Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2236 What kind of formation is it?

Rockenwell was very busy in the villa where Zhang Yu had set up. He kept wandering upstairs and downstairs, and his head was sweating.

Zhang Yu has now begun to rearrange the formation, using the anti-four-image formation to exude strong bad luck and strongly attack the positive and partial wealth in the formation.

Due to the fierceness of the Anti-Four Symbol Formation, the positive and partial financial fortunes in the villa were retreating steadily. Zhang Yu took advantage of the situation and came to the second floor. After the two fortunes on the second floor receded, he could only see that there was still wealth flowing down from the third floor. Continue to fight against bad luck.

In this way, Zhang Yu was almost certain that the two fortunes were transmitted from upstairs, and the formation eye must also be upstairs.

Zhang Yu was not sluggish. On the one hand, he secretly activated the formation, causing the anti-four-image formation to rotate rapidly. He quickly walked upstairs and came to the corridor on the third floor.

As soon as he reached the third floor, Zhang Yu immediately realized something was wrong. It turns out that in the corridor on the left side of the third floor, what is pouring out is red wealth, and in the corridor on the right, what is pouring out is orange-red wealth. The two fortunes came together when they reached the stairwell in the middle of the corridor, spreading downstairs.

Two streams of wealth came from two places, which was somewhat beyond Zhang Yu's expectation. Because in China, no matter how you place the God of Wealth in the formation, as long as it is a formation, it must have formation eyes. Whether it is good fortune or partial fortune, it will all flow out of the formation's eyes.

After all, the formation method is different from worshiping the God of Wealth, it is very particular. Because of this, there are very few people in China who arrange positive and partial wealth together. Most of them are people who don't understand and have many gods of wealth at home.

Zhang Yu looked around and saw that as more and more bad luck came up, the battle between bad luck and wealth became more and more intense. However, if you want to completely suppress the wealth here and clearly see which room the wealth is pouring out from, it is not something that can be done in a short time.

But Zhang Yu didn't have that much time to wait, so he simply walked directly to the corridor on the left. He opened the doors of each room one by one and used his eyes to check the wealth inside. When he reached the top room, he quickly discovered that a large amount of red wealth poured out from the bed in this room. Yearning for the endless flow of floating air, I plunge into the battlefield of confrontation with bad luck.

There is only red wealth flowing out here, and there is no orange-red wealth at all.

"How come there is only positive wealth luck here, and no partial wealth luck at all... Could it be that all partial wealth luck comes from there... Impossible..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

You know, many formations can be superimposed, such as combining wealth and career luck. But no matter how they are superimposed, the same formation eye is used, and both kinds of luck must come out of this one formation eye.

Zhang Yu was confused and hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked quickly towards the other side of the corridor. He did not go to other rooms, but went directly to the room on the right, opened the door and observed, and sure enough, there was a large amount of orange-red air flowing out of the bed in this room.

"Two formation eyes...impossible..." Zhang Yu opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

He has never seen the formation with two formation eyes in his whole life. Although the formation he arranged had seven formation eyes, Zhang Yu understood that his seven formation eyes were just a cover. And the two formation eyes that I see now are clearly formation eyes. Zhang Yu even had a feeling that if he wanted to break the formation, he had to break both formation eyes at the same time, otherwise, it would be useless.

To do this, one person is not enough, there must be two people. Moreover, the strength of the two people must be almost equal, otherwise, it will still be useless.

But there is a premise. If a single person has super strength, he can also forcefully break the formation.

The principle of stacking formations is similar to that of breaking formations, and is even more difficult. Because it needs to be superimposed on two formations at the same time, it is absolutely impossible for one person to do this job. He even has super strength, but because he can't clone himself, he can't superimpose formations either. This is the absolute difficulty in superimposing this formation.

At this moment, Zhang Yu understood. No wonder Rockenwell looked so confident on his face at that time. It turned out that he had prepared such a powerful formation.

It can be said that it is better to let Zhang Yu superimpose this formation than to let him break the formation. He still has a chance to break the formation, but he has no chance at all by superimposing the formation.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu knew that Rockenwell had not successfully superimposed the formation he had set up. After such a long time, there should be only one reason for Rockenwell's failure, and that is that he was confused by the formation and did not know how to do it.


I still have time!

Zhang Yu's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about what he should do in order to be able to do both.

Everyone in front of the big screen was looking at Zhang Yu and Rockenwell.

Zhang Yu stood motionless in the bedroom on the right side of the third floor. Rockenwell stopped running around now and stood in the large living room on the first floor, sweat dripping from his head and breathing heavily.

He was injured last night. He just kept running upstairs and downstairs. It was unbearable for normal people, let alone an injured person.

The Mandora astrolabe in his hand kept spinning, which was useless.

Charles looked at the two people, frowned slightly, and said: "Zhang Yu should have discovered the two main star positions of Gemini now, and is thinking about how to superimpose formations. Here in Rockenwell..."

Having said this, Charles couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Edwards on the side said: "Mr. Archbishop, the formation arranged by Zhang Yu is very problematic. Do you think it will be like the Gemini star formation, with two main star positions... No... Look at Rokenwell upstairs. It rotates downwards and stays in seven positions one after can't be...the formation he arranged...has seven main star positions..."

"How is this possible..." Charles said with disbelief: "What kind of formation can have seven main star positions..."

"Could Zhang Yu use the Ursa Major for his layout? In the east, the Ursa Major is called the Big Dipper, and it is the main formation method of Xuanmen Taoism..." Edwards said with some uncertainty.

Edwards is a great astrologer, so he doesn't understand anything about astrological layout. At best, the names in the East and the West are different, and the methods used are quite different. Of course, the reason why he was not sure was that if the Big Dipper was used to set up the formation, the eye of the formation would be the Tianshu star, which was easy to find.

"There is only one main star in the Ursa Major. No matter how bad Rockenwell is, it is impossible not to know it. If Zhang Yu uses this layout, not to mention that he is holding the Mandora astrolabe, even if he takes nothing, I can get a general idea. How can I be so confused..." When Charles said this, he frowned again. Even he couldn't understand it, so how could Rockenwell understand it.

What kind of formation is this that can make Mandora's astrolabe unable to determine the main star position?

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