Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2234 Mandora Astrolabe

Zhang Yingling was anxious for Zhang Yu, and so were Zhang Yu's disciples. But their view is shallow and they cannot see the whole picture.

Little Nun Kong Yi and others were sitting behind them. Although there was no Kong Yi match today, how could they not watch such a heavyweight contest. Ordinary little nuns just watch the fun and don't understand what's going on.

At this moment, a nun said: "Senior Sister Kong Yi, can you tell what Taoist Zhang is doing?"

After hearing this, the other nuns also looked at Kong Yi. Zhang Yingling and the others were so close that they couldn't help but prick up their ears after hearing this. After all, Kong Yi is one of the top four, so his strength and vision must be above them.

Kong Yi looked at the big screen and said calmly: "Zhang Yu is now looking for the formation eye in the Rockenwell formation. When the formations are superimposed, the first thing is to find the formation eye. Otherwise, it is impossible to succeed. In my opinion, At present, Zhang Yu has not found the location of the formation eye, and is setting up the formation to use his luck to compete with the luck in the formation, and then find the location of the formation eye."

"So that's it, who will win in the end between Taoist Zhang and Rockenwell?" the little nun just asked again.

"It's hard to say at the moment..." Kong Yi said.

When Zhang Yingling heard what she said, she couldn't help curling her lips. This time, she did not turn around to speak directly, but said to the person next to her: "This little nun's strength is only so-so, but her vision is too bad. Yesterday, Zhang Yu almost She defeated her opponent in seconds, and she and Rockenwell competed until the last second. In other words, she and Rockenwell were evenly matched... With Zhang Yu's strength, how could he lose to Rockenwell? …”

"Yes, Master will definitely win." "Yes, Master will definitely win!" "How can a mere foreign devil be Master's opponent?"... Zhang Yu's disciples immediately nodded and said.

They said this to some extent to encourage themselves, but in the final analysis, the strength shown by Zhang Yu's victory over Leonardo in seconds yesterday was unparalleled. If they did not have confidence in Zhang Yu, they would not be Zhang Yu's disciples.

The people on the screen were either looking at the screen on Zhang Yu's side or on the screen where Rockenwell was.

Since Rokenwell entered the villa, he showed the Mandora astrolabe to look for the formation.

Not everyone knows this kind of treasure. But the great astrologer Edwards must have known him.

Edwards glanced at Charles next to him and said with a smile: "How can you be so sure? It turns out that not only did you pass the Gemini astrology formation to Rockenwell, but you also lent him the Mandora astrolabe. With this treasure, it is easy to find the main star position in Zhang Yu's formation. The outcome has been decided, and it is estimated that Rockenwell will win in less than twenty minutes."

"Hehehe..." Charles smiled proudly and said: "No matter what, we can never let Zhang Yu win the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference in England. If he wins, where will our face go? put."

Similarly, there is another person who knows Mandola's astrolabe, and this is Cardinal Dudek.

But he didn't recognize it at first glance, but it took a minute for Edwards to recognize it.

"Mandola Astrolabe!" When Dudek recognized it, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

For a master like him to be able to make such a sound shows how powerful the Mandola Astrolabe is.

Wilmore, who was sitting next to him, heard his voice and said doubtfully: "The Mandora Astrolabe... It is rumored that the Anglian Church has an extremely precious magic weapon based on astrology and feng shui, and that is the Mandora Astrolabe. . With this astrolabe, whether it is selecting a location to set up an formation or searching for stars to break the formation, it is very easy...could it be said that the compass currently used by Rockenwell is the Mandora astrolabe..."

As the Archbishop of the English Catholic Church, Wilmore has naturally heard of the Mandora Astrolabe, but has never seen it.

Wilmore also knew about the power of Mandora's astrolabe.

"The Mandora astrolabe was originally a treasure of the Holy See. At that time, the English royal family suppressed local Catholicism and took away many of our treasures. One of them was the Mandora astrolabe. The Holy See negotiated several times with the English royal family. , did not get the astrolabe back, and in the end this astrolabe became a religious treasure of the Anglican Church! If you don’t know this history, you would think that this thing originally belonged to the Anglican Church!" Dudek said When he said this, there was a look of hatred on his face, and he slowly said: "Among the historical treasure atlas of the Holy See, there is an atlas of the Mandola Astrolabe. I am also in charge of the internal affairs of the Holy See, so I am not responsible for these things. , very clear.”

"The Anglican Church is really shameless..." Wilmore lowered his voice and said, "First they plotted against us, and in this contest, they used all possible means, even bringing out the Mandora Astrolabe..."

Having said this, he frowned, "Looking at it this way, Zhang Yu has almost no chance of winning..."

Dudek nodded lightly and said: "I thought before that Rockenwell was just setting up a Gemini star formation. Although it was difficult for Zhang Yu to find his star position, he wanted to be in Zhang Yu's formation. It is not easy to superimpose...but now...Zhang Yu is afraid that he will lose..."

They looked at the screen. Rockenwell on the screen kept wandering around the villa with the Mandola astrolabe, stopping from time to time, either looking here or there, but always making no further moves.

Time passed slowly, and twenty minutes passed like this. Rockenwell was still wandering around inside as before, without saying anything else.

Because the camera has been filming Rockenwell, everyone in front of the screen can see that although Rockenwell's face was pale, he looked confident and calm when he first entered. Gradually, his expression changed. His confidence and calmness were gone. His brows began to furrow and he became a little suspicious.

Naturally, this expression cannot escape the eyes of Wilmore and others.

Wilmore looked at the time and then said: "Mr. Cardinal Archbishop, is what Rockenwell is holding really the Mandora Astrolabe?"

"That's right!" Dudek nodded affirmatively and said, "What's wrong?"

"It is rumored that finding the main star position in the Mangala astrolabe is a piece of cake... It seems that Rockenwell still hasn't found the main star position in Zhang Yu's formation after taking so long. Isn't there something wrong..." Wei Ermoor said doubtfully.

"This..." Wilmore's words immediately reminded Dudek, didn't they? How long has it been? Rockenwell still hasn't found the main star position. Why is he doing knitting in it?

Dhruv carefully looked at the compass in Rockenwell's hand and stared at it for a minute before he said slowly: "It's the Mandora astrolabe...there's nothing wrong with it..."

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