Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3847 Without further ado

"My son was snatched away on the street yesterday!" After hearing Zhang Yu's question, the man sitting there said immediately.

The woman next to him then said aggrievedly: "My son said he wanted to eat ice cream, so I went to the store to buy it for him, but a motorcycle suddenly stopped behind us, and someone immediately picked up my son. The motorcycle ran away after him... I kept chasing and shouting... I watched helplessly as my son disappeared... Wuwuwuwu..."

When the woman said this, she started crying again unconsciously.

Her cry seemed to resonate with the old woman. The old woman started crying before she could speak. She choked and said: "My grandson and granddaughter were lost the day before yesterday... They were playing in the yard at the time... I I went in to get apples for them... When I came out, the two children were gone... I looked everywhere but couldn't find them... Xiaoyue took me to the town to report the case, and the patrol asked us to wait... The result Until now, there has been no movement..."

"The patrol in town just asked us to wait... Two days have passed... Everyone knows that the longer this happens, the more dangerous the child will be..." Xiaoyue, who was sitting next to the old woman, also hurriedly said aggrievedly. said.

Zhang Yu nodded and then said, "Where are you from Gukou?"

"He's from Dayuan Town," the woman said quickly.

"I am also from Dayuan Town." The old woman followed.

Zhang Yu nodded again, and then said: "Do you remember the child's birth date?"

"I remember, I remember..." the woman was the first to say: "My son was born on X month XX day, XX year, at 3:22 pm..."

As the mother of a child, she knows better than anyone what time her son was born. After all, it was a hard time for me at that time. Even if I had no time to pay attention to the time when I was born, I would ask the doctor later, and it would be accurate to the second.

The old woman hesitated for a moment and said: "I know that my grandson was born on X month in XX year, it seems to be 8 o'clock in the evening... My granddaughter was born in XX year on X month XX day, during the day, in the morning...specifically I can’t remember the time…”

It seems that country people tend to favor sons over daughters. They can remember the birth time of their grandson clearly, but they only know the year, month and day of their granddaughter.

But compared to the birthday and horoscope provided by the old lady, the one provided by the woman is more accurate.

Zhang Yu looked at the woman and said, "What's your son's name?"

"My name is You Xiaogang." The woman replied immediately.

"Yes." After hearing this, Zhang Yu immediately picked up his fingers and counted the child's name and birth date.

Soon, he had the answer. The child was fine now.

Seeing Zhang Yu like this, the men, women, old woman, and Xiao Yue were all puzzled, wondering how the patrolman could tell fortunes.

Of course, they didn't know Zhang Yu's identity and just thought that everyone here was a patrol officer. After all, this is the Crime Team of the Zhendong District Patrol Headquarters.

"Captain, how is my son's condition?" The woman clearly saw that Zhang Yu was counting his fingers to tell fortunes. Although she didn't know whether Zhang Yu's calculations were accurate, she still asked eagerly.

"Your son is fine. Let's go look for him now. We'll go to your house right now." Zhang Yu said directly.

"Okay, okay..." As soon as the woman heard this, she immediately became energetic and her tears stopped instantly.

The old lady was even more enthusiastic about things like fortune telling. Even though Zhang Yu was young, she still thought that there must be something wrong with her, so she was probably sick and sought medical treatment. She hurriedly said: "My grandson's name is Liu Xiaobao, can you also help me with the math..."

Good guy, she only talked about her grandson, not her granddaughter.

However, the birth date and horoscopes she provided were somewhat insufficient. They didn't even have the specific minutes, so Zhang Yu couldn't calculate it. But Zhang Yu couldn't make the old woman anxious, so he said: "Old woman, your grandson and his son should be together. Our patrol will go to rescue them right now. Don't worry..."

Having said this, Zhang Yu stood up directly and said: "Let's set off and go to your house first!"

As he said this, he pointed his finger at the woman.

Not to mention how excited the woman was when she saw this. After all, the patrol in the town only took notes and didn't see any other actions. This could at least do some serious work.

The woman stood up excitedly and said with tears of gratitude: "Okay, okay...thank you, the arresting officer..."

Detective Bai, Pan Yun and others naturally know Zhang Yu's abilities. With that compass, finding people is easy. Now seeing that Zhang Yu was about to set off, Pan Yun immediately stood up and said, "Zhang Yu, look how many people we will take with us!"

According to her, even if she doesn't bring a hundred and eighty people to catch the kidnapper, she must at least bring twenty or thirty.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu was reminded that he could not bring so many people with him, as the other party might be able to use magic. If there were too many people, it would be dangerous. Of course, the child may not be in the hands of the rightful owner now, and maybe he hasn't been gathered together yet. So, Zhang Yu said: "There is no need to go with so many people. On your side, Brother Ma can just follow me. You can be prepared and go out at any time."

Then, Zhang Yu looked at Song Feng again and said, "Inspector Song, go back to the patrol room now and prepare your manpower."

When Song Feng heard this, he immediately said: "You don't know about me yet. I am always ready and everyone is on standby to set off at any time. I will go with you. Once there is news, just make a call and everyone will be able to rush over immediately!"

Song Feng could tell that Zhang Yu was afraid of danger and didn't want him to follow. But this is no longer the case. He has committed a crime and has done meritorious deeds. Not to mention following the prisoner to arrest him, even if it directly kills him, he will still do it.

Zhang Yu understood Song Feng's mentality, nodded, and said: "Okay, let's go without further delay!"

"I'll go with you!" Pan Yun was also impatient and said immediately.

"Just don't go, wait in the main patrol room, I will notify you if there is any news!" Zhang Yu didn't want her to take risks, so he immediately said: "Brother Ma, let's go!"

Pan Yun frowned, knowing that Zhang Yu didn't want her to take risks. She had no choice but to pouted and said, "Okay...I'll wait for your call..."

In this way, Zhang Yu, Song Feng, Tai Wannian, Ma Sihai and the old woman went out directly, left the main patrol room, got in the car and rushed to Dayuan Town.

It’s not that close from the east side of the town to Dayuan Town in Gukou. To be honest, driving there is not as fast as taking the subway. But they can't go there by subway, they still have to drive.

In order to save trouble, I took a van from the Zhendong Patrol Office, and it was a very ordinary-looking van.

Along the way, Zhang Yu had a detailed understanding of the situation of the two families in the car. The two families who lost their children were inevitably grateful to Zhang Yu and others.

They arrived at Dayuan Town in the early morning, and then arrived at the community where men and women lived. This family lived in a new community. When he came to the woman's home, Zhang Yu was straightforward and asked the woman to find a piece of underwear for her child. Although the woman didn't understand what it meant, she still found her son's vest and gave it to Zhang Yu.

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