Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 680 Looking for something

"That's what happened. The head nurse has been testing the medicine on patients."

Returning to the patrol main room, Zhang Yu told Pan Yun exactly what happened in the mental hospital in Pan Yun's office.

After hearing this, Pan Yun couldn't help but take a breath and said, "Such a thing really does happen. Let's go see Inspector Bai."

At that moment, she dragged Zhang Yu out of her office and came to the detective's office.

Team White was sitting inside. When he saw the two of them coming in, he immediately stood up and invited them to sit on the sofa, and he also sat on the sofa.

After a few words of greeting, Pan Yun said: "Inspector Bai, Zhang Yu and I are here to report something important to you."

"What's going on?" Team White asked curiously.

"That's it." Pan Yun told Detective Bai truthfully what Zhang Yu had just told her.

After hearing this, Inspector Bai couldn't help being shocked and said: "There is such a thing, it is simply outrageous! Let's set out right away, arrest the person, and interrogate him strictly."

"Inspector Bai, don't be anxious first." Zhang Yu said quickly.

"What's wrong?" Detective Bai looked at Zhang Yu.

"The head nurse didn't even know that the records were sent to such a place. Even if we arrest the person now, it will be of no use. At most, it will stop these people from doing tricks in the Third Hospital. But, they are not here in the Third Hospital If you work on the side, you might find another hospital. This kind of thing must be dealt with in one go." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"That's true." Inspector Bai nodded, and then said: "Didn't you just say that the person who tested the medicine will deliver the medicine to the head nurse on Wednesday and then take away the records? We will wait in the hospital. Also arrest the person who delivered the medicine, so you don’t know where the medicine comes from!”

"Detective, this method is good, but there is still a problem." Pan Yun said.

"Problem? What problem?" asked the white team.

"This case is definitely a major one. Judging from the other party's level of alertness, once an arrest is made, it is easy to be exposed immediately. For example, on Wednesday, our patrol went to arrest people outside the mental hospital. If the other party has another spy, The real owner will be notified immediately to run away. Even if we find out something, I'm afraid it will be too late. Or, if the person who went to the mental hospital to deliver medicine does not return in time, the other party will also become suspicious, which will inevitably affect the next arrest. ." Pan Yun said seriously.

These words reminded Zhang Yu that, as Pan Yun said, judging from the way things are done in Shanghai Entertainment City, as soon as the patrol room arrests someone, the real owner will probably have to run away, and he will not be able to catch him even if he wants to.

Of course, it is still unclear whether it was really someone from the Ocean Entertainment City. No matter who the real owner is, it will probably affect Catch All.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Pan Yun is right. Detective Bai, should we think of a better way?"

"This is not unreasonable." Inspector Bai also nodded and said: "Based on my experience in handling cases, if you want to catch them all, you have to play hard to get. When that person comes to deliver the medicine this time, we only need to Just keep an eye on them and see where they go. As long as you follow them, you can arrest them when they get there." Detective Bai said sternly.

"This method is good." Pan Yun said.

Zhang Yu also thinks this method is good. With the strength of the serious crime team, it is not easy to target two people.

Today is Monday, just two days away from Wednesday.

The crime squad is quite good at doing this kind of thing. It was quickly set up outside the third courtyard, and several cars took turns to monitor it, so that no clues would be revealed.

Sure enough, at noon on Wednesday, the head nurse came out of the hospital to get takeout. She gave the other party a notebook, and the delivery boy gave her a big box.

It seems that everything is so natural, just like picking up takeout normally. It is estimated that anyone who sees it will not think there is any problem.

Zhang Yu and Pan Yun were sitting in a van not far away and witnessed all this. Immediately afterwards, Pan Yun notified him to follow the delivery boy.

The delivery boy went straight to the beach. Pan Yun and the others couldn't follow him too close, but they still saw a speedboat coming to pick him up. The delivery boy handed the things to the other party, then got in the car and left, and the speedboat also followed him out to sea.

It was impossible to track the speedboat. Wherever the speedboat went, it was most likely the Maritime Entertainment City. However, there is no surveillance at sea, so you can't use helicopters to track it. Pan Yun doesn't have this power.

At this time of night, the Ocean Entertainment City never docks, but is always at sea.

In desperation, I could only continue to follow the courier guy until he reached the community where he lived.

It is really not easy for the patrol room to investigate a person. This guy is just an unemployed vagrant. Whether he has anything to do with the Ocean Entertainment City or not, it’s still unclear.

After a busy day, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Zhang Yu, Pan Yun, and Inspector Bai were sitting in the car, and the three of them looked at each other.

Pan Yun frowned and said: "These people are so meticulous in their work that they don't even use electronic communication. It is impossible to rely on technology to locate people. If they are arrested by force, there will be insufficient evidence."

"I don't think so. If we catch the speedboat driver, everything will be solved." Zhang Yu said.

"That being said, the key issue is that we can't be sure right now whether we went to the Ocean Entertainment City. Even if we went there, the speedboat was detained by us. If the people didn't arrive in time, would the other party be there? I can't go back. Law enforcement and arresting people at sea are not something that our Zhendong District Patrol Office can do. The evidence must be conclusive, and then reported to the Administrative District Patrol Office, and instructions are given layer by layer. By that time, the ship will not even know how to escape. Where have they gone? With so many people on board, the risk is also very high." Pan Yun said seriously.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "That's the problem. The opponent is at sea, so it's difficult to catch him. However, I have a way. I don't know if it will work."

"What method?" Pan Yun asked.

"Do you remember the last time I was looking for someone?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Of course I remember, it was because of that time that I trusted you so much." Team White interjected.

"I can not only find people, but also objects." Zhang Yu said confidently.

Pan Yun was shocked when he heard this and looked at Zhang Yu in surprise, "Do you still have this ability?"

"A little trick." Zhang Yu grinned.

"How are you looking? Can you give me a show?" Inspector Bai also said curiously.

"No problem." Zhang Yu laughed and took out a compass from his arms, which was exactly the eight-character fortune-telling compass.

I went out to track it today, but I didn’t feel so sure. Last night, an idea suddenly came to him, so he brought out the horoscope chart today.

Zhang Yu then took out another piece of talisman paper, bit his finger and drew a talisman on it. He pressed this talisman on the eight-character fortune-telling chart, and then said: "Detective Bai, give me your bag."

"No problem." Team White nodded.

He handed his leather handbag to Zhang Yu and wanted to see how Zhang Yu found the items.

Zhang Yu flicked his finger, and the talisman in his hand suddenly ignited, "Poof!"

Pan Yun and Team White were both shocked, as if they had seen a ghost.

The talisman paper instantly turned into ashes. Zhang Yu sprinkled the ashes on the bag, wiped it with his hands, and then wiped it clean.

He smiled slightly, handed the bag to Team Bai, and said: "Detective Bai, you get off the car with your bag now. Pan Yun and I will go find you in ten minutes. But I can find you wherever you hide." "

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