Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 702 Coincidentally (eighth update)

Although Zhang Yu does not have high academic qualifications, he also knows what biological mutation means. For example: a chicken has four legs, a turtle has two heads...

These all fall under the category of biological variation.

Zhang Yu was not very interested in these things. What made him curious was why there were two documents with the same name, and he was so surprised.

Zhang Yu continued to look through the notepad, and then saw another piece of paper as thin as cicada wings. The font is different from the manager's, it looks like a man's handwriting.

"Little sister, this academic research has been stopped. Our situation is also very dangerous, and we may also be silenced. I asked you to carry out the task this time. The actual purpose is to let you take these things and hide them first. At the end of the month I will call you that day to make sure it is safe. The last two academic reports that were sent to me made me unpack them. They were specially made by experts. There should be no problems in a short time. I have thought about it. If something happens to me, you will never come back. There is a card here with 1 million in it. Find a remote place to hide and live a good life. Those foreigners will find out sooner or later if they get false information. He will cause trouble for Luo Xiao and let them bite each other."

There was no signature on the letter, but Zhang Yu could vaguely guess that it was probably written by Tu Shanqian to the manager.

It can be seen from the previous diary that Tu Shanqian took great care of this manager.

"No wonder there are two reports here. It turns out that one is fake." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.


In an instant, an idea popped into Zhang Yu's mind.

He immediately packed up his things, pushed the bed back into place, and left the room.

At this moment, Zhang Yu has realized a problem, that is, the manager asking him to pick up these things is tantamount to asking Zhang Yu to help her take revenge.

In the eyes of the manager, Zhang Yu is definitely not an enemy. The real enemy should be Luo Xiao.

Similarly, Zhang Yu also realized a problem. The weirdo Ouyang Yanyan brought on board must be Yin Xiong. Yin Xiong only drugged Luo Xiao and did not take Luo Xiao's life. This obviously shows that Luo Xiao has considerable power in the eyes of Yin Xiong and Ouyang Yanyan. Use value.

If you go through Luo Xiao, you may be able to find Yin Xiong.

He took a taxi and called Pan Yun. Inspector Pan was resting at home in the city-center community.

When they arrived at the place, the two met, and Zhang Yu showed Pan Yun all the things he had obtained.

Pan Yun was also shocked when he saw it.

I simply didn’t expect that Ocean Entertainment City would dare to commit such a major crime. But just imagine, the people on the ship have never done any small cases.

Immediately afterwards, Pan Yun picked up the phone, apparently wanting to call someone. Zhang Yu quickly said: "What are you doing?"

"I want to inform Inspector Bai about this and catch all these people in one go!" Pan Yun said seriously.

"Put it down. I understand what happened today. As long as it involves any matters involving the public office, the case will be trivialized. Maybe the last one will ask Luo Xiao to commit suicide, and the case will be closed." Zhang Yu said .

"You understand very quickly now. What do you think we should do?" Pan Yun looked at Zhang Yu.

"Is this Luo Xiao alive now?" Zhang Yu wanted to make sure first.

"He's not dead. He retired from the position of Deputy Chief Inspector of the Patrol Headquarters. He should be retiring in the old patrolman's family compound now." Pan Yun said.

"Other things, I think, should be secondary. The most important thing is to kill that Yin Xiong. I think, Luo Xiao was drugged by Yin Xiong, so he must hate Yin Xiong, and in Yin Xiong's eyes, he It must be of use value. We use Luo Xiao to lure Yin Xiong out, and then kill him, which can be regarded as getting rid of one harm. After Yin Xiong is killed, it will be too late to handle the case." Zhang Yu said.

"That's true." Pan Yun nodded and said, "Then let's go find Luo Xiao early tomorrow morning."

"Forget tomorrow, strike while the iron is hot." Zhang Yu said.

"I'm quite impatient, okay, let's go." Pan Yun nodded and said.

At that moment, Zhang Yu and Pan Yun left, went downstairs and got into Pan Yun's car, heading to the compound of the old patrolman's family.

If Zhang Yu wanted to enter a place like this, he would probably have to work hard, since it was not within the system after all. But if Pan Yun is here, it will be much easier. It was now around eight o'clock in the evening. When he came to the compound of the old patrolman's family, Pan Yun showed his ID, indicating that he was here to visit the old leader.

This kind of thing happens often, not uncommonly. It’s even more normal to miss meals. The guard didn't say much and let them in directly.

Arriving at the door of Luo Xiao's house, Pan Yun knocked on the door several times, and an old woman's voice sounded from inside, "Who is it?"

"Hello, aunt, I'm here to visit Inspector Luo." Pan Yun said.

As soon as she heard a girl's voice, the old woman opened the door. She didn't know Pan Yun or Zhang Yu, so she asked again: "Are you from the patrol room too?"

"I used to work in the Zhenhai Patrol Head Office, and later I was transferred to the Zhendong Patrol Head Office. This time I passed by and came to visit the old leader." Pan Yun said with a smile.

As soon as she heard this, the old woman understood what was going on. She probably wanted to follow Luo Xiao's path and then return to the Zhenhai Patrol Headquarters.

Even though Luo Xiao has retired, he still has a certain reputation in the patrol headquarters, and he promoted many people that year. In general, it is better to give some face.

The old woman said: "It turns out that it's not a coincidence that you came here. Lao Luo went out to eat with some foreign friends in the evening and he hasn't come back yet."

"About what time can we come back?" Pan Yun asked deliberately.

"I'm not sure about that. He said there's no need to wait for him tonight," the old woman said.

"Then... Auntie... we will go back and come back tomorrow." Pan Yun said.

"That's fine." The old woman smiled.

Pan Yun and Zhang Yu could only leave angrily. After leaving the compound, Pan Yun said, "Let's go, I'll see you off."

"No, I'll just take the bus myself. I'll leave your things here and we'll call you tomorrow morning." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he got out of the car.

"What's wrong with you?" Pan Yun curled his lips when he saw Zhang Yu just leaving.

Zhang Yu smiled playfully and took a taxi to leave.

However, he didn't go very far. After turning two corners, he asked the driver to stop and got out of the car.

At this moment, Zhang Yu had a hunch that the foreign friends who invited Luo Xiao away were most likely the same foreigners who wanted to obtain the research report on mutant organisms.

The purpose of these people may coincide with his, which is to contact Yin Xiong through Luo Xiao.

Zhang Yu did not tell Pan Yun this speculation because he thought it was very dangerous. In addition, this is just my guess, and I can't be sure. What I want to do now is just to investigate.

He took out the eight-character fortune-telling disk from his pocket, bit the tip of his tongue, and within a moment, the compass needle began to rotate. That day, he placed a talisman on Ouyang Yanyan's body, not only to prevent Ouyang Yanyan from running away, but also to use her to find Yin Xiong.

This time, the actions of foreigners will most likely involve Ouyang Yanyan.

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