Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3708 It’s just a pity that your opponent is Zhang Yu

"What!" After hearing this, Qi Wuxuan's head buzzed and he almost stopped.

"That...that..." Duan Guochao didn't dare to say any more. He hesitated and couldn't say a word for a long time.

After all, Qi Wuxuan had seen it when he coughed violently on stage and couldn't stop it.

"The order was suddenly reduced from 300,000 to 30,000..." Qi Wuxuan gritted his teeth, and then said: "Are they crazy! Don't they want the deposit?"

"The dealers are probably saying that our Qihu cars will definitely be affected by Dahe Automobile now. If the car is taken back, it will definitely be thrown away... With so many cars, they have to apply for loans from banks. The... backlog has been so long that the bank interest alone can be used to offset the deposit... However, they still hope that they can negotiate with us and return the deposit... After all, we are cooperating for a long time, so don't be hurt by such a small amount of money... Be kind..." Duan Guochao said cautiously.

After Qi Wuxuan heard this, he gritted his teeth again, but he also understood the truth. The dealer placed such a large order all at once, originally thinking that the car would be easy to sell and make a lot of money through the previous publicity of Qihu Motors. Now that Qihu Motors is being suppressed by Dahe Motors, customers in the market will only favor Dahe Motors and will no longer buy Qihu Motors.

"It hurts the harmony!" Qi Wuxuan gritted his teeth in anger, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Old Duan, what do you think the sales volume will be if Qihu cars are put into the market in large quantities now..."

"It's not optimistic... Although the price of our cars is lower than that of Dahe Automobile, the difference is not very big... With such a price difference, for customers, more customers will choose Dahe Automobile..." Duan Guochao said.

"Dahe Automobile!" Qi Wuxuan said bitterly, then gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! Okay...return the deposit to them...cancel the order..."

"Yes, Chairman." Duan Guochao said immediately.

Although Qi Wuxuan was angry, he was not an idle person after all, and would not easily engage in disputes of will.

The automobile industry also pays attention to connections. Duan Guochao is doing so well in the industry because he has a large number of connections. But whether a car can be sold or not, more important is word of mouth. Now that Dahe Automobile is in the limelight, Qihu Automobile cannot compete with it, and orders have dropped sharply, which is normal. If all the dealers are offended because of this deposit, then there will be no connections. This will cause even greater losses to Qihu Motors.

Canceling the order and returning the deposit was actually a favor for Qihu Motors from these dealers. When the wind picks up, dealers will also come to purchase in large quantities.

"Is there anything else?" Qi Wuxuan asked again.

"No more." Duan Guochao said.

"Okay, let's hang up now. I'm a little tired and want to take a good rest." Qi Wuxuan said.

"Yes, Chairman, please have a good rest." Duan Guochao said quickly.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Wuxuan felt tired again. He leaned weakly on his seat, looking so listless.

Tian Hairong, who was sitting next to him, could of course hear some clues from Qi Wuxuan's words, especially since Qi Wuxuan himself said "return the deposit and cancel the order." It was obvious that there was a problem with the previous massive orders and the dealer changed his mind.

Seeing Qi Wuxuan's listless look, Tian Hairong didn't dare to say a word and sat beside him honestly.

The driver continued driving all the way back to White Deer Manor.

When we arrived at the gate of the manor, we happened to see a Beijing JEEP car parked there.

There were two people standing next to this car. When they saw Qi Wuxuan's car coming, they immediately waved to stop.

Qi Wuxuan had his eyes closed now, so he naturally didn't pay attention, but the driver knew it. The driver quickly said: "Boss, someone in front of us asked us to stop."

"Oh?" Qi Wuxuan was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes and looked forward.

He recognized the car at a glance and said, "Stop."

The driver immediately parked the car behind the JEEP car in Beijing. Qi Wuxuan opened the door and got out of the car. Tian Hairong didn't know the identity of the other party, so she wanted to follow him.

However, as soon as she opened the car door, Qi Wuxuan said directly: "You don't have to follow me. I can go by myself."

After saying that, he walked towards the Jingcheng JEEP ahead.

A person next to the car saw Qi Wuxuan coming and said politely: "Hello, Mr. Qi, please get in the car."

Then, he opened the car door.

Qi Wuxuan glanced inside the car, then got in, and the people outside also closed the door.

The person sitting in the car waiting for Qi Wuxuan was naturally none other than the colonel.

When Qi Wuxuan saw the colonel, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile, and said: "Captain Shen is here and waiting for me here, presumably to terminate the cooperation."

"That's right..." the colonel said, directly taking a document bag and saying: "Here is an agreement to terminate the cooperation. Our escort corps will take over all the special vehicles currently produced by Qihu Motors at the previously agreed price. But starting today, the cooperation ends."

"This can be considered a decent ending...Thank you, Captain Shen..." Qi Wuxuan said, reaching out to take the document bag.

He opened the document bag and found two documents inside. The contents of the documents were the same, both were agreements to terminate cooperation.

Qi Wuxuan himself also understood that losing to Dahe Automobile this time was really a loss. Compared with the quality of the cars on both sides, even if the Qihu car has been retrofitted, it will be for nothing.

Moreover, it is estimated that when the Qihu car was being retrofitted, it would not be hidden from the colonel's eyes. After all, there is so much turmoil within the company, and if the Guard Corps is willing to investigate, it is impossible that they will not be able to find out.

Anyway, this is already the case. It is better to be a bachelor. Could it be that the People's Guard Corps is really allowed to cancel the contract unilaterally? In that case, Qihu Motors will lose even more face.

Qi Wuxuan read the agreement, then took out his pen and signed his name on the two agreements.

"Excuse me, Mr. Qi." The colonel said calmly.

"You're welcome. The Guard Corps wants the best quality cars, and Qihu cars are not yet up to it. However, we will continue to work hard and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with the Guard Corps in the future." Qi Wuxuan said with a smile.

"Okay." The colonel nodded.

"If nothing happens, I will get off the car first." Qi Wuxuan said.

"Yeah." The colonel nodded again.

Qi Wuxuan opened the door and got out of the car, and the colonel turned to look at Qi Wuxuan, even staring at him as he returned to his car.

At this moment, the colonel couldn't help but feel sincere admiration for Qi Wuxuan. It was really rare for a person to remain calm after suffering such a heavy setback in one day. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have collapsed at this moment, and even if he wanted to act pretentious, he would not be able to do it.

"He is indeed a character... It's just a pity that your opponent is Zhang Yu... It is indeed not a wise thing to be an enemy of this kid... It seems that now I am going to meet him..." The colonel thought in his heart Muttering.

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