Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4426 Fireflies

Zhang Yu and others marched while shouting the names of Shao Weige and Shao Weiping.

Not to mention, although this trick is primitive, it is still easy to use. From time to time, someone would hear the call, respond, and come running to join them. It didn't take long for a dozen people to be added to the team. However, Shao Weige and Shao Weiping have never been seen.

At the beginning, it was Zhang Yu who shouted loudly, but later he stopped shouting and just held the Guizhen Four Elephant Tray. It looked like he was leading the way, but in fact he was walking around randomly, wondering what to do next.

It's been a long time since they came in and it's been a long time. Saladinge, who was following behind, even though he didn't know the details behind this, he still realized that there must be something fishy in it. Zhang Yu probably led the way randomly. Otherwise, why didn't he see a mountain wall with a skull on it now?

At this time, Saladinge couldn't help but said: "Is the boy leading the way trying to fool me and misinform me?"

"Where is..." Zhang Yu stopped, turned around and said.

"Although this is my first time coming down, I have heard people talk about the situation here when I was up there. They said there are mountain walls covered with skulls, but I haven't seen it until now!" Saladinge said. Said coldly.

"I was mainly looking for people just now, and now I'm going to the mountain wall covered with skulls." Zhang Yu said.

"What did you say!" Saladinge heard this and said angrily: "Now is the time to go to the mountain wall covered with skulls. Then you were walking around randomly before!"

"You can't say that. How can you call it a random walk? Didn't you find a lot of people?" Zhang Yu curled his lips and said.

"Don't do this to me. I'll give you two hours now. If you can't see the mountain wall with the skull hanging on it within two hours, don't blame me for being rude!" Saladinge said fiercely! .

In his opinion, he was completely fooled by Zhang Yu. So we must give Zhang Yu some color.

Zhang Yu was not afraid of him at all. When he entered this place, he had the control. It was expected that Saladinge would not dare to kill him after seeing the weirdness here.

It doesn't really make sense to just lead people along blindly. It was not impossible to go to the mountain wall with the white skull, but Zhang Yu was worried. That is because he is afraid of meeting people like Piara and Blue Whale. Originally, in terms of strength, our side was weaker than Saladinge. If Saladinge and Piala were to merge, wouldn't our side be in a dead end?

Zhang Yu couldn't determine what secrets there were. But obviously, according to the previous two experiences, at best, you can leave here, and you will not be able to find any secrets at all.

So this time, Zhang Yu had an idea in his mind, whether he could change his routine.

The previous two times, he had followed the trajectory of a positive seven-pointed star, and he always reached mountain walls with skulls on them. If you use the reverse heptagram to act, will you make any unexpected discoveries?

Of course, he was not sure whether he would find anything. But if you don’t try it, you will never make a discovery. As for the two-hour time limit given by Saladinge, Zhang Yu didn't take it to heart at all.

Immediately, he followed the reverse seven-pointed star to lead the way.

This place looks similar everywhere, either with rocks or some white bones.

As for whether Zhang Yu is taking the right path, no one can tell. After walking for about an hour and a half, Zhang Yu finally reached the last stroke of the reverse seven-pointed star. Turning around, he could see a mountain wall in front of him.

Although there is a certain distance from the mountain wall, it can be seen that the mountain wall is all green.

Other people also saw the mountain wall appearing in front of them, and they all shouted, "There is a mountain wall ahead!" "Mountain wall!" "It's the end!"...

When Saladinge saw this, he couldn't help but said: "You are a wise boy!"

Zhang Yu did not answer, because he was absolutely sure that the green mountain wall that appeared in front of him was completely different from the mountain wall he had seen twice before.

This time I found the path according to the reverse seven-pointed star. It was originally an attempt. Why this was so was really surprising.

An accident has occurred now. Zhang Yu has not yet figured out how to make use of this accident. All I can say is to go over there and take a look.

He put the Guizhen Four Elephant Plate into his arms, then showed his money sword and walked forward first. Others also moved forward, and after walking forward for a while, Nini, Yun Kil, Paris, Bai Ying and others who had been here before and had seen the skull mountain wall all realized something was wrong.

The green mountain wall is very crystal clear and there are no skulls at all.

Even Saladinge and others following behind could see that there were no skulls on the mountain wall.

Saladinge immediately shouted: "Boy, what is this place? Didn't I say before that the mountain wall was covered with skulls? First they were white, then black, and finally red! What does this mean now? Why? Is it green? Are you playing tricks on me?"

"Boy, don't play tricks, otherwise, I will make your death ugly!" Saladinge's junior brother Fisher also shouted.

Fisher's voice was louder than Saladin's, and Zhang Yu could tell that Fisher was actually very nervous, so he used his loud voice to cover up his guilty conscience.

Not to mention him, many of the people present were nervous, including Zhang Yu. This is an unexpected place. What will happen here?

Zhang Yu was not polite and said directly: "How do I know why this is happening? This castle was not built by our family! If you are afraid, don't go forward and go back by yourself!"

These words immediately made Fisher lose his temper.

Saladinge chuckled lightly and said, "Boy, you are right. I won't argue with you, let's keep moving forward."

"That's the right thing to say. Since you let me lead the way, how can you not follow me?" Zhang Yu said proudly.

After saying this, he continued to stride forward.

The mountain wall in front is covered with crystal green. From the previous distance, it is really impossible to tell what it is. As the distance got closer, Zhang Yu and the others were finally able to see clearly what was on the mountain wall.


The entire mountain wall was covered with fireflies, just like the top of the head.

The mountain wall was covered with fireflies. This was the first time that people like Zhang Yu saw so many fireflies. Even Zhang Yu didn't know what was going on. He was cautious and walked forward slowly. After walking a few more steps, when he was approaching the foot of the mountain, someone suddenly shouted, "Cave! There is a cave on the right!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu and others subconsciously looked to the right, right? There was a real cave under the mountain wall on the right.

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