Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3705 Car Stealing

Qi Wuxuan pinched the prescription that Zhang Yu gave him, and after a while he said, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, let's continue." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Uh..." Qi Wuxuan felt embarrassed again and his face felt hot. He was the one who started this fight. It seemed like he was already losing. No matter how hard he hit, he couldn't hit the Dahe car. Especially just now, Zhang Yu repaid evil with kindness, which made Qi Wuxuan feel even worse.

Qi Wuxuan smiled bitterly and said: "The winner has been decided, so I don't think there is any need to compete. Qihu Automobile lost, and the quality of Dahe Automobile is even better."

Having said this, he stood up, turned around and left.

He is also a bachelor. If he loses, he loses, and he has no one to rely on. If you continue to stay, it will be even more embarrassing.

When the people from Qihu Motors saw their boss leaving, they all hurriedly followed and followed Qi Wuxuan down to the stands.

Qi Wuxuan wanted to leave like this, but how could the reporters in the audience let him go so easily. Good guy, when the reporters saw him step down, they all gathered around him, "Mr. Qi, I'm a reporter from NetEase News. From what you just said, it seems like you're giving in... The reason why you're giving in is because Mr. Zhang’s help just now makes you embarrassed to compete with him anymore..."

After hearing this, Qi Wuxuan cursed in his heart, where did you come from with so many boring questions? You reporters, don’t you have nothing to do and you have to pick up which pot you don’t want to drink?

"My physical condition is not very good right now and I cannot be interviewed. Sorry, I have to go to the hospital now." Qi Wuxuan said in a deep voice.

The senior executives of Qihu Motors naturally knew that their boss was in a bad mood, so they rushed forward, blocked the reporters, and helped Qi Wuxuan fight his way out.

Tian Hairong in the audience saw that her boss had withdrawn, so she decided not to stay down and be embarrassed. She quickly called for people to drive away the twenty Qihu cars she had brought, and declined all kinds of interviews.

After more than ten minutes, all the people in Qihu Motors left.

People in the auditorium watched as the people in the Qihu car left like this, and everyone shouted dissatisfied: "What's going on? He left so quickly!" "Isn't it better than 20 cars? Halfway through the competition, let’s continue the competition!” “Holy crap! I came all the way here to watch the fun, why don’t you guys have some morals in finishing it so quickly?” “Isn’t it? What the hell are you doing! Can you have some morals? Integrity!" "I really rely on you! I took the subway and reversed the bus. I just watched this for a while and you guys ended it. Can you have some character!"...

They yelled and cursed one after another. After all, they all came to watch the fun. However, the fun ended after a while, and everyone would feel unhappy.

Xiao Jiejie, Jiang Yulin and others sitting on the stage were now looking at Zhang Yu. Xiao Jiejie said: "Zhang Yu, what do you think we should do now? Qi Wuxuan is gone, should we leave too?"

"Of course we can't leave, by the way...ask someone to bring me a microphone..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Fang Tong immediately asked someone to find a microphone for Zhang Yu. At this moment, when the reporters saw Qi Wuxuan running away, they could only turn around and rush towards Zhang Yu.

"Mr. Zhang, I am a reporter from Du Niang News. Now that Qihu Motors has suddenly withdrawn, I wonder what Mr. Zhang thinks about this?" A reporter rushed to the stage and asked first.

"Didn't Mr. Qi say that the winner has been decided and his health is not good, so he left first. I don't have any opinion on this. I just hope that Mr. Qi's health will get better as soon as possible. At the moment, it is not time for reporters to ask questions. , I still have something to say." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Excuse me, what's going on?" the reporter asked again.

"You'll find out later." Zhang Yu said.

While he was talking, someone found a microphone and put it in Zhang Yu's hands.

Zhang Yu picked up the microphone, stood up, and said loudly: "Hello everyone in the audience, welcome to come from afar to watch this showdown. The showdown is now over, and you have all seen the result. I am Dahe Motors. This time, 300 cars were transported to Nandu. I have said before that since they have been shipped, I do not plan to transport them back again! 300 current cars are sitting here. Regarding the quality, I, Zhang Yu, have no control over them. We can guarantee that it will be exactly the same as the competition car. If you are interested in Qihu cars, you can buy them on site and test drive them on site. However... there are too many people, and if they all test drive, we probably won’t be able to line up in one day. Therefore, anyone who is interested in buying a car needs to pay a deposit of 20,000 yuan before a test drive. If he is not satisfied after the test drive, 19,000 yuan will be refunded... Although there is no such thing as a test drive when buying a car. Speaking of charging, is it a bit excessive for Dahe Automobile to do this... But everyone present has also seen that if there are so many people here, if they all try, I will be too busy here. Charging can at least make people a little less busy. One o'clock...Okay, that's all. Anyone who wants to buy Dahe Motors can come here now..."

After saying that, he put down the microphone and started waiting.

At this stall, I saw many people running towards me not far away. These people were all dealers who had entered the venue before. They did not need to go to the auditorium to watch, they were all watching from a short distance away.

Hearing what Zhang Yu said at this moment, these people got excited. They rushed to the audience one by one and shouted, "Mr. Zhang, I am a car dealer in Beijing. I want to order 10,000 cars from you." Dahe Auto!" "Mr. Zhang, I am a dealer in Shicheng Executive District, and I would like to order 3,000 Dahe Automobiles from you!" "Mr. Zhang, I am a dealer in Nandu, and I would like to order 5,000 Dahe Automobiles from you. !" "Mr. Zhang, I am a dealer in Tianfu Administrative Region. I want to get the agency rights for the entire Tianfu Administrative Region and order 20,000 Dahe cars!" "Mr. Zhang..." "Mr. Zhang..."...

Good guy, the crowd here is really in a state of shock, and everyone is placing a large number of orders one after another.

After all, everyone knows that Dahe Motors has become popular all over the world. Although the price of 521,100 is a bit high and it has become the best domestic car, the quality is here. A Mercedes-Benz or a BMW costs more than this, but the quality of Dahe Automobile is far higher than that of these imported cars.

It is evident from the appearance, quality and high cost-effectiveness of Dahe Motors. Especially the Chinese people have a comparison mentality. Dahe Motors has just been launched, so it is bound to be very popular. It is estimated that even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

Sure enough, there was a dealer at the scene who simply shouted, "Mr. Zhang, I am a dealer in Zhenhai Administrative District. I have bought all the 300 Dahe cars you have here, and I will order another 10,000 from you!"

"Why should I let you cover it? Mr. Zhang, I'll cover your 300 Dahe cars. We have an order of 10,000 cars, and there's a lot of them!" The dealer in the capital was obviously hired by Zhenhai City. The dealer was reminded and shouted on the spot, wanting to take over these 300 Dahe cars directly.

After all, for a car, the guide price is the guide price, and the real sales price is still determined by the dealer. At present, these 300 Dahe cars are rare items. Let alone 520,000 yuan, they can still be sold even if the asking price is 600,000 yuan.

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