Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4428 Understanding

After listening to Saladinge's words, Zhang Yu subconsciously turned his head to look at the cave. All the fireflies in the cave had flown out before, and there was no light inside anymore, and it became pitch black. I don’t know what it will look like and what the mystery is.

But Zhang Yu was not afraid. After a few glances, he looked back at Saladinge and said, "Just go in, it's no big deal."

Nini followed Zhang Yu. When she heard what Zhang Yu said, she immediately said, "I'll go in with you."

"Nini, I don't know what will happen inside. Just wait for me outside." Zhang Yu said gently.

"I don't...we want to live together and die together...I don't want you to go in alone..." Nini said very stubbornly this time.

Seeing what Nini said, Paris immediately nodded and said: "Nini is right, I will go in with you. We have agreed before that we will live and die together!"

Dai Qingji, who was standing in front of Saladinge, couldn't help but feel impulsive after hearing this, and said directly: "I'll go too! Let's live and die together!"

"You have a beautiful idea, stay here and don't go anywhere!" Saladinge shouted immediately.

"Humph!" Dai Qingji snorted but said nothing.

Because she understood that she was now a hostage in someone else's hands, how could Saladinge let her follow Zhang Yu in.

But Saladinge still looked at the man in black robe beside him and said: "Evra, follow that kid in and see what's inside."

"I..." When the man in black robe heard this, his heart obviously tightened, and a look of fear flashed on his face.

"Just walk behind that kid, don't worry. If you find anything inside, tell me when you come out. If that kid comes out but you don't, I will kill him directly and avenge you." Saladinge Said in a deep voice.

"Okay..." Seeing that Saladinge said this, Evra did not dare to refuse, so he could only agree.

He held the crystal ball and walked forward. When the people in front saw him coming, they also moved out of the way for him.

Evra came to Zhang Yu and said, "Boy, let's go in now."

Zhang Yu looked at Nini and Paris. He knew these two women, and even if he refused to let them go, the two women would follow them. Especially in this situation, if he really made a mistake, it would be difficult for the two girls to survive.

So, Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Then let's go in together. Nini, Paris, you two follow me."

After saying that, he walked towards a special operations team member, asked the team member for a bright flashlight, and walked slowly towards the cave with the money sword in hand.

Paris and Nini followed him toward the entrance of the cave, and Evra followed Saladin's wishes and walked at the back.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, the cave was pitch black. Zhang Yu used a strong flashlight to shine inside, and he could see that the cave was not long, only about twenty meters deep. There were no steps leading up, and there seemed to be nothing.

Zhang Yu held a flashlight and was the first to walk in. Nini and Paris followed him. After walking for about ten meters, Zhang Yu could finally see that there were steps going down at the end.

He didn't expect that it would be like this this time. Since there is a way to go down, let's go down.

After taking a few steps to reach the downward steps, Zhang Yu shined a bright flashlight downwards, unable to see the end at a glance. It seemed that the steps were not short. He was really curious as to where they could lead.

Zhang Yu walked down. It must be said that he had experienced a lot and was very courageous. He had never been anywhere. There are many places where people have a narrow escape from death, and this is not the case.

The steps below are very deep and long, and you can walk for forty or fifty knots before you see the end below. There was a corridor going forward before the end. Zhang Yu slowly came to the door of the corridor and looked inside with a strong flashlight. He found that the corridor was not long, only about three meters. There should be a spacious room further forward. of.

Zhang Yu did not go in immediately this time, but took out two talisman papers and typed them in first.

With two "pop" and "pop" sounds, the talisman ignited and turned into two fire piles falling to the ground, illuminating them brightly. Zhang Yu then walked inside and passed the corridor in a few steps. As expected, the surrounding area was very spacious, almost a stone room with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters.

Nini and Paris also followed in, and Evra walked in last. After they came in, they all looked around and looked around.

Their eyes were quickly attracted by a skeleton in the front left corner. This skeleton was actually green and looked extremely weird.

Seeing this, Nini couldn't help but said: "Why...his bones...are green..."

"I don't know. Let's go and take a look first." Zhang Yu said.

He walked slowly towards the skeleton. The stone room was only that big, and he soon arrived in front of the skeleton.

Zhang Yu took a closer look and immediately discovered that the green skeleton was relatively complete, except that the lower leg of the left leg was broken. He could vaguely conclude that this was not caused after death, but during life.

There was nothing special next to the skeleton, but standing here and close to the stone wall, he followed and discovered that there were many symbols outlined on the stone wall. These symbols looked very familiar, just like the symbols found in the cave where Shao Weige was imprisoned.

Just as Zhang Yu was about to ask Nini if ​​she recognized the symbols above, his mouth opened and closed again. He turned around and came to Nini, reaching out to touch Nini's face. Nini was obviously stunned for a moment, wondering what Zhang Yu was doing.

But soon, Nini discovered what Zhang Yu was doing. It turned out that Zhang Yu had turned off the translation system on her ears.

"What are you doing?" Nini asked in confusion.

Without the translation software, she spoke in Indian. Paris and Evra on the side couldn't understand it at all. Only Zhang Yu could understand.

Zhang Yu then said: "Nini, look at these words on the wall, do you recognize them?"

Because he automatically received Nini's language change signal, Zhang Yu now also speaks Indian. Paris and Evra also couldn't understand.

Nini's eyes were originally attracted by the green bones on the ground. After hearing what Zhang Yu said, she looked at the stone wall and said, "Knowing is the word we have there."

Zhang Yu estimated that Nini could understand the words on it, otherwise he couldn't turn off Nini's translation system as soon as he came up.

After receiving Nini's answer, Zhang Yu immediately said: "Then think about it, what is written on it."

"Okay." Nini agreed, then looked at the words on the stone wall for a while, and then began to read, "Our Mayan tribe used to live in peace, but suddenly one day, a group of people came to our homeland and broke the Our peace..."

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