Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 679 Hypnosis

Inside the Office of Special Illnesses.

The head nurse is currently recording something on the desk and chair.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, "Dang Dang Dang"

She quickly closed the book and shouted: "Come in!"

The door opened and an old man walked in, it was Shen Wansan.

When she saw it was him, the head nurse was stunned. Then she stood up and shouted, "Why are you here? Isn't this the time to go out?"

"I can't find my cornucopia." Shen Wansan walked towards the head nurse bitterly.

The head nurse frowned and said, "Go back first and I'll find it for you later!"

However, Shen Wansan did not retreat but advanced and had already arrived at the desk.

"Tell you to go back, you."

The head nurse spoke dissatisfiedly again, but before she could finish her words, Shen Wansan's hand waved in front of her eyes, and she sat back on the chair.

Her eyes were closed, and she seemed to be asleep.


Shen Wansan snapped his fingers, and then the head nurse opened her eyes, but her eyes were dull and lifeless.

"What's your name?" Shen Wansan asked suddenly.

"My name is Liu Li." The head nurse replied dully.

"Do you know Yin Xiong?" Shen Wansan asked again.

"I don't know." Liu Li replied.

"What kind of medicine are you giving these patients?" Shen Wansan asked again.

"I don't know." Liu Li said.

"Then you know the effects of each medicine, right?" Shen Wansan asked.

"You know, there are aphrodisiacs, there are drugs that make people dementia, and there are drugs that make people weak," Liu Li said truthfully.

"Why did you test the medicine on patients?" Shen Wansan asked.

"My son has a terminal disease that cannot be cured. A man came to me and said that as long as I listened to him, he would cure my son's disease and give me a reward of 200,000 yuan a month. In order to save my son, I I agreed." Liu Li said.

"Then your son's disease has been cured?" Shen Wansan asked again.

"It's cured." Liu Li said blankly.

"What does the person who treats your son look like?" Shen Wansan asked.

"Never seen it." Liu Li agreed.

"How come I haven't seen it before?" Shen Wansan asked.

"My son is picked up every time. According to him, he is blindfolded after getting in the car. He doesn't know where he went or who treated him," Liu Li said. .

"Where do you get these medicines from? What specifically did that person ask you to do?" Shen Wansan asked.

"These medicines were delivered by a young man. That person asked me to give the medicine to the patient and record the patient's condition after taking the medicine. Every Wednesday, he would ask a young man to deliver the medicine to me and take away the recorded results. "Liu Li replied.

"What does the person who does the work look like? What does the young man who delivers the medicine look like?" Shen Wansan asked.

"That man is in his forties, looks gentle, and is nearly 1.8 meters tall." Liu Li immediately described the appearance of the two people.

After hearing this, Shen Wansan nodded and said, "Forget everything I asked you."

"Yes." Liu Li agreed.

"Pa!" Shen Wansan snapped his fingers, and Liu Li leaned forward and fell asleep on the table.

Shen Wansan turned around and left, but before he went out, a figure left faster.

Zhang Yu returned to the activity room, feeling surprised and happy.

I was shocked that this Shen Wansan was so powerful and could also perform hypnosis. Fortunately, although I found out that Liu Li was testing medicine on patients, I didn't know what the motive was. Now, I understood everything at once.

In addition, Shen Wansan mentioned a person's name. This person was called Yin Xiong, and he didn't know what it had to do with this matter.

But Zhang Yu could realize that Shen Wansan should know a lot, at least much more than he did.

The break was only for an hour. Zhang Yu pretended to be crazy while waiting for Shen Wansan to come back. But until the break time was over, Shen Wansan didn't come back.

All the patients were sent back to the ward by the nurses. Zhang Yu also returned to the ward, but still did not see Shen Wansan.

At this moment, Zhang Yu understood that Shen Wansan must have left.

I originally planned to learn something from Shen Wansan's mouth, but now, he will not come back after he finds out the matter. Zhang Yu couldn't help but regret a little. If he had known earlier, he would have gone directly into the house and forced Shen Wansan to tell the truth.

After sitting for a while, Zhang Yu looked at Shen Wansan's bed. He immediately remembered that he had taken something out from under the pillow to eat. He wanted to check it out, so he started doing somersaults and somersaults. He quickly jumped onto Shen Wansan's bed and grabbed a pillow.

However, there was nothing under the pillow.

Zhang Yu secretly resented that this old guy seemed to be quite cautious in doing things, so he had no choice but to continue flipping a few times. He jumped to the ground and rolled a few times. Suddenly, he saw a leaf under Shen Wansan's bed.

"Huh?" He rolled over, grabbed the leaves into his hands, and took a closer look. The leaves looked like horse hooves.

"Horse hoof leaf" was Zhang Yu's first reaction, but he soon realized that it didn't look like it.

Zhang Yu had never seen this kind of leaf before. It looked very similar to a horse's hoof leaf. After seeing it, ordinary people would definitely mistake it for a horse's hoof leaf.

The function of water chestnut leaves is to remove wind and cold, and treat dizziness and general pain. The kind of medicine they take may be of some use if water chestnut leaves are used to fight it, but overall, it is of no avail.

"What kind of leaf is this? Is this what Shen Wansan was eating?" Zhang Yu knew a lot of medicinal materials, but in the world, there were always things he didn't know.

He put the leaves away and waited to ask Uncle Grand Master later. He could tell that Sun Zhaoyi's medical skills should be superior to his.

In the next two days, Zhang Yu lived a life of testing medicine. On the third day, a woman and three police officers came to the mental hospital to visit Zhang Yu.

The woman was Sister Ping, who dressed very young and claimed to be the daughter-in-law of "Zhang Yu". She threatened that "Zhang Yu's" brother secretly sent people to a mental hospital in order to fight for the family property.

When the mental hospital heard that this was the case, it could only allow the two parties to meet. After all, there were patrol officers present. After the meeting, Zhang Yu winked at Sister Ping. Sister Ping immediately understood and asked to take Zhang Yu out of the hospital to fight his brother's inheritance lawsuit.

When the hospital saw this situation, the patrol officer also asked that the person be taken away, so they had no choice but to discharge him.

All this seemed seamless. Zhang Yu and Sister Ping got into a patrol car, and Pan Yun was driving.

As soon as he got in the car, Pan Yun asked: "How was the investigation?"

"We have a clue, let's talk about it when we get back." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Sister Ping on the side also knew that it was because she was nearby, so it was probably inconvenient for her to know this kind of thing.

In fact, she didn't want to know, so she just said: "You two...I performed pretty well, right?"

"You behaved very well. Don't worry, after I go back, I will fulfill my promise and commute your sentence first, and then let you go on parole. But if you want to, you are not allowed to be a pimp anymore," Pan Yun said.

"I won't dare anymore..." Sister Ping said quickly.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "Let's do this. After you get out, come to work in my company. This will save each of you work and avoid evil ways in the future."

"Thank you, boss." Sister Ping said excitedly.

Seeing Sister Ping's ability in disguise, Zhang Yu thought that she was also very useful and could be used someday in the future.


Special thanks to: Nanan Liuyun, Diaoerlangdang, Fried Mushrooms, Yingcheng loves reading, MD Xiaomin sister’s reward, and today’s 25 monthly tickets and 300 recommendation tickets.

Warm congratulations to Sister Xiao Min for being promoted to Hall Master.

By the way, today's recommendation votes are a bit bleak. Could it be that I have to go to work on Monday?

I will update four chapters today. Tomorrow’s chapter is very crucial and I still need to think about it.

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