Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3646 Excitement

Zhang Yu and Brother BOSS had a bumpy ride down the road. Even though Zhang Yu was a cultivated person, facing such bumps, he felt like his body was falling apart.

They were also the first to arrive. When we went up the mountain, we didn't encounter other cars, so it was easier to walk. But Zhang Yu had a feeling that if he didn't mix it with iron and steel, and relied solely on Brother BOSS's skills, no matter how good his driving skills were, it would be in vain.

You know, Brother BOSS didn't drive very fast all the way down here. If he drove too fast, the car would probably fall apart. No wonder the car crashed like that after Jiang Yuting came back yesterday. Now it seems that no one is in trouble, so he is lucky.

The car finally came to the exit, drove out, and returned to where Dahe's car was. Xiao Jiejie, Fang Tong and others were all looking forward to it. When I saw the car coming back, I immediately went to greet it.

Brother BOSS stabilized the car, and the two people in the car unbuckled their seat belts before getting out of the car.

Fang Yatou was the first to shout: "How is it? Is this track exciting?"

"It's so exciting..." Zhang Yu stretched out and shook his neck. It was really uncomfortable to sit in this car.

"Then, let's go together after lunch later..." Fang Tong said excitedly.

"Forget it...this journey has been so bumpy that even I can't bear it, let alone you..." Zhang Yu immediately shook his head and said.

"How could you break your promise..." Fang Tong immediately pursed his lips when he saw Zhang Yu's objection.

It turned out that just before, when Zhang Yu went up the mountain with Brother BOSS, Fang Yatou and Xiao Jiejie wanted to follow him. However, Zhang Yu directly stopped him. After all, Jiang Yuting crashed his car like that yesterday, and the track must be dangerous, so Zhang Yu said that he would go up with Brother BOSS to see the situation first, and then take them up next time.

But after seeing the dangers of the track, Zhang Yu dared not let the two girls go up, so he directly opposed it.

"It's not that I broke my promise, it's just that it's too dangerous up there." Zhang Yu said.

"This is exciting, and... I also believe in Brother BOSS's skills, and everything will be fine..." Fang Yatou said flatly again.

Then, she looked at Xiao Jiejie and said, "Jiejie, this track must be very exciting. Zhang Yu just agreed to let us go up and have a look on the next trip... Look at him now, he broke his promise and got fat... This If the track was not dangerous, we wouldn’t go on it..."

Xiao Jiejie was also full of curiosity about the track. Seeing what Fang Yatou said, Xiao Jiejie followed up and said: "Zhang Yu, you promised us, and didn't the female model follow you up the mountain yesterday... She must be fine... "

"That's right, it's definitely fine." Fang Yatou continued.

"Okay, okay..." Zhang Yu saw that Moji couldn't beat the two of them, so he had to say: "But after you go up, you two, don't regret it!"

"I promise you won't regret it!" Seeing Zhang Yu agree, Fang Tong immediately shouted excitedly.

"Don't worry, we are not that fragile!" Xiao Jiejie also curled her lips and said.

At the moment, they returned to the place where they were stationed and started having lunch.

Lunch is very simple, just the lunch box brought from the hotel in the morning. After lunch, I had to take a good rest. The driver was particularly tired after this trip.

Brother BOSS can't run twice in a row like yesterday. After all, he just arrived yesterday and he was very energetic on the first day. But today, if he doesn't take a good rest, Brother BOSS will be worried that something will happen.

While they were resting, they could see many manufacturers' cars driving back and then leaving.

In fact, everyone knows that running this kind of track twice a day is really tiring. These manufacturers arrived early and have been familiar with the track for several days, so for them, one trip a day is enough.

After resting for more than an hour, Brother BOSS got back in the car. Zhang Yu and his two daughters, Xiao Jiejie and Fang Tong, also got into the car. However, Zhang Yu definitely wanted to give each of the two women a divine talisman to stick on their bodies to avoid any accidents. Although he is very confident in Brother BOSS's skills and generally nothing will happen, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Brother BOSS entered the track from the entrance again. He has run it three times. He has a complete understanding of the situation on the track, but in fact, he is almost there. As a qualified racing driver, road recording is a basic skill, because if you go the wrong way, it will directly lead to the failure of the race. Also, there are often various curves on the track. If you don't memorize them well, you may be in danger when turning.

It's like the track on Xiaoqiu Mingshan. Brother BOSS knows every corner like the back of his hand. There are rumors that Brother BOSS can gallop on Xiaoqiu Mingshan even with his eyes closed.

At this moment, the car was galloping all the way forward along the track. Jiang Yulin, Luo Chen and others returned to the exit and waited. This wait lasted almost four hours.

They finally saw the Dahe car coming out of the exit. The car stopped in front of them, the door opened quickly, and Zhang Yu and Brother BOSS got out of the car first. Xiao Jiejie and Fang Tong, who were sitting behind, got off the car.

Good guy, Fang Yatou just got out of the car, and she immediately bent over, and with a "wow" sound, she vomited out what she had eaten for lunch.

"Tongtong, are you okay?" Seeing Fang Tong like this, Zhang Yu hurried over to support Fang Tong and gently patted Fang Tong on the back.

When other people saw it, they hurried over to check. Fang Tong vomited for a while before he regained his composure.

"Oh my mom...Oh my mom..." Fang Tong said weakly, as if he had no strength at all.

Everyone was concerned about Fang Tong, but Jiang Yulin, who was confident, suddenly discovered that Xiao Jiejie was not here.

He quickly turned around to look and saw Xiao Jiejie standing on the other side of the car, holding on to the door and not moving for a long time.

Jiang Yulin said with concern: "Jiejie, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing his voice, Zhang Yu and others reacted and went to see Xiao Jiejie together.

Xiao Jiejie raised her head and said feebly: "It's nothing, I'm just a little confused..."

Obviously, this is a sign of motion sickness. Even Xiao Jiejie has been driving for several years, and she usually likes to drive, but today's road was really unbearable. The bumps made her head hurt.

Luo Chen quickly ran over, supported Xiao Jiejie, and said, "You must be motion sick. Take a good rest."

"It's okay...I have nothing to do..." Xiao Jiejie said weakly again.

Seeing her and Fang Yatou's current state, Zhang Yu also frowned and refused to let the two of them come. They had to come, but now they are fine. One just vomited, and the other is still confused.

Zhang Yu found some water and asked Fang Tong to drink some water. He then wiped her mouth with a tissue and rested for a while. Then they returned to the station and left.

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