Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3644 The Weakest

It's absolutely true that Alonso and Hamilton are all top-ranked racing drivers in the world. Even compared with Schmaz, it is not necessarily inferior.

As soon as they heard that they were going to target these five people, Brother Weisen and the other five people immediately cheered up, because they understood that this was definitely a difficult task.

Brother Crab may look like a pig, but he is very clever. He was the first to say: "Mr. Tian, ​​I don't know what this targeted strategy is?"

Tian Hairong immediately said: "It's very simple, it's a cash-for-money tactic. You have to go up and grab the opening. If your opponent is in front of you, then you must keep up with them at full speed and look for opportunities to hit their cars. Whether you can completely cash-in or not, it really depends on Not necessarily, but in this kind of game, once a collision occurs, it will definitely affect the opponent's speed. Even if it is just one second, it will affect the outcome of the game. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Brother Crab grinned and said, "Leave this matter to us. No matter what famous racing driver he is, we promise to complete the task!"

"Yes! We promise to complete the mission!" Brother Weisen also curled his lips and said: "Mr. Tian, ​​just arrange it and let us target who!"

"Okay..." Tian Hairong nodded, and arrangements were about to be made.

But before she could continue speaking, Qi Wuxuan suddenly coughed twice and interrupted her, "Ahem..."

Hearing the boss' cough, Tian Hairong immediately looked over and said, "Mr. Qi, what are your instructions?"

"Today... Dahe Motors should have arrived at Xinghe Mountain to familiarize themselves with the track..." Qi Wuxuan said calmly.

Brother Weisen quickly said: "Yes, we also saw BOSS and his Dahe car there."

"It's good to see it. How is it? How is his car?" Qi Wuxuan asked again.

"That shabby car can't compare with our Qihu car. That means BOSS's technology is good, otherwise, the car would have been broken apart. But even so, after one lap, the front of the car was not in a decent shape. ." Brother Weizen said.

"It's true. We also took a special look at his car. It was absolutely incredible. This is just to get familiar with the track. If we wait until the day of the competition and drive at full speed, the car will probably be crashed and scrapped." Brother Big Xia followed. said.

"That's right!" "His car is just scrap metal!" "It's not worth mentioning at all." Brother Crab and the other three said the same thing.

"Even so, I don't think we should take him lightly. The only domestic automobile companies that have signed up for the competition are us and Dahe Motors, and Dahe Motors seems to have only BOSS participating. Let me see, that Hidei Nakata from Mita Motors, We don't need to send people to target him. The little devil's skills are the worst among the five. Among the five of you, one of you is responsible for targeting this BOSS." Qi Wuxuan said seriously.

The reason why he was like this was obviously because he was still afraid of Zhang Yu. In order not to give the opponent the slightest chance, even if he heard that Dahe Automobile was not very good, he had to send someone to deal with it.

As soon as they heard that they were going to deal with Brother BOSS, Brother Weisen and the other five people immediately became energetic. You know, in their eyes, Brother BOSS is an enemy, and secondly, Brother BOSS must be easier to deal with than Alonso and Hamilton.

Brother Weisen rushed to say: "Leave it to me! I have long disliked this BOSS, and he dared to speak nonsense in front of Mr. Tian. He is simply ignorant! He used to be arrogant in Xiaoqiu Mingshan, and this time he came to Xinghe Mountain I will definitely make him look good on the track!”

"Leave it to me!" Brother Big Xia also said: "I know the BOSS's skills very well. It's very easy to deal with him."

"Leave it to me!" "Let me deal with him..." "I'll do it! Don't grab it from me!" Brother Crab, Brother Adu, and Brother Cool also rushed to say.

"Stop arguing. Everyone's tasks are very arduous. There is no need to focus all your energy on him. Let's do this. I think this BOSS will be handed over to Weisen." Tian Hairong made a decision directly .

After all, the first person she recruited was Brother Weisen. Since Brother Weisen wanted this job, it was better to be a smooth favor.

When Brother Weisen heard this, he was very energetic. He immediately patted his chest and said: "Mr. Qi, Mr. Tian, ​​leave this matter to me! Don't worry, I promise to complete the task and make sure that BOSS's car is broken. I can’t even drive off the track!”

Qi Wuxuan nodded with satisfaction and said nothing.

When Tian Hairong saw Qi Wuxuan nodding, she nodded accordingly, and then said: "Okay, this is what you said. Don't let the boss and me down!"

"If his car can get off the track, I will crash into Xinghe Mountain!" Brother Weizen said confidently.

After all, he had already seen Brother BOSS's Dahe car today, and it was really not that good. Maybe, he doesn't even have to take action himself, BOSS can knock the car apart by himself. Moreover, another advantage of dealing with the BOSS brother is that it can be solved easily. When the time comes, I will still have enough energy left to charge forward, and maybe even get a good ranking.

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved. Now, let's make other people's arrangements... Prawn, your goal is Alonso; Crab, your goal is Hamilton; Aku, your goal is Lecco Ning; Adu, your target is Newcastle Brown... You have no problem..." Tian Hairong said calmly again.

"No problem!" "No problem!" "I promise to complete the task!" "Hold me!" Big Brother and the other four people also patted their chests and promised.

Although the best BOSS brother to deal with was assigned to Brother Weisen, facing the tasks assigned by Tian Hairong, the four of them could not refuse. Furthermore, Tian Hairong's words make it clear that if the four of them are expected to really stop others, they may not be able to stop them. The main thing is to rely on them to delay the four of Alonso. Even if it can only delay the opponent for a second or two, it is considered a success.

Seeing the appearance of the four of them, Tian Hairong nodded slightly, then looked at Qi Wuxuan and said, "Boss, the task has been arranged."

"That's good. When the time comes, it will all depend on your concerted efforts to achieve great results in one fell swoop. At that time, I, Qi Wuxuan, will definitely hold a grand celebration banquet, and I promise that I will not treat you badly. Okay, now let's serve the food and let's eat." Qi Wu Xuan said calmly.

With his words, Tian Hairong immediately called the waiter to serve the food. The dishes have been prepared long ago, just waiting to be greeted.

How could the food prepared by Qi Wuxuan in his hotel be bad? It really flew in the sky, ran on the ground, and swam in the water. Not only is there delicious food, but there is also good wine, but I have to practice driving tomorrow, so I won’t drink too much.

The two foreigners basically didn't say anything at the wine table. They just ate their own food and didn't drink either. The five members of Brother Wiesen boasted about their awesomeness after drinking. According to their opinions, they all planned to compete with Hamilton and Alonso.

After hearing their bragging, Qi Wuxuan frowned secretly, with just a hint of disdain on his face, but he didn't say much.

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