Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4427 Overwhelming

Zhang Yu was walking in front of the cave on the right, but he didn't even see it, so he let others see it first. In fact, this is not Zhang Yu's fault. It's all because the entrance and inside of the cave are full of fireflies, and the whole thing is green. Zhang Yu has to be careful and responsible for observation, so it is inevitable that there are places where his perspective is not good enough.

Seeing the cave at this moment, Zhang Yu immediately walked towards the cave. He didn't think that this cave would be the way up. In his opinion, there must be an extremely weird mystery hidden in this cave. Maybe, all the secrets here are in the cave.

Everyone came to the entrance of the cave one after another. The outside was crystal green, and the inside of the cave was also crystal green, giving people an eerie and weird feeling.

It is said that a night with fireflies is the most romantic night. But in a place like this, with so many fireflies appearing, who would think this is a romantic thing?

Many people were unconsciously nervous at this moment, but everyone knew that there might be something unexpected hidden in this cave.


At this stall, the fireflies on the mountain wall and the fireflies in the cave suddenly flew towards Zhang Yu and the others.

There are so many fireflies, it's like setting off a green wave.

As soon as he saw the fireflies coming, Zhang Yu's heart tightened. Although he didn't know whether the fireflies were lethal, in a place like this, it was best not to let the fireflies touch him.

Zhang Yu's reaction was also quick. The money sword in his hand immediately spread out and formed a sword net, covering all the people around him and spinning around.

"Swiss, scrub, scrub..." "Srush, scrub, scrub..." "Srush, scrub, scrub..."...

One by one, like moths rushing to the flame, the fireflies swarmed onto the money sword net and then disappeared. Although these 108 copper coins are not airtight, there are air currents intertwining on the sword net, otherwise it can be regarded as a formation.

The people on both sides were clearly distinguished. Zhang Yu only followed the people in front of him, but it was not his turn to take care of those behind him.

The overwhelming fireflies were unable to break through Zhang Yu's money sword net for a while, but it was different for those behind.

Seeing the fireflies rushing towards him, everyone knew something was wrong. Saladinge immediately raised the giant sword in his hand, and a golden light emitted from his plate armor, completely covering his body.

The fireflies that jumped on him disappeared instantly.

Saladinge's junior brother Fisher was wearing silver plate armor. He also raised the giant sword in his hand, and a ball of white light emitted from the plate armor, covering his body. Similarly, the fireflies that jumped on him disappeared after touching the white light.

Of course, He Yunshuai, Che Xinyoumei, Dai Qingji and another middle-aged man in black robe did not dare to neglect.

He Yunshuai hurriedly put the long sword across his chest, and a black mist appeared behind him. Black mist immediately wrapped around his body, blocking the overwhelming fireflies.

A pentagram pattern appeared behind Cha Xinyumi, and countless small pentagrams emanated from this large pentagram, wrapping around her body. Fireflies landed on the five-pointed star one after another and disappeared.

The image of Qingluan naturally appeared behind Dai Qingji, and Qingluan's image wrapped around her, blocking the falling fireflies.

The man in black robes who followed Saladinge held a crystal ball in his hand. The white light emitted from the crystal ball immediately wrapped his body and blocked the falling fireflies.

Experts like them naturally have ways to resist the fireflies. But the other people were different. Saladinge's men and He Yunshuai's men were busy dancing. Fireflies flew towards them one after another, and then disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered a problem, that is, although these fireflies pounced on them, they did not cause any harm to them. Seeing that he was fine, these people also stopped and simply stopped moving.

Masters such as Saladinge and He Yunshuai naturally saw this scene, but they did not dare to relax at all. Because they felt that this firefly was not an ordinary firefly. Although it would disappear after falling, it would also weaken the light airflow emanating from them.

However, it is really puzzling why other people are fine.

Zhang Yu could also feel that after the fireflies landed on the money sword net and disappeared, it would weaken the formation aura on the money sword net.

Therefore, he did not dare to be careless and continued to activate the formation to resist the attack of fireflies. Fortunately, the power of these fireflies is much inferior to that of skulls. That is to say, there are too many fireflies, and they are coming in such a dense manner that they seem to be endless.

As time passed, those who had been standing there without protection suddenly began to fall one by one.

Seeing these people fall, Saladinge, Dai Qingji and others did not dare to be careless. They concentrated on using their own skills to resist the fireflies.

The number of fireflies that pounced on gradually decreased, and after a while, they were all gone.

Zhang Yu collected the money sword net and looked around. Just now he was facing the cave and did not see what was going on behind him. Turning around at this moment, you can see that there are not many people left behind, just a few masters.

Those who were protected by Zhang Yu also turned around and saw so many people lying down behind them. They couldn't help but be stunned and frightened.

"Oh my god..." "They are dead..." "Could it be that they were killed by fireflies..." "Can fireflies... also kill people..."... Everyone was talking about it, some People were still very nervous, and some of them turned pale with fear.

Saladinge, Dai Qingji and others have also withdrawn their magic power now. Saladinge saw that all the gunmen he brought were dead, and a look of murderous intent flashed on his face.

He shouted angrily: "Boy! What do you mean? You brought us to such a dangerous place. Do you want to die?"

When Zhang Yu heard this, he couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders and said: "I said before that I didn't build this place. How do I know what is there? If you don't dare to come, you can go back and die now. If I die, what should I do?"

"Boy..." Saladinge gritted his teeth in hatred, but did not have an attack. He glanced at the cave in front of him, pointed to the cave, and said, "What is in that cave?"

"How do I know this? I've never been in." Zhang Yu said directly.

"Okay... then you go in and take a look, see what's inside, and then come out and tell me... Remember, don't play tricks, otherwise, I will kill her directly..." Saladin Ge said fiercely, and finally pointed at Dai Qingji standing in front with the tip of his sword.

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