Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2235 Confused

Dudek was absolutely certain that what Rockenwell was holding was the Mandora Astrolabe. It is precisely this that makes Dudley extremely puzzled. There is such a thing in Rockenwell, why hasn't he taken any action yet?

"If it's really the Mandora Astrolabe... then it looks like Rockenwell hasn't found the main star yet, which shouldn't be right..." Wilmore looked at Dudek and said.

"It really shouldn't be. This is also confusing..." Dudek frowned slightly.

"You said... could it be that Zhang Yu's formation is too clever and the Mandola Astrolabe cannot find the main star position? The suspicion is that there is a big difference between the Eastern and Western astrology and feng shui. The Mandola Astrolabe is not suitable for the Eastern astrology The main star position of the Feng Shui formation cannot be explored..." Wilmore said.

"Impossible!" Dudek said with certainty: "Back then, the masters of the English National Religion had competed with the masters of Eastern China. With the Mandola astrolabe, the masters of the National Religion defeated the masters of Eastern China in one fell swoop. They had just reached the capital. "Treaty of Tianjin". The Mandola Astrolabe is absolutely effective for the formations of Eastern masters, and there will never be any problems..."

"Then, what's going on... Could it be that Rockenwell doesn't know how to use it..." Wilmore said uncertainly.

"This..." Dudek couldn't explain clearly, but said with a slight doubt: "Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. After all, Rockenwell is Charles's disciple, and he also showed considerable strength last night. Since Charles will When Dora's astrolabe was given to Rockenwell, how could he not tell him how to use it... What's the problem here..."

The two people couldn't figure it out, and they were just getting more and more curious.

Of course, they were not the only ones who couldn't figure it out. Archbishop Charles and the great astrologer Edwards, who were sitting on the stage, couldn't figure it out either.

Charles frowned at this moment, his face full of confusion. Edwards turned to look at him and said, "Archbishop, what's going on? It's been so long, what has Rockenwell been doing... I haven't seen him do anything for a long time..."

"I don't know what the hell this guy is doing..." Charles managed to remain calm.

"You think...could it be that he hasn't fully learned how to use the Mandora Astrolabe..." Edwards said a little worriedly.

"Impossible..." Charles was quite confident about this, "In addition to teaching him the essence of the Gemini astrology formation last night, I also spent a lot of time teaching him how to use the Mandora astrolabe... He had already learned it at that time, And it has been specially tested, and there is no problem at all..."

"In this case...where will the problem arise...Looking at his current appearance, it is obvious that he has not found the main star position in Zhang Yu's formation..." How could Edwards not see the clues in this with such sharp eyesight.

"It seems like this, but it shouldn't be... With the Mandola Astrolabe, no matter how brilliant the formation is, you can easily find where the main star is... Could it be that Zhang Yu can still arrange a formation that is better than you and me? No way... I don’t believe it..." When Charles said this, there was a look of pride on his face.

Last night, he and Zhang Yu had a fight, but Zhang Yu couldn't even catch one of his moves. Although he also knew that Zhang Yu's vitality was severely damaged and therefore vulnerable, Charles was certain that even in his prime, Zhang Yu was still no match for him and could probably sustain up to three moves at most.

Therefore, he was confident that it was impossible for Zhang Yu to arrange a formation that was better than that of him and Edwards. As for the formation he has arranged, he can definitely find the main star position using the Mandola astrolabe. Who is Zhang Yu?

"It's really confusing... The two of us can't help at this moment, we can only watch quietly... Since you have this confidence, then I think... even if Rockenwell temporarily encounters Whatever problem arises, with his intelligence and Mandora’s astrolabe, he should be able to solve it quickly..." Edwards said.

The two of them focused their eyes on the screen where Rockenwell was located again, watching Rockenwell's every move.

Rockenwell held the Mandola astrolabe in his hand, going up and down in the villa, spinning around. When he first entered the villa, his speed was very slow, which was called leisurely. But now, his steps are obviously faster, which is a sign of anxiety.

There was a reason for his impatience. Even though he was holding the Mandola astrolabe in his hand, the pointer on the astrolabe was never accurately positioned. Sometimes it stops at this position, but when Rockenwell reaches the position, the pointer starts to rotate again and points to another position. Over and over again, upstairs and downstairs, Rockenwell stops at seven different positions one after another, and it is never determined. , where is the formation eye.

This is the seven-star array arranged by Zhang Yu. This seven-star array is not the Big Dipper array. The Big Dipper array is very clever, but the eye of the array is very obvious, which is on the Tianshu star. Although the star position can keep changing, it cannot get rid of the fact that Tianshu Star is the eye of the formation.

The seven-star formation arranged by Zhang Yu is the simplest seven-star formation. It is not based on the Big Dipper and is a basic formation. There is a reason why Zhang Yu set up this formation. After returning home last night, he was upstairs wondering what kind of formation he could set up in twenty minutes.

Zhang Yu can also arrange more difficult formations, but it cannot be said to be particularly difficult. For a master like Rockenwell, it is not very difficult to find the formation.

Therefore, Zhang Yu finally decided to do the opposite.

The basic seven-star array can increase wealth and career luck. Zhang Yu can increase career luck. Each of the seven star positions is a formation eye. If someone wants to break the formation, just break any formation eye, and the formation will be broken directly. It is the so-called move of one hair to affect the whole body.

In this contest, this formation has an advantage, because it is too easy to break. If Rockenwell arranges the formation in the formation and looks for the opening of the formation, he can directly break the formation if he is not careful. Once the formation is broken, it means failure. After all, the question is about superposition of formations, not for you to break the formation.

Another advantage is that the seven star positions are all formation eyes, which can definitely confuse the opponent.

If your opponent is an Eastern master, if you look around the formation and feel the atmosphere of the formation, even if you are not a master but an average player, you will know what is going on. It is too easy to stack formations.

That's the problem. Rockenwell is not an Eastern expert, he doesn't understand Eastern formations. At this time, you will definitely be confused and don't know what to do, and you don't dare to easily try to stack formations. If you mess around, it's also possible to break this formation.

On the big screen, no one could see it. The reason is very simple. If Zhang Yu sets up this formation, it will take very little time, only five or six minutes. But as for him, it took him almost twenty minutes. It seemed that he was busy, but in fact he was trying to hide his eyes from others. Guests were not allowed to enter, so people who were familiar with Eastern formations, like the little nun Kong Yi, couldn't tell that it was such a simple formation because she couldn't feel the breath of the formation.

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