Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3707: One goes and the other goes up

It has to be said that the purchasing power of Chinese people is indeed strong enough. Because Zhang Yu had said before that he would sell cars on the spot, and newspapers and media had also publicized it, so many of the people present today planned to see the quality before deciding whether to buy it or not.

I just saw that the dealers wanted to take the cars away directly, and there were so many people on the scene who wanted to buy cars. For a while, people who had originally planned to wait and see couldn't help but follow suit. The more people buy, the more people who originally didn't want to buy can't control themselves and join in. In their view, buying Dahe Automobile is obviously a big advantage.

The hot sales scene could not be more exaggerated.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu has made sufficient preparations, and supports everyone whether buying a car with cash or with a loan. Procedures and all, everything is in place.

Among the people who bought cars, there were some weird ones, especially those at the front. When they paid to choose a car, one of them actually made such a request, "I'll choose the car I just hit. It’s a pretty good car.”

This immediately reminded other buyers, and several of them said: "I also want the one that was just bumped over there!" "I also want the one that was just bumped over there!" "Me too!"...

Usually when buying a car, you want to buy one that almost no one has test driven. It's so good now, I want to buy the one I bumped into before.

Since someone is buying it, the salesperson will naturally take them there to choose a car. When these people went over and took a look, they were also stunned. Just like the previously announced results, although the car had been hit, it was not damaged at all. Unlike the Qihu car, a pile of glass debris was left on the ground.

The reporters were not idle and took pictures of all the car buying scenes.

As for the dealers, when they saw this posture, they all understood that there was probably not even one of the 300 existing cars left, so they should save it themselves.

Therefore, they all proposed to sign orders with Dahe Motors.

There are so many dealers, and BOSS and the others are all busy, so there is obviously not enough manpower. Zhang Yu simply proposed that the order cannot be signed today. We will sign the order at the hotel tomorrow.

The dealer also noticed that the people at Dahe Automobile were too busy at all, so he stopped making trouble here and waited until tomorrow to sign the contract. Anyway, it’s not a day away.

Such a hot scene must be reported to the headquarters by reporters as quickly as possible, and the news will follow.

"The decisive battle at Xinghe Mountain! Dahe Motors won a great victory. Qi Wuxuan, the chairman of Qihu Motors, was so angry that he had asthma!" "After only two of the four contests, Qihu Motors was the first to surrender!" "At the foot of Xinghe Mountain, Dahe Motors Cars are being sold on site, with dealers coming in an endless stream, and car buyers grabbing cars on the spot!" "Car grabbing! Car grabbing! Sales of Dahe cars are booming, and many buyers are openly snatching Dahe cars after the collision!" "Unprecedented, cars that have been hit are Popular! This is Dahe Motors!”…

News like this is endless. Below the title, there are full pages of pictures and videos, as well as on-site reports, not to mention how lively it is.

Zhang Yu was extremely busy here. Not only did he have to sell cars, but he also had to face interviews with countless reporters. Not only did the reporters surround Zhang Yu, but even Jiang Yulin and others did not escape. They also had to face the indiscriminate bombardment from these people.

Compared to them, Qi Wuxuan was riding home in disgrace.

The only person sitting in the same car with him was Tian Hairong, and the two of them were sitting in the back seat. Tian Hairong also knew that Qi Wuxuan was in a bad mood, so she didn't dare to say anything.

At this time, Qi Wuxuan took out the prescription Zhang Yu gave him from his pocket. Seeing this, Tian Hairong said carefully: "Chairman, is this Zhang Yu... really so kind..."

"He won't kill me with the medicine. Let's take the medicine according to the prescription." Qi Wuxuan handed the prescription to Tian Hairong.

"Yes." Tian Hairong took the prescription and carefully put it into her pocket. She then said worriedly: "Now... Dahe Automobile is in the limelight... I guess the media will brag about it... This will be a big blow to our Qihu The impact of cars is probably not small..."

"Yes... we lost... but fortunately, we still have a large number of orders... Just working on these orders is enough for Qihu Automobile to make a lot of money... As for more markets, After a while, when the limelight of Dahe Motors has passed, we can think of a solution..." Qi Wuxuan said calmly.

Although he lost, he did not lose completely.

But at this moment, the phone in Tian Hairong's pocket suddenly rang, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

Hearing the ringtone, Tian Hairong took out her phone and took a look. The caller ID showed that it was Duan Guochao, the director of the sales department, calling.

Seeing the number, Tian Hairong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qi Wuxuan and said, "Chairman, this is Duan Guochao's phone number."

"Why...why did he call you..." Qi Wuxuan hesitated for a moment, obviously very curious, and then said: "Then just answer the phone and see what he said."

"Yes, Chairman." Tian Hairong agreed and answered immediately, "Hello, hello."

"Mr. Tian, ​​this is Duan Guochao." Duan Guochao's voice rang on the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Duan, what do you need from me?" Tian Hairong said.

"Like this...are you with the chairman..." Duan Guochao said.

"Yes. What's wrong?" Tian Hairong asked in confusion.

" is the chairman feeling is his physical condition..." Duan Guochao asked in a low voice.

"Not bad, pretty good." Tian Hairong said.

"Then I'm relieved... about this... I'll tell the chairman personally later..." Duan Guochao said.

"That's fine." Tian Hairong was puzzled.

The two of them exchanged a few more words and then hung up the phone.

Qi Wuxuan looked at Tian Hairong and said, "What did Duan Guochao say?"

"He asked how you were feeling and how your health was... But from what he meant, it seemed like he had something to say... It gave me a feeling that it might be bad news..." Tian Hairong said.

"Bad news..." Qi Wuxuan groaned, and unconsciously became a little nervous.

Soon, Qi Wuxuan's cell phone rang, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

He took out his cell phone and took a look. Sure enough, it was Duan Guochao's phone number. Qi Wuxuan answered directly and said, "Hello, hello."

"Hello, Chairman..." Duan Guochao's nervous voice came from the phone.

"Old Duan, is something wrong?" Qi Wuxuan said bluntly.

"That... chairman... is the previous order... After we cooperated with the military industry, didn't we increase the order for 300,000 vehicles... But now... dealers are calling one after another, asking to reduce the order... ... Now orders have dropped sharply... all of a sudden down to 30,000 vehicles..." Duan Guochao said nervously.

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