Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 49 Zhu Youshu

Xia Yuechan looked at the three people who came in and said, "Mom, good news, Mr. Zhang, you are here."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Hello, Miss Xia."

Bao Jiayin quickly came to the bedside and said with concern: "Yuechan, I got a call this morning, but it scared me to death. Now that I see you can still play the flute, I feel relieved."

Xia Yuechan smiled movingly and said: "I suddenly fell ill this morning. It seems that the evil spirit is at work again. Fortunately, it is not particularly serious."

As she spoke, she looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Mr. Zhang, the sound of the flute just now was made by you."

"Yes." Zhang Yu said a little embarrassed.

"Why can you still play the flute?" Xia Yuechan asked curiously.

At this moment, she also noticed Zhang Yu's clothes and found that Zhang Yu today was really different from the previous two times they met. Not only was he much more handsome, but his temperament had also improved.

"The main reason is that this piece of music is so familiar. The first piece my master taught me was "Pinghu Autumn Moon"." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

The melody of this piece is bright and smooth, and the tone is gentle. It depicts the lake, moonlight, poetic and picturesque scenery of a good time, and has the artistic conception of being indifferent to fame and wealth, and nostalgic for the mountains and rivers.

However, this piece of music is not something that beginners can learn. Zhang Yu said that the first piece he learned was this piece, which really surprised Xia Yuechan.

Xia Yuechan asked curiously: "Who is your teacher? How could he teach you this on the first piece of music?"

"My master sells coffins..."

Zhang Yu only said one sentence, and Xia Yuechan, Bao Jiayin, and Xia Mu were instantly petrified. Are you kidding me, does a coffin seller know this?

"Is it true? The coffin seller knows how to play the flute?" Xia Yuechan was simply unbelievable.

"My master knows everything. In fact, playing music is just a side job. I don't know much. It's mainly used to invite gods..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

What he means by inviting the gods is actually dancing to the gods. Dance masters are very particular. They are usually two people, one singing and one dancing. The man is responsible for singing and the woman is responsible for dancing. There are five Taoist arts, which originated from the Yellow Emperor's "Golden Seal Script and Jade Letters", which are: fortune telling by mountain doctors. Among them, this medical skill refers to more than just modern Chinese medicine, which includes: prescription, acupuncture and spiritual therapy.

Prescriptions and acupuncture have always been available, but it is rare for anyone to have a clue of the so-called spiritual healing. Spiritual healing is also called Zhu Youshu. To put it bluntly, it is witchcraft. It was a noble profession a long time ago. This official name was given by Emperor Xuanyuan.

Singing and dancing in Dance Master is not something you just sing casually. You also need to be proficient in musical instruments and play beautiful sounds, so that you can perfectly coordinate with the shaman dancers. Of course, this level of difficulty is even simpler than Wu Wu.

"Please God? How do you say this?" Xia Yuechan didn't seem to understand.

But Xia's mother explained: "It seems to be a great dance."

"That's it." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Does a great dancer need to be able to play music?" Xia Yuechan couldn't believe it.

"My master said that you must not only be able to play, but also play well." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Then you play two songs for me." Xia Yuechan became interested.

"Why are you blowing? It's more important to treat the disease first." Mother Xia said anxiously: "Don't take your time. If the evil spirit in your body is not driven away for a day, I will not be able to sleep well."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, then you should treat me first. After you cure me, I will listen to you play." Xia Yuechan said with a smile.

Mother Xia immediately followed and said: "Xiao Zhang, all the jars you made last time were broken. I have prepared them all now. Do you think these will work?"

She has prepared new jars, including porcelain jars, glass jars and bamboo jars.

Zhang Yu nodded, looked at Xia Yuechan, and said a little embarrassedly: "You... that..."

With that said, he simply turned around and stopped looking at Xia Yuechan.

When Xia Yuechan saw Zhang Yu turning around, she immediately realized that the last time Zhang Yu helped her get rid of the evil spirit, she was naked. Judging from what he meant, it was obvious that he wanted to take off his clothes. Xia Yuechan's pretty face immediately turned red, and she was a little embarrassed.

Xia's mother also knew what was going on and said: "Xiaochan, Xiao Zhang also wants to treat you, so just..."

She didn't say everything she said, but her meaning was very clear, just take it off, nothing could be more important than saving lives.

Bao Jiayin also nodded, but did not speak.

Xia Yuechan also understood this truth. She looked at Zhang Yu who had his back turned, then at her mother and Bao Jiayin, and finally said with some trepidation: "Mom, Jiayin, you two go out first. When you are cured, you can go back." Come in……"

The three people in the room had actually seen her own body before, but at this moment, having her naked and being treated by a man, with two people watching next to her, was really uncomfortable. No.

Naturally, Xia's mother understood her daughter's concerns, nodded and said, "I just want to go downstairs to make lunch."

After that, he walked out.

But Bao Jiayin was unwilling in her heart. She said softly: "Yuechan, let him stay with you in the house? Just the two of you... then..."

Xia Yuechan gave Bao Jiayin a reassuring look and said softly: "I'm really sorry. You..."

"Okay." Bao Jiayin nodded, turned around and went out. When she passed by Zhang Yu, she gave Zhang Yu a sharp look and said in a warning tone: "Behave!"

Zhang Yu showed an innocent look on his face and said to himself, why am I not behaving well?

Bao Jiayin also walked out and closed the door behind her back.

Zhang Yu and Xia Yuechan were the only two people left in the room. Zhang Yu stood still, Xia Yuechan bit her lip, finally made a move and began to slowly take off her skirt.

Her movements were poetic and picturesque, and her every move and smile were natural. A slender waist, a pair of fat-free legs, and white feet exuding a charming brilliance.

She lay on the bed and said in a voice as thin as mosquito wire: "You, please turn around..."

Zhang Yu turned around and couldn't help but swallowed when he saw this beautiful scene.

Fortunately, his restraint was still very strong. Just like last time, he started to use needles to open acupuncture points for Xia Yuechan.

Xia Yuechan couldn't feel the needle pricking her body, and the needle tip would itch slightly when inserted into the vagina. Other than that, she didn't feel any pain at all.

She knew that her body had been completely seen by Zhang Yu. Last time, she was unconscious, so that was it. But this time, she had to put herself in this man's shoes and feel the gaze of this man. She was very embarrassed. In order to relieve the pressure in her heart, she deliberately said: "You also learned acupuncture from your master."

"Yes." Zhang Yu replied.

"Is he also the one selling coffins?" Xia Yuechan asked again.

"That's right." Zhang Yu said.

This answer once again aroused Xia Yuechan's curiosity, and she asked: "He is a coffin seller, how come he knows music and Chinese medicine?"

"My master said that these are all medical skills." Zhang Yu said seriously.

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