Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3645 Personal experience

The next day, Xinghe Mountain was still very lively. Drivers from various automobile manufacturers still come here to practice driving and become familiar with the track. Unlike Brother BOSS, they came very early and were already very familiar with the Xinghe Mountain track. Even so, they did not slack off. Everyone knows that the more laps you run, the better your chances of winning. Practice makes perfect, especially on this kind of track. A slight mistake can lead to a big mistake on the day of the race.

Brother BOSS came especially early today because he knew that he came later than everyone else and was the least familiar with the track, so he had to be more diligent than everyone else in the past few days.

Zhang Yu, Xiao Jiejie, Fang Tong, Luo Chen, and Jiang Yulin all accompanied him, but the others were not like this. Brother Da Biao obviously went to Nandu to look for flowers and women. Although Jiang Yuting was frightened yesterday, it still didn't affect him from doing other things with the female model at night, so he didn't even get up in the morning. Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru went shopping. After all, even if they went to Xinghe Mountain, they would not be able to help at all.

Waiting under Xinghe Mountain is indeed a very boring thing. But Zhang Yu was also worried that nothing would happen to Brother BOSS, so he had to come over. Not only that, he came today and even offered to get in the passenger seat and follow Brother BOSS up the mountain.

After all, in this competition, Zhang Yu’s only driver is BOSS. If something happens to BOSS before the race, there will be no need to compete at all. Not to mention that he was injured due to his mistake, but also the Qi family's style made Zhang Yu worried about what would happen if he plotted against the BOSS brother on the mountain. so. He followed Brother BOSS up the mountain, and specially prepared a magic talisman for Brother BOSS to prevent unexpected events.

Zhang Yu took a car up the mountain from the entrance and could appreciate the scenery of Xinghe Mountain. This time he finally knew why Jiang Yuting was able to crash the car into such a good shape yesterday.

Except for a bit of asphalt road at the entrance, there are no serious roads in Xinghe Mountain. Either there are ditches or bumps, or there are rocks on the ground. In some places, the pits on the ground are as deep as 20 centimeters, and there are several of them side by side. It is impossible for people to hide, and the wheels must be allowed to pass through the pits.

The depth of 20 centimeters, even for off-road vehicles and SUVs, was not so easy in the past. Especially since this is a competition, the requirements for speed are also very high. It cannot be said that it is like driving normally, just slow down when you see a pit. During the competition, there is no such thing as saying that if you are slow and others are fast, you may be caught up.

Therefore, when the drivers are practicing, they also maintain the speed to pass. Even if they slow down, it is only from 160 mph to 140 mph.

To pass at such a speed, the requirements for the quality of the car are really too high. In particular, the chassis and front bumper are prone to direct and severe damage.

The rocks on the ground are also large and small, and they are densely packed. It can be said that the wheels of the cart must roll over the stones. What riders should be aware of is the size of the rocks on the ground. When facing large rocks, you must hide and pass over small rocks.

This is also a great test for the quality of the car, and it is also a particularly great test for the driver's skills. Because the ground is full of rocks, and you have to avoid big rocks, the requirements for changing speed, turning, and moving are really too high.

Fortunately, Brother BOSS has not only participated in high-speed racing, but has also participated in obstacle courses and rally races, and has also driven off-road vehicles and SUVs, so he can cope with it. However, the obstacles he had seen before were incomparable to the obstacles here.

When we got to the front, the obstacles became more and more difficult. This time it was a big pit. This pit looks like a basin. After the car arrives, it first has to rush down the slope, and when it reaches the bottom, it has to go uphill again.

Moreover, whether it is going downhill or uphill, there are either holes or rocks on the road. If you are not careful, you may fall directly. Otherwise, people like Brother Weisen and Brother Daxia warned Brother BOSS before that with the quality of your broken car, it might be destroyed and people would be killed. After all, when you are familiar with the track, you cannot drive very fast. You need to observe everything around you. At this speed, danger can be avoided. But if you are driving at high speed during a race, if you want to avoid this danger, it depends more on the quality of the car. Because there are rocks and potholes on the up and down slopes that cannot be avoided at all. You have to go over them.

Coming out of the basin, the location is probably on the top of the mountain. However, the organizers actually dug up the road ahead, and there was another big downhill not far ahead. The road below the slope is also very wide, enough for ten cars to pass side by side. Generally speaking, it is a ten-lane road.

However, in order to increase the difficulty, the organizers specially placed some stone pillars on the road going down. Moreover, these stone pillars are placed at random, which requires very high technology for the integration of people and vehicles. You know, the car rushes forward when going downhill first, and the speed must be very fast. When it sees the stone pillar, it must dodge. Along the way, there can be at least forty or fifty stone pillars. During normal practice, there will be no problem. When it comes to competition, everyone has to rush down and dodge, and the probability of collision with each other is also quite high.

After passing this section of the valley, there is still a valley ahead, but the road in the valley has become narrower. It used to be ten lanes, but here it is four lanes. Not to mention the potholes on the road, the most important thing is that the dust on the road is very thick. As soon as the car passes by, the dust on the ground will be kicked up, which will have a great impact on the line of sight. .

When I entered here, the view was not good, and the potholes on the road became deeper than when I first entered. From time to time, a ten centimeter or twenty centimeter pit will appear. When the driver sees the pit, he has no time to react and can only drive directly over.

After passing this dusty place, the road ahead became even worse. It started raining, making the road extremely slippery. Zhang Yu was obviously stunned for a moment. It hadn't rained before, so why was it raining here? When he looked up, he realized that there were more than 20 sprinkler trucks parked above the valley. The rain was sprayed by the sprinkler trucks.

The ground was slippery and muddy, and there was an uphill slope ahead. Going up was definitely not an easy task. We had to move forward at full speed and rush up in one go. Once the car slows down or stops, it will be impossible to get on.

Brother BOSS rushed along the muddy hillside at high speed, and then it turned out to be another downhill slope. The road going downhill was full of large and small rocks, and the car could only avoid the larger rocks and run over the small rocks.

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