lightly, and the door opened.

This house is not big, just an ordinary two-bedroom house. Zhang Yu can be sure that there is no one in the house. He closed the door and turned on the light.

The place looked like it hadn't been lived in for a long time, and the furniture and floors were covered in dust. Zhang Yu slowly walked into the bedroom. The room was not very big. There was a double bed in the middle. The luggage on the bed was neatly arranged, but it was old and no one had touched it for a long time.

The things were on the floor under the bed. Zhang Yu carefully pushed the bed aside slowly. Not to mention, Zhang Yu could see at a glance that the gap in the floor was obvious and could be pried open.

When he opened Shen Yu's father's coffin, he encountered a sneak attack from a snake. This time, Zhang Yu did not pry open the floor immediately. Instead, he felt it with his mind's eye and made sure there was no living thing before he started to pry open the floor.

Looking below, there is a large brown paper bag.

He opened his pocket and dumped the contents onto the bed, his eyes flashing warily.

There is no danger. Go and look at the things poured out on the bed. There are two notepads, a few small bottles, and twenty or thirty photos.

What a coincidence, the person in the top photo looks so familiar, isn't it Xia Yuechan.


There are still four chapters left, and we can make it out before dawn! !

No more nonsense here, just do what you say, and if you say you will update ten times, you will update ten times.

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