Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 50 Snow in August

"It's all medical skills... How do you say this?" Xia Yuechan asked again.

"To be precise, inviting the gods is the Zhuyoushu technique in medicine. It's just that I can't use it alone..." Zhang Yu immediately talked about the theory of jumping to the gods.

Men accompaniment and women dance. I heard from the master that women who dance shaman dances must be particularly beautiful, and their dancing postures are also captivating. When two people complement each other, they can summon divine power and rely on the gods to cure countless difficult and complicated diseases.

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, Xia Yuechan said, "Is what you said true?"

"Anyway, I believe what my master said is right." Zhang Yu said with certainty.

Old Wangtou taught him many skills, and as long as he has used them, they are all very effective, so he believes that what Old Wangtou said is true.

"If that's the case...Hey, do you think I'm pretty enough?" Xia Yuechan asked suddenly.

"Very beautiful." Zhang Yu said affirmatively.

"Then if I go to dance the witch dance, would you like it?" Xia Yuechan asked again.

Xia Yuechan is so beautiful, and she still has a hint of softness in her bones. Just like what Old Wang Tou described as a witch dance dancer, people who perform witch dances are not only good at dancing, but also beautiful, and can attract and confuse others. Xia Yuechan seems to meet all these conditions.

So Zhang Yu said seriously: "I don't know if you can dance, but in other aspects, you are qualified anyway."

"Dance..." Xia Yuechan smiled sweetly and said: "This is my strength. If I have a chance, I will dance a song for you. By the way, I really want to know what is played when praying to the gods. What kind of music is it?”

"There are many songs to pray to the gods, and they are all very nice. Among them, there are songs to pray to the god of medicine, some to the rain god, and some to the snow god. There are more than ten in total." Zhang Yu said seriously.

He spoke without stopping and inserted the last needle in his hand into Xia Yuechan's Yongquan point.

"There are so many, which one do you like best?" Xia Yuechan asked.

"My favorite is the one about praying to the Snow God." Zhang Yu said.

"Can you blow it for me to hear..." Xia Yuechan asked.

To be honest, her voice is very beautiful, like the sound of nature, and no one seems to be able to reject her voice.

Zhang Yu also thought it didn't matter, so he said: "Then I will show my shame..."

At that moment, he made a little preparation and started to whistle with his mouth. His whistle is like the sound of a flute, and this song to pray to the Snow God is even more melodious and full of poetry and painting in winter.

The cold winter, its quietness and loneliness, its elegance and sadness, its beauty and melancholy. There is nowhere to put the tears of lovesickness. At this time, it turns into pieces of white snow, and people feel it in the elegant sky. When it arrives, there is no way of knowing that it is actually the tears of winter.

Listening to the music played by Zhang Yu, Xia Yuechan closed her eyes and experienced the artistic conception of the music. She seemed to be suddenly in the vast northern country, with snow falling all over the sky. This was a sea of ​​snow, and the only scenery was the proud plum blossoms.

The songs for praying to the gods are very long. A witch dance takes at least an hour, and during this hour, the man who accompanies it cannot stop.

Zhang Yu had now taken out all the needles on Xia Yuechan's back, then moved onto Xia Yuechan's body and began to massage her with both hands to guide the evil spirit out of her body. While working with his hands, he kept talking. This was Zhang Yu's strength. When he used to work at home, he would play music while working. In the past, he played badly and was often scolded. Later, he became more pleasant and his family stopped paying attention to him.

If Xia Yuechan hadn't listened to the music played by Zhang Yu, she would have blushed with embarrassment and become confused at this moment. But because she was already immersed in Zhang Yu's music and couldn't extricate herself, she didn't notice Zhang Yu's actions at all.

In Xia Yuechan's mind, as the snowflakes danced, Ao Ran and the plum blossom petals in the snow also began to dance gracefully, white and pink, intertwined, so beautiful.

As if infected by this beautiful scenery, Xia Yuechan also started dancing in the snow.


Summer snow.

Just as Xia Yuechan was dancing in the artistic conception, light snow began to fall outside the window.

Beautiful snowflakes slowly fell from the sky, covering the Donghai Pearl Community.

People walking and enjoying the shade in the community were suddenly confused at this moment.

"Snow!" "It snows!" "It snows in August!" "Is this really snow?" "Indeed!" "It can snow in summer!" "It can't be snow in June!" "Is there any grievance?"...

People in the community began to theorize.

But what is strange is that only the courtyard of Donghai Mingzhu Community is snowing, while the outside of the community is as normal as before, without any changes.

People passing by the community saw snowflakes falling in the community, and they all stopped and started to watch.

"Look, look! It's snowing!" "Really, it's weird, why is it snowing here!" "Go in and have a look." "It's interesting, it snows in the courtyard of Donghai Pearl Community in the summer." …

In less than a minute, traffic was paralyzed in the streets around Donghai Pearl Community.

All passing cars stopped, and pedestrians took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures of the snow scene.

In the circle of friends, there was an explosion. Photos of snowy scenes were overwhelming, accompanied by countless adjectives.

"Wow! It's snowing in the summer. It's so beautiful!" "Come and look, it's snowing in Donghai Pearl Community. It's real snow, no joke!" "It's weird! It's snowing in Donghai Pearl Community. The snow in summer is so beautiful. !"...

Zhenhai Tieba also went berserk in an instant.

Photos like this are posted all over the forum.

Host: "It's snowing today! Is there any grievance?"

Second floor: Seize the second floor.

Third floor: There is no small room upstairs.

Fourth floor: For him to sell the house at such a high price, there must be some grievances involved. I suggest the leaders investigate.

Fifth floor: Why not two.

Sixth floor: It’s scary to think about it.

Seventh floor: smile and touch the owner’s dog’s head.

Eighth Floor: I am also present. Is the poster a girl?

Ninth floor: Walking in the snow, the poster wants to date.

Tenth floor: I am trapped on Donghai Street, in a dilemma. I have to take the exam in half an hour, and I guess I am useless.

The news of snow in Donghai Pearl not only attracted the attention of netizens, but also major local newspapers rushed to Donghai Pearl Community. Reporters from major news websites and local reporters immediately rushed to the scene to grab the first piece of information.

It's a pity that when the car arrived at Donghai Street, it couldn't get in at all, so the reporters could only rush in on foot. The traffic police were extremely busy, but unfortunately they were unable to evacuate the crowd.

For a time, Donghai Pearl Community seemed to have turned into a zoo, with countless people standing inside and outside watching.

Xia's mother was cooking in the kitchen and was confused when she saw it was snowing. She immediately ran upstairs, shouting as she ran, "Look, look, it's snowing!"

Bao Jiayin was sitting on the sofa in the small living room on the second floor. She also noticed that he had gone down, and the two of them ran towards Xia Yuechan's room together. This kind of spectacle is truly unprecedented. Otherwise, no one would be so excited and would even forget that Zhang Yu was treating Xia Yuechan.

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