Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3848 Tracking

With the children's clothes, it would be much easier for Zhang Yu to find someone. He took the child's vest in his hand, looked at Song Feng, Ma Sihai and Tai Wannian, and thought about who to take.

After all, I can’t drive, so someone has to go with me. After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu said: "Brother Song, let's go for a while. Brother Tai and Brother Ma will stay here to take care of us."

Upon hearing this, Tai Wannian gave up and immediately said: "This won't work, I have to follow you to find someone!"

Ma Sihai also said: "I have to go too, what can I do here?"

"We can't just leave the four of them at home, otherwise they won't feel at ease. If anything happens, there must be a connection." Zhang Yu said.

"Then just leave this matter to Brother Ma. Detective Song and I will follow you. Isn't that good?" Tai Wannian said directly.

"You are from Hongdu, we can't let you take risks." Ma Sihai said immediately.

On the way, Ma Sihai also knew through introduction that Tai Wannian came from Hongdu to help solve the case.

"They are all patrollers. You know where they come from. If you are familiar with them, it would be a good idea to stay." Tai Wannian said eagerly.

"They're all patrollers, familiar or not... This is the first time I've seen them, okay..." Ma Sihai was not a person who was afraid of danger, so he directly retorted.

Zhang Yu frowned secretly and said in his heart: "What the hell are you doing? You know there is danger, but you still rush to get there."

It's definitely not possible to go all together, because if there is anything that needs family members, someone needs to be here for easy contact.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu said: "Brother Ma, why don't you stay."

"We can't go alone to the patrol headquarters in the east of the town. Even if Inspector Bai asks, I can't explain it. After all, it's a case we took on." Ma Sihai said immediately.

"Brother Tai, why don't you stay and keep in touch at all times." Song Feng looked at Tai Wannian.

At this time, he had to speak. He had the highest level here. Moreover, Zhang Yu brought just a few people here. What Ma Sihai said makes sense. The case was taken over by the Zhendong Patrol Head Office. One person cannot be refused to go. Doesn’t that mean that the Zhennan Patrol Head Office wants to give all the credit? Robbed. Therefore, let Tai Wannian stay.

Tai Wannian is really not afraid of death. He doesn't care if he goes through fire or water in order to avenge his father. But now, Song Feng has said so, and he may not be able to force himself to say that he wants to go.

He could only nod angrily and said, "Sure, I'll stay then. If anything happens, call me right away."

"I know." Zhang Yu nodded.

In this way, Tai Wannian was left behind. Zhang Yu took the child's intimate clothes, went downstairs with Song Feng and Ma Sihai, and returned to the van.

Ma Sihai was driving when we arrived, and now Ma Sihai is sitting in the driving seat. Zhang Yu sat in the passenger seat, while Song Feng could only sit in the back.

Zhang Yu took out the eight-character fortune-telling disk at this moment, grabbed the child's vest, bit the tip of his tongue, and squirted a mouthful of blood onto the compass. He recited the mantra silently, and soon the pointer on the compass began to rotate rapidly, "Clatter... Crash..."

Zhang Yu was delighted when he saw the needle on the compass turning, because he understood that as long as the pointer on the compass moved, it meant that the child was fine.

The pointer immediately settled on the direction, and Zhang Yu asked Ma Sihai to drive and set off in the direction pointed by the pointer.

The car left the community and headed southwest. Song Feng took out his mobile phone and clicked on the positioning map to determine their location.

Their car took nearly two hours to drive all the way, sometimes on national highways, sometimes on country roads. At this moment, it was no longer the boundary of Dayuan Town, and it was even beyond the scope of Gukou.

Finally, the car came to a remote countryside. The direction indicated by the compass pointer was on the right side of the road. There was a field of corn, which was impossible to drive through.

"Stop!" Zhang Yu said directly.

Seeing what Zhang Yu said, Ma Sihai quickly braked and said, "Are we here?"

"It should be soon." Zhang Yu said, "You and Detective Song are waiting in the car. I'll get out of the car and go over to take a look."

After saying that, he opened the car door and wanted to get out of the car.

Seeing that he was going to act alone, Song Feng quickly said: "This can't be done. How can I let you go alone? There must be someone to accompany you. I will go with you."

"Yes, yes, let's go together." Ma Sihai said immediately.

"It's enough for you two to meet each other in the car. If there are more people, it's easier to be exposed. If reinforcements are needed, I will call you as soon as possible." Zhang Yu said.

"We really need reinforcements, it's not too late to call..." Song Feng immediately retorted.

"There are just two of us. You still can't believe my abilities...just listen to me. You two stay in the car and I'll go alone..." Zhang Yu said and got out of the car.

Of course Song Feng and Ma Sihai knew Zhang Yu's abilities. They followed Zhang Yu and acted as drivers at best. They also understood that Zhang Yu was afraid of danger, so he would not let them follow.

There was no other way, so the two of them could only nod and stay in the car. Zhang Yu got off the car alone and got into the corn field on the roadside. However, he did not go directly in the direction specified by the compass. Instead, he opened his bag first, took out Agou, and threw it aside.

There is also a Taoist robe in the bag, but the white Bagua Immortal Clothes would be a bit conspicuous if worn now. After hesitating for a moment, he thought that the chain mail on his body was enough, and the real master would most likely not be here. Of course, even if it is really there, it should be too late to put it on when the time comes.

So, he carried his bag, led Agou, and walked forward following the pointer on the compass. After passing this field of corn, a courtyard appeared in front. The direction pointed by the pointer is this courtyard.

"It seems that most of the people are here..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, and then tiptoed forward.

He barely made any noise and arrived at the yard in a moment. Immediately afterwards, he could hear a man's voice, "Get everyone in the car and leave now."

"Yes." "Yes." "Yes."... Then, several more men's voices sounded.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Yu put the eight-character fortune-telling tray into his arms, put his hands on the wall, jumped slightly, stuck his head out of the wall, and looked into the yard.

I saw a van parked in the yard and a man standing next to the van. Five men entered the front room and soon each took out a child. These children's mouths were covered with tape and they couldn't make any sound.

The five men hugged the man and got directly into the car. The man next to the car also got into the passenger seat of the van. The car door closed with a "clang", and it meant that he was about to leave.

With Zhang Yu's ability, if he wanted to stop the van now, it would be no problem. But after a moment's hesitation, he still didn't move. Because Zhang Yu knew that the leading man might have a bug like the dead Lin Wu. As soon as he takes action, the mastermind behind it will definitely know, and then he will be alerted, and it will be more difficult to arrest people again.

On the contrary, if you continue to use the fortune-seeking technique to track them, you will be able to find their destination directly.

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