"Xiaochan, it's snowing!" "It's so beautiful!"

Xia's mother and Bao Jiayin rushed directly into Xia Yuechan's bedroom.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was massaging Xia Yuechan and whistling. Xia Yuechan closed her eyes, as if she was asleep. In fact, no one knows that she is dancing in the artistic conception.

Seeing the two people barging in and shouting, Zhang Yu stopped playing, and Xia Yuechan also woke up from her state of mind.

"Mom, Jiayin, what's wrong?" Xia Yuechan asked.

"It's snowing!" Xia's mother said directly.

"Yeah, it's so beautiful, look!" Bao Jiayin pointed out the window, and unexpectedly found that the snowflakes outside had stopped.

"Why did it stop?" Seeing that the snow had stopped, Bao Jiayin ran to the window and looked out.

There were indeed no snowflakes falling in the sky, but there was a thin layer of snow below.

The property in the community is very green. It is summer and the red flowers and green leaves are luxuriant. The layer of snow covering it now is like a blanket of silver, making the scenery here particularly enchanting.

"There's still snow down there! It's so beautiful!" Bao Jiayin said.

"I can't get up now, wait and see. No, it's summer now, how can it snow?" Xia Yuechan said curiously.

"How did I know this? It suddenly started snowing. Now the traffic outside the community is paralyzed. All the cars are probably watching the snow." Bao Jiayin said exaggeratedly.

Of course, this is not an exaggeration, because this is the current situation on the street.

"I'm also wondering why it's snowing, but it's really beautiful when it snows in summer. It's a pity that you were treating a disease and didn't catch it. Otherwise, you would have liked it very much." Mother Xia said.

"What a pity. If I had known it would snow, I would have treated the patient later." Xia Yuechan said with a bit of regret.

The three of them were talking, but Zhang Yu's hands never stopped, and he continued to massage Xia Yuechan.

He has now massaged Xia Yuechan's waist, her skin gradually turned very dark, and the evil energy in her body was drawn to the surface of her body.

Previously, Xia Yuechan was so immersed in the artistic conception that she didn't even feel Zhang Yu's massage movements, as if she was wandering in the sky. But now, after waking up from the artistic conception, I can immediately feel the strength of Zhang Yu's hand, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Bao Jiayin looked at Zhang Yu, and her brows furrowed.

But there was no way. Zhang Yu was treating Xia Yuechan, so he couldn't stop him. She walked out of the bedroom with Xia's mother with a heavy heart. In order to pretend that nothing had happened, she deliberately said: "It's really strange. The snow kept falling just now. Why did it stop as soon as we entered the house."

"It's a coincidence. It would be nice to have some snow in the summer. I've never seen it in previous years." Xia's mother said.

Bao Jiayin just said it casually, but it caught Xia Yuechan's attention. She knew that the song played by Zhang Yu was called the Snow Divine Comedy. Could it be that he really asked for snow? No, right?

Zhang Yu's hands continued to massage, and the feeling was wonderful.

She decided to divert her attention and said deliberately: "It snowed just now. Is it because your song asking for snow had an effect?"

"It doesn't seem so." Zhang Yu said uncertainly: "I have played it before, but it has never snowed. Master said that it must be a man and a woman, singing and dancing. I am alone. Playing music is totally useless."

"That" Xia Yuechan just said a word, and suddenly remembered that she had just danced in the illusion. Could it be that the dance he danced resonated with Zhang Yu's music? It's unlikely, then this is too weird.

Xia Yuechan decided to give it a try and said, "Can you continue to blow?"

"Okay." Zhang Yu agreed.

He immediately continued to whistle, and the Snow Divine Song played melodiously. Xia Yuechan closed her eyes and looked for the feeling just now.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find that feeling at all this time. She could feel Zhang Yu's hands walking up to her legs and massaging them.

Xia Yuechan often goes for bone massage. Of course, she always finds women to massage her bones. Feeling Zhang Yu's massage this time, the strength of his hands and the degree of massage were all so comfortable. Zhang Yu didn't seem to use much force, but it gave people a just-right feeling. Those masseurs, even if they are very famous, are completely different from Zhang Yu's techniques.

At this moment, a thought came to Xia Yuechan's mind, "He works in an agency, and his salary seems not high. What if I hire him as my personal masseur?"

"Bah, bah, bah." When she thought of this, Xia Yuechan almost gave herself a slap in the face and cursed in her heart, "What are I thinking about? How can I find a man to be my masseur? This is the last time, otherwise, Don’t be angry at the good news.”

"Actually, it's all their fault. Why did they suddenly come in just now? I didn't feel him massaging me at first. I was still intoxicated with the music. If I had never experienced the feeling of his massage, how could I have imagined it?"

With random thoughts in her mind, Zhang Yu finally finished massaging her feet. Then, Zhang Yu picked up the jar on the ground and started cupping her.

But when Zhang Yu's hand left her body, Xia Yuechan suddenly felt a sense of loss and an inexplicable feeling of unfinished meaning.

"You can't" Xia Yuechan blurted out.

However, she only uttered three words before forcefully speaking back all the rest. Her cheeks were burning, and her heart was pounding, as if it was about to pop out of her throat.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked immediately after hearing her speak.

Xia Yuechan just wanted to say, "You can't press it for a while longer," but now that Zhang Yu asked about it, it made her even more nervous and embarrassed.

She hesitated and said: "I, I didn't say anything. Is it going to be better soon?"

"It's almost done. Just finish the cupping." Zhang Yu said.

"Can you get rid of all the evil spirits in my body this time?" Xia Yuechan asked again stammeringly.

After saying this, she felt a little regretful, asking herself what did this mean?

"No problem, half of the evil spirit in your body was driven out last time, and I was not in a good state at the time. I am in good condition today, so I can definitely get it done." Zhang Yu said.

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