Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 52 Women in the city have deep tricks

After hearing Zhang Yu's answer, Xia Yuechan felt an inexplicable feeling of loss in her heart.

"Well, your music is very nice. If you have a chance in the future, can you play it to me again?" Xia Yuechan asked again.

"No problem." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, then when I have time later," Xia Yuechan wanted to say, "I will come find you when I have time later," but midway through her words, she shut her mouth again. Why should I find a man to play music for me? If Bao Jiayin knew about this, wouldn't he be jealous? No, I can't always think about this man.

Zhang Yu saw that Xia Yuechan stopped talking midway through her words. He wanted to ask, but he still held back.

He picked up the jars and pressed them on Xia Yuechan's back one by one. As soon as the jar was placed on the body, the skin was immediately pulled up. The tight feeling made people unable to breathe for a while, and Xia Yuechan stopped talking.

But she was still thinking wildly in her mind. The feeling that put her in the snowy world just now was really wonderful, and she didn't know when this feeling would come back again.

Was this snow really caused by two people together?

Soon, black blood flowed out of Xia Yuechan's back, followed by black mist. The last time he performed cupping, the evil spirit was so strong that the cup exploded. This time, Zhang Yu was prepared just in case.

Fortunately, nothing like last time happened. Fifteen minutes later, the jar on Xia Yuechan's back was filled with black mist, so dark that it looked like a black crystal.

Zhang Yu went over to open the window, and then took off the jars on Xia Yuechan's back one by one. Now these evil spirits are rootless evil spirits and will dissipate on their own.

After all the jars were removed, there were still many black blood stains on Xia Yuechan's back. Zhang Yu wiped off all the blood stains with the white towel he had prepared in advance, and then said, "It's better now. How do you feel?"

Xia Yuechan's back was no longer black as before, but the skin was pulled out, but it was red. After Xia Yuechan got up and took off the jar, she felt relaxed all over. This feeling of relaxation seemed like she had never experienced it before.

As soon as she stretched her arms, she was about to jump up. Fortunately, she reacted quickly. She quickly got down and screamed, "Yeah!"

Zhang Yu also reacted because he just saw something he shouldn't have seen again.

While he was thinking about it blindly, the door opened and Xia's mother let Zhang Yu in.

Xia Yuechan was already dressed. She looked like a fairy in the snow in a white dress.

"Zhang Yu, thank you." Xia Yuechan said softly.

"You're welcome, that's as it should be. Now that all the evil spirits on your body have been driven away, I have to leave. Well, I'll pack up the jars and take them away," Zhang Yu said plainly.

"Don't leave in a hurry. Leave after lunch. The food is ready." Xia's mother said enthusiastically.

"Gulu." As soon as Zhang Yu heard that he had finished eating, his stomach growled immediately.

Xia Yuechan smiled sweetly and said, "My stomach is already growling, so hurry up and eat. In fact, I'm hungry too. Let's eat together."

After getting up from the bed, Xia Yuechan did not go out directly. Instead, she curiously walked to the window and looked outside.

As expected, the snow-covered scenery is truly beautiful.

She looked at the scenery below dreamily and praised in her heart: "It's so beautiful. Is this snow really what Zhang Yu and I asked for?"

During today's meal, Zhang Yu was not as embarrassed as last time and only replenished his meal once. Although he was not full, he was almost ready. He packed up all his belongings. Because there were so many things, Bao Jiayin could only send him back to the agency.

The agency is now open for business as usual. When Zhang Yu came back, only Yang Ying was there. After asking, he learned that a client had just come to see the house. Since it was relatively close, he asked Su Hong to take the client there.

After sitting for a while, Su Hong came back. Not to mention, she was lucky enough to win this order. The house is not big and the price is not high, the total is 400,000 yuan, but you can also get an agency fee of 8,000 yuan, and the commission for the girl with glasses is 4,000 yuan.

This was the first order the girl with glasses had made since she joined the agency. She was very happy, and the look of happiness on her face did not fade until she got off work.

Zhang Yu promised her yesterday that he would go to her house to deliver medicine to treat her parents in the evening. After get off work, Yang Ying went home alone, and Zhang Yu took the girl with glasses away on a bicycle.

When Su Hong's mother saw her again, she was very enthusiastic. She had made white flour scrolls at home today and specially fried eggs, as if she knew Zhang Yu would come and specially prepared them for him.

Zhang Yu was not picky about food, so he was allowed to eat four large scrolls. His mother was very happy to see Zhang Yu eating so much.

Next, Zhang Yu made medicine for Su Tong and applied it to the fractured area. In addition, I made some medicine for Su Hong's mother. After letting her drink it, I gave her acupuncture. I went back and forth, and the time passed quickly. By the time all the work was finished, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

Where Su Hong lives, there are basically no taxis at night, and at this time, there are no buses either. Zhang Yu originally wanted to take a stroll, but Su Hong couldn't let her go. Now her parents were being taken care of by Zhang Yu and fell asleep. She wanted to keep Zhang Yu overnight, but she couldn't open her mouth. Finally, he decided to lend his bicycle to Zhang Yu to ride, and she would take the bus tomorrow morning.

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