Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3849 Threshing Field

This destination is probably the opponent's home base. But in this way, these children may suffer more, and if they catch up to the other party's lair, the other party may use the children as hostages.

Zhang Yu was inevitably a little embarrassed. At this stall, the van had already started and left the yard. Zhang Yu could tell that the van was heading in the opposite direction to him.

He jumped down and said in his heart: "Since the person is already in the car, let's continue chasing. You bastards, don't let me catch you!"

After making up his mind, he didn't directly use the horoscope to track him. Now that he didn't have a car, he chased him with only his legs. God knows where the other party would go.

Zhang Yu turned around, quickly returned to the road, came to the van, opened the door and got in. Agou jumped onto Zhang Yu's lap.

Seeing him coming back alone, Ma Sihai immediately asked: "How is it? Did you find him?"

"We found it, but there was a van parked in the yard at that time. They put the five children in the van and left." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

" can you just let them go..." Ma Sihai said with a frown.

Without Zhang Yu's need to answer, Song Feng, who was sitting behind him, said: "They must be moving the child to their destination and handing it over to the mastermind behind it. Zhang Yu is going to play a long game to catch the big fish. Since Zhang Yu can find Here, if we continue to track them, we will definitely be able to find where they are going next.”

"Yes..." Ma Sihai slapped his head and said, "That's right! But...could it be said that they also arrested many children..."

Naturally, Ma Sihai didn't know anything about extending his life.

"Maybe it will be like this..." Song Feng said: "Brother, look at it now, should I call the team, recruit all the people, and act together to kill them all!"

"No need!" Zhang Yu shook his head and said, "It's hard to say now whether the children have been sent to their final destination. If you order all the troops, it will only be exposed. My purpose is, let's catch up first. Then the camera moves. And of course, your people have to be on standby."

"That's true. It's just that it's not close to the main patrol building in Zhennan right now. Let's just talk about this place. It will take at least two hours for my people to arrive. By then, I don't know if I will be able to make it in time." Song Feng was a little bit Said worriedly.

In fact, Zhang Yu really doesn't expect to patrol. No matter how many patrols there are, the masters they meet are just cannon fodder.

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't let them run away easily. Even if we get to their lair, we won't have time to mobilize the troops again."

The people he mobilized were not patrolling people, but people from the White Eyebrow Palace. Now I am anxious to make a phone call. If I get to someone who is not the other party's home base and engage in such a big battle, I might have to expose my own strength. Zhang Yu also knew that it would definitely take time for the mastermind behind it to do this to extend his life. The child had just been delivered, so he shouldn't be able to do it right away. Everything would be too late. After all, they needed more than five children, probably seventy-two.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Let's chase him now." Song Feng said eagerly.

Zhang Yu took out the eight-character fortune-telling chart from his pocket, and then asked Ma Sihai to drive in the direction of the pointer.

The pointer was now pointing to the side and back, and he needed to turn around. Ma Sihai turned around and drove towards the road he came from. When there was a road turning to the left in front of him, he turned along the road and followed it.

The chase along the way was also very desolate. It was obvious that the place where the other party was going must be sparsely populated.

After chasing Neng for nearly two hours, a huge courtyard appeared in front of him. When the van passed by the yard, the pointer on the compass also rotated, always pointing to this big yard.

After the car drove through the yard, Zhang Yu immediately said: "People are in the yard, find a secluded place to park in front."

This place is extremely secluded. Apart from this large courtyard, there are not many homes visible in the dark.

Ma Sihai stopped the car next to a small forest in front and said, "We're here."

"Yes." Zhang Yu nodded slightly and said, "You two are waiting in the car. It's best to drive the car into the woods. Don't let anyone see you."

"Sure." Ma Sihai nodded.

Song Feng, who was sitting behind him, said, "Brother, I don't need to mobilize the troops to come here."

"I'll go in first to find out. If this is the other party's lair, I'll send you a message." Zhang Yu said, taking out his cell phone from his pocket and turning the phone into silent mode.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news, but you must be careful." Song Feng warned.

"Don't worry, no one will find me." Zhang Yu said confidently.

After saying that, he opened the car door.

Ah Gou was the first to run out, and Zhang Yu got out of the car, turned around and rushed towards the big yard.

The courtyard is very large, but the walls are not high, about the same height as Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu reached out and grabbed the wall, leaned out, and looked inside.

Just at a glance, it seemed like a threshing floor, with a lot of crops being pushed. In addition, there are several rooms in the yard, with a large warehouse in the middle. In front of the warehouse, there are five vans parked.

Seeing these vans, Zhang Yu knew in his heart that most of these vans were here to drop off children. The yard was very quiet, not a sound could be heard, only the slight wind in the night.

Zhang Yu didn't notice any peeping, so he expected there was no surveillance inside. He then came down from the wall, squatted down, and whispered: "Agou, go in through the front door and see if there is anyone in the yard."

Agou seemed to know that he needed to be secretive. He nodded slightly, then rushed out and ran towards the main entrance. The door to the threshing floor is large, but there is a gap underneath, big enough for a dog to get through.

Zhang Yu squatted under the wall and waited. After a while, Agou ran back and arrived in front of Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu gently patted the dog's head and whispered: "How is it? Is there anyone in the yard?"

Agou shook his head slightly, indicating that he had not noticed it.

Zhang Yu then said, "You still get in through the front door, I'll climb over the wall and get in, and we'll meet in the courtyard."

Agou then nodded and walked around to the main door again. Zhang Yu grabbed the wall, turned over, and came to the courtyard gently and skillfully.

There are no lights in the yard, all relying on the starlight in the sky. Zhang Yu went straight to the warehouse in the middle. He didn't walk very fast, but he didn't make any sound in the quiet night.

Arriving at the diagonal side of the warehouse, Zhang Yu pressed against the wall of the warehouse, and Agou also rushed over to join them. Zhang Yu ignored Agou, just closed his eyes and listened to everything inside.

He could immediately feel that there were many people in the warehouse, with numbers ranging from several dozen to several dozen. Immediately afterwards, he heard a man's voice again, "Brother Lu, what are you talking about? We have a well-known name in the world, but now we are engaged in kidnapping and trafficking children. If this spreads out, we will face Where to put it..."

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