Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3706 Purchasing Power

The scene was very lively, and the dealers were rushing to grab cars one by one. The orders placed by everyone were extremely large. Such orders can be said to be extremely rare in the domestic market.

But dealers all know that Dahe Automobile has just been launched, and it will definitely become popular after it is launched. If you place fewer orders from your own company and place more orders from others, it is very likely that you will not have any cars on hand for continued sales. At that time, if you want to place additional orders, I am afraid that the factory will only be busy with other people's orders first, and will not take care of yours for a while.

Xiao Jiejie, Jiang Yulin and others on the stage, as well as Brother BOSS and the people from Dahe Automobile in the audience, were all excited when they saw this scene. You know, this is all money. Regarding the production cost, Brother BOSS knows best. The previous configuration cost less than 200,000 yuan. If calculated based on the ex-factory price of 480,000 yuan, the profit of a car can more than double. This is simply the biggest huge profit in the automobile industry. . The profits of the automobile industry can be considered huge profits if a car can reach 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. The profits of Dahe Automobile can reach more than 200,000 yuan, which is no different from robbing money.

However, Brother BOSS also understood that Zhang Yu must have done something inside, but what exactly he did, he didn't know. Of course, in BOSS's opinion, this should be regarded as the core technology that enables Dahe Motors to achieve such quality. It's normal not to let people know.

Think about the time when Dahe Automobile was only seen as a no-name car, and not many cars could be sold in a year. Thinking about the auto show a few days ago, Dahe Motors was even more uninterested. But now, it has been regarded as a treasure by dealers, and they are simply snatching it up on the spot.

Similarly, despite the huge number of orders, Brother BOSS also has his own troubles, that is, the assembly line simply cannot produce so many cars. With the current production of Dahe Automobile, if we work overtime every day, we can say that at most 50 cars can be rolled off the production line, which is only 1,500 cars a month. However, dealers placed orders ranging from one or two thousand vehicles to tens of thousands. Such orders would exhaust the workers of the automobile factory and they would not be able to produce them.

When reporters saw such a scene, they all took pictures one after another. After all, this was also a big stunt. After the news was published, it would definitely cause a sensation.

The stands are lively, and the passage from the auditorium to the venue is also lively now.

Hundreds of spectators rushed down from the auditorium, and the security guards at the scene hurriedly stopped them. Unfortunately, there were so many spectators that many people shouted, "Didn't I just say that you can pay for a test drive? I want to buy a car." !" "That's right! I'm buying a car too!" "Didn't Mr. Zhang just say that you can pick up the car as long as you pay for it? I want to pick up the car now!" "Me too, get out of the way!"...

The chaos here is far greater than that below the stands, after all, there are so many people.

After Zhang Yu and others in the stands heard the shouting, many people frowned secretly. These cars could have been given directly to the dealer, so why bother with so much trouble.

Xiao Jiejie looked at Zhang Yu and whispered, "What should we do now?"

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "This is a good thing... Let's go over and have a look..."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the audience.

When other people on the stage saw him going down, they quickly followed and got off the stage together.

Arriving at the stage, Zhang Yu went straight to the audience. Those who came down from the auditorium soon saw Zhang Yu and his party approaching.

These people immediately shouted, "Coming, coming! It seems that Zhang Yu is coming!" "Yes! It's him, and he came here in person!" "Mr. Zhang, are you still selling these?" "Mr. Zhang!" I sincerely buy a car! Does what you just said count?" "I also sincerely buy a car!"...

Under the shouts of everyone, Zhang Yu and other people came to the auditorium. Not only Zhang Yu and the others came over, but also the reporters and dealers at the scene all followed. Brother BOSS and the staff from Dahe Auto also came with him.

Standing in front of the audience, Zhang Yu said loudly with a smile on his face: "Please be quiet, I have something to say."

His voice worked really well, and the place immediately fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu said again: "I, Zhang Yu, have always been true to my word, and what I have said will naturally count. Whether you are buying a car or test driving, I welcome you here. But, we also I can’t say that it makes the scene too chaotic, it’s better to queue up!”

Having said this, Zhang Yu turned to look for Brother BOSS, but there were so many people behind him that he didn't even see him for a while. Zhang Yu could only shout: "Lu Jianqi! Lu Jianqi!"

Brother BOSS heard the shouting and hurriedly squeezed in from behind, "Chairman, I'm here."

"Just come." Zhang Yu nodded slightly, then looked at the people in the auditorium, and said: "These people are buying cars and test driving. You and someone are responsible for receiving them. Those who want to buy a car are here. Line up on the left, and those who want to test drive line up on the right.”

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Brother BOSS agreed, then ran towards the back and called the staff of Dahe Automobile to make preparations.

When the dealers present saw that Zhang Yu really planned to sell cars here, many people immediately said: "Mr. Zhang, what are you doing here? I want all these cars." "Mr. Zhang, I want to pay in cash." Cars, I want all of your three hundred and two cars." "Do you have that much cash? Mr. Zhang, I have withdrawn all these cars in cash!"...

Although dealers generally use cash to pick up cars from the manufacturer, many dealers cannot afford such a large amount of money at once. They often pick up the car and then mortgage the car to the bank in exchange for a loan, repair the holes, etc. After the car is sold, the money is returned to the bank. After all, a car can easily cost hundreds of thousands. If you pay for it with your own cash, the backlog of funds will be quite large. No dealer would do that.

These dealers were able to withdraw money in cash, and they directly covered 300 cars. They obviously believed that these cars would not have to be sold. After taking them back, they would immediately be able to take advantage of Dahe Motors and make a profit.

When the dealers said this, the audience on the other side stopped waiting for Zhang Yu to answer. Then someone shouted: "Mr. Zhang just said that we can pick up the car! I will buy one of this car!" "I will buy one too! Mr. Zhang will not break his promise!" "I will pick up the car on the spot, no. Test drive!” “I’ll also pick up the car on the spot!”…

Amidst the noise of everyone, Brother BOSS and his people prepared the tables and placed them on the left and right sides. According to what was said before, the one on the left is for buying a car, and the one on the right is for test driving, but you have to pay for the test drive.

After setting up, the audience was asked to come out under the supervision of security guards. Good guy, as soon as the audience came out, almost all of them ran to the left, and few went to the right. Because everyone knows that if you wait for a test drive, the car will probably be snatched away by others. It seems that these are the cars that Dahe Motors currently rolls off the production line, some are fast and some are slow. Moreover, the quality of these cars is absolutely guaranteed, and there is no guarantee whether future cars will have this quality.

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