Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 678 There is a problem

"Never cross the Heaven Bridge, there is a ghost over there. Never cross the Heaven Bridge, there is a ghost over there."

A man in his fifties would only say this.

Zhang Yu knew there was surveillance here and deliberately shouted: "Hey! What kind of monster are you!"

"Never cross the Heaven Bridge, there is a ghost over there. Never cross the Heaven Bridge, there is a ghost over there."

"There are ghosts! Old Sun once made trouble in the underworld, but he is not afraid of ghosts!" As he said this, Zhang Yu grabbed the wrist of the fifty-year-old man.

After just a touch, his pulse was normal. He then used his mind's eye to check the man's three souls and seven souls.

Zhang Yu was shocked at this sight.

It turns out that in a man's body, there is only the soul of life. There are no heavenly souls, earthly souls, or other seven souls at all.

You know, if the two souls of heaven and earth disappear in a person's body, the soul of life will leave the body immediately. In addition, if the central soul is gone, the life soul will also leave the body. Not to mention that this person's body is missing two souls and seven souls. How does this life soul stay in the body?

Normally, this person should die!

It can be said that even if this person is alive, he is still a living dead.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but sigh, the world is so big, there are so many wonders, and there is such a number.

At this stall, Shen Wansan came out of the toilet, still holding his cornucopia carefully. Zhang Yu ignored him and deliberately pushed the man in front of him, then somersaulted around the room, struggled, and continued to shout: "I am the Monkey King!"

Zhang Yu discovered that pretending to be mentally ill is not an easy task. If he had known better, he would not have pretended to be Sun Wukong. It would have been nice to be quieter instead.

Look at Shen Wansan, how trouble-free he is. Of course, I'm not pretending.

After struggling for a while, Zhang Yu was a little tired, so he went to bed to rest.

With a click, the big iron door outside opened, and the head nurse led four more nurses in. This time they brought food. Two male nurses directly pressed the man in his fifties onto the bed and poured food into it without any explanation. The level was simply shocking.

He was very polite to Zhang Yu and Shen Wansan. Shen Wansan was served a bowl of braised pork and a bowl of rice on the dining table. Shen Wansan held the cornucopia in one hand and ate with chopsticks in the other.

In front of Zhang Yu, there was a bowl of cabbage stewed with tofu and a bowl of rice.

To be honest, Zhang Yu was really hungry. He scratched his head deliberately and shouted: "Why should he eat braised pork? I am just cabbage and tofu!"

"Monkey, have you forgotten that you have taken refuge in my Buddha? Believe it or not, I will recite the tightening mantra!" the head nurse immediately said seriously.

It seems that the head nurse is very experienced in this kind of fantasy schizophrenia.

"Bodhisattva! Then I can eat peaches!" Zhang Yu said with a bitter face.

"I'll give you peaches later. Eat your fasting meal first!" the head nurse said.

"Yes, Bodhisattva." Zhang Yu started to eat. After only a few bites, he realized something was wrong.

There was a trace of purple air that was entangled in his body. Zhang Yu was startled and quickly raised his energy to resolve it.

Fortunately, his Qi was quite strong and he quickly defused the purple Qi.

He could see that this airflow seemed similar to the previous one, but it was relatively soft and not as overbearing as before.

Soon, he was able to determine that this medicine was the same as the one just now, except that one was acute and the other was chronic.

Zhang Yu didn't dare to eat any more of this meal. It was only half a bowl, so he shouted, "It doesn't taste good, it doesn't taste good. I want to eat peaches."

"I'll bring it to you later!" After the head nurse said that, she had the food removed.

Shen Wansan over there only ate half of it, then he said he was full and continued to hold the cornucopia and stick his butt out to look at it.

The head nurse and the nurses left one after another. The old man who had been force-fed got up and continued walking around, repeating the same sentence over and over again.

Zhang Yu was sitting on the bed and resting. He suddenly realized that something was wrong with Shen Wansan next to him.

Shen Wansan took something out from under the pillow and stuffed it into his mouth. His movements were subtle, but they did not escape Zhang Yu's eyes. Immediately afterwards, Shen Wansan, who was lying on his stomach, changed the movements of his hands, pressing several fingers on several acupuncture points.

Zhang Yu pretended not to see it and just glanced at it. Zhang Yu knew these acupuncture points and they were used to relieve fatigue on the body. They were particularly effective.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu became more and more surprised. Could it be that this person is not mentally ill, but also pretending to be ill like himself?

There must be medicine in the meal we just ate. Could it be said that this method and the things under the pillow can dispel the medicine?

Zhang Yu was not sure, but he thought it was very likely. No wonder this guy only eats half a bowl of rice. He seems to know the problem here.

After a while, the door to the ward opened again, and a nurse took Zhang Yu and Shen Wansan out for a walk.

The place for the release was actually a large activity room. When they entered, there were already many mentally ill people gathered here.

Not to mention, there are also talented people in the mental hospital. "I'm telling you, if you want to get rich, you have to buy Petronas stocks. In one year, you will be worth tens of millions." "What stocks are you buying? Just listen to me and keep ants, the money will be huge."

"Bah! What you are doing is a small-scale peasant economy! To do it, you have to do real estate. Choose the best prime location. Build! You have to build the highest-grade apartment. The minimum apartment size must be 400 square meters. There is a garden above the building, and there are Swimming pool, build an aristocratic school in the community, the tuition alone will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year. The neighbors around you either drive a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz. If you drive an island car, you will be embarrassed to say hello to them. Such a house, How much does it cost per square meter?”

"It must be ten thousand dollars anyway."

"Ten thousand? That's the cost. It starts at 20,000 U.S. dollars. Don't think it's too expensive. Don't discount it! You have to study the psychology of the owners. Those who can afford to buy a house for 10,000 U.S. dollars should pay another 10,000 U.S. dollars. What does it mean to be a successful person? Successful people No matter what you buy, you only buy the most expensive, not the best! Therefore, our slogan in real estate is not to ask for the best, but to ask for the most expensive!”

All in all, there are all kinds of slogans.

There are also Zhang Yu’s colleagues, such as Taishang Laojun, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha. As soon as Zhang Yu saw this situation, he had to go up and pretend. Chat with some junior brothers.

The time to relax once a day is not such that people don’t know the time. For two days in a row, Zhang Yu came here like this, taking medicine every day. He still couldn't stop the acute medicine, and could only resolve the chronic medicine.

Every time before the head nurse tests the medicine, they have to ask them to hold the hand gripper. Zhang Yu's strength is to decrease a little. But he was already sure that there was something really wrong with Shen Wansan.

Today he went out for a walk again. Zhang Yu behaved like a psychopath. In the past, there was a nurse watching at the door, but today the nurse seemed to have something to do and left suddenly. As soon as the nurse left, Zhang Yu saw Shen Wansan strolling around and even left the activity room.

"Where is he going?" Zhang Yu muttered, and immediately followed in a detour, wanting to see where this man was going and what his purpose was.

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