Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2233: Positive wealth but partial wealth

On the big screen, Rockenwell sat in this room for five minutes. The audience can only see Rockenwell's posture and his mouth moving through the screen. It is not known what he is saying.

Five minutes later, Rockenwell walked out of the room and walked towards the large living room on the first floor.

When he arrived in the big living room, he asked someone to bring a ladder, because when setting up the formation, sometimes it was necessary to climb high. These things must be prepared and delivered immediately when used.

Rockenwell followed the ladder and lay down under the large chandelier in the living room. He unscrewed the lampshade, took out the two light bulbs, took two out of his pocket and replaced them.

It seemed very simple. After changing it, he walked down and asked the staff to clean it, as if he didn't want to be noticed by Zhang Yu.

It takes four minutes to change a light bulb. Rockenwell sat cross-legged under the chandelier, with the Bible on his lap this time, holding it up with both hands, and murmuring plausibly again.

Soon, something unexpected happened.

Rockenwell's body was slowly turning on the ground. Sometimes his face was looking at the camera, and sometimes his back was facing the camera, going back and forth.

His movements didn't look fast, but looking at them, they gave people a strange feeling, as if they were seeing two people sitting on the screen. Why there is such an illusion is really incredible.

Ordinary people naturally can’t understand it. But after Rokenwell turned around for a while, someone suddenly shouted, "It's the Gemini astrological formation!"

The people who come here to participate in the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference are all tall and thin. Even if they are not as good as masters like Dudek, Charles, and Edwards, it is not for nothing.

They didn't understand what kind of formation Rockenwell had set up before, but when the formation reached this juncture, someone finally saw it.

The person who saw the formation was a Western astrologer and one of the guests attending the exchange meeting. Having lost before, his strength is definitely not as good as Zhang Yu and Rockenwell, but this guy happens to be a Gemini.

When Rockenwell set up the formation at the beginning, what he learned was different from what this man learned, but now if this man who knows the Gemini natal formation can't figure it out, he would be too stupid.

Next to the astrologer, there were some disciples sitting. After hearing his shouts, these disciples quickly asked: "Teacher, what's going on?" "The astrological formation of Gemini, could it be said that Mr. Rockenwell is a Gemini." "It seems not." .

No one had broken Rockenwell's formation before, which made the astrologer mistakenly believe that his was the first to see it. He said quite proudly: "The Gemini astrological formation is the most difficult of the zodiac formations and the most difficult to break. There is no other reason. In the formation, there are a total of two main star positions, which are usually not Gemini people can't do it at all. People who can do the Gemini formation, like me, must be Geminis. Of course, it's not necessarily that except for Gemini people, people from other zodiac signs can't do it, it's just that It’s too difficult.”

Having said this, the astrologer couldn't help but rub his hands again, and said excitedly: "Using the Gemini formation to compete in this round is a sure win. Even the great astrologers in the West want to win." It is not that easy to superimpose Gemini's formation, let alone an Easterner who doesn't understand. If I were to compete with Zhang Yu in this round, I would probably have a good chance of winning Rockenwell. It’s really brilliant.”

"So that's it." "If you say that, Rockenwell is really sure to win." "Isn't that nonsense? Our Western astrology and Feng Shui are so good, how can it be compared to the Eastern astrology and Feng Shui? Zhang Yu can enter The final is already the limit." "That's right, that's right.".

The students around the table started talking again.

Their words were heard clearly by the people at the next table. The people at the next table didn't know what the formation was at first, but now that they heard it was the Gemini astrology and feng shui formation, they immediately started talking about it.

This kind of thing spreads the fastest. It spreads from one to ten and to a hundred. After a while, everyone in the audience basically knows that this is the Gemini astrology and feng shui bureau.

Many people don’t know the Gemini astrology and Feng Shui formation, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t heard of it. Now that they know that the formation deployed by Rockenwell is this, their views are almost unanimous, that is, Rockenwell will definitely win.

First of all, Rockenwell is not a Gemini at all. A person who is not a Gemini can arrange the formation of a Gemini, how powerful it is. Secondly, Gemini's formations are almost impossible to superimpose, unless you are a master of Western astrologers, and you have to use Western astrology and Feng Shui bureaus to superimpose. Isn't it a joke to ask Zhang Yu to use Eastern astrology and feng shui formations to superimpose.

As time passed by, twenty minutes was coming soon. When nineteen minutes were approaching, Rockenwell stood up while sitting on the ground, and then, the time on the screen over there suddenly froze.

"It's all set up!" "So fast!" "The Gemini formation was set up in less than twenty minutes." "Oh my god!" "A person who is not a Gemini can set up the Gemini formation in twenty minutes. Formation, this, what kind of strength is this..." Everyone in the audience couldn't help but start talking again.

That is to say, in the blink of an eye, less than twenty seconds later, the time on Zhang Yu's big screen on the other side also froze.

There were also many people paying attention to Zhang Yu. Someone immediately pointed at the big screen and shouted: "Zhang Yu's decoration has also been completed!"

"Both of these two people are fast enough." "All arrangements were completed within twenty minutes." "Aren't you talking nonsense? If you exceed the time limit, you will lose." "I know, but... within twenty minutes, if you want It is definitely not easy to set up a brilliant formation." "Those who can reach the finals have strengths that we can compare with." "I just don't know, how is the formation arranged by Zhang Yu?" "No matter what In this way, I estimate that it will definitely be inferior to the formation deployed by Rockenwell."

There was another discussion in the audience, and on the big screen, Rockenwell and Zhang Yu walked out of the villa one after another.

Miss Allen on the stage waited for the discussion to stop, and then loudly said through the microphone: "Both guests have completed the formation on time, and the next thing to do is to superimpose the formation on the opponent's formation. Now please two Guests, let’s exchange villas!”

Zhang Yu and Rockenwell could also hear Miss Allen's voice on the radio while standing outside the villa.

Immediately, a staff member made an invitation gesture and asked the two to go to each other's villa. Zhang Yu and Rockenwell left the courtyard and met outside. Rockenwell said nothing, but had a proud smile on his face.

His smile seemed to be telling Zhang Yu that he would definitely win this time.

Zhang Yu didn't say anything, with a faint smile on his face, and passed by Rockenwell.

The two of them could see each other's faces, which were all white, like white paper, without any blood. It was much worse than when they met on the stage before.

They walked to the door of each other's villa, stood firm, and waited for "start".

Miss Allen seemed not to give them any time to rest. She only let the two of them stand for twenty seconds and said loudly: "Start!"

Zhang Yu and Rockenwell walked into the villa together. As soon as Zhang Yu entered the door, he could feel the atmosphere of the formation in the villa.

There is no time limit to break the formation, just compete with who can break the formation first. Therefore, Zhang Yu did not dare to neglect and immediately bit his finger and scratched it in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he saw air currents of two colors floating in the villa. One is red and the other is orange.

The airflow of these two colors both symbolizes wealth. The only difference is that red represents positive wealth and orange represents partial wealth.

It is very common for formations to have two or three types of luck, but it is extremely rare for formations to contain both positive and partial wealth luck.

Although they both bring wealth, the effects are extremely different. The Feng Shui master's layout is either to attract positive wealth luck or to attract partial wealth luck. Of course, it’s not impossible to combine both good and bad fortune. The key is that you need to distinguish the priorities. Generally speaking, positive wealth luck must outweigh partial wealth luck.

But here, the airflow of positive wealth luck and the airflow of partial wealth luck are equally strong, and it is impossible to distinguish the priority. This is definitely a taboo in the Feng Shui industry in China. You should know that the God of Wealth is divided into five groups, which respectively refer to Marshal Zhao Gong, Zhaobao Tianzun Xiao Sheng, Nazhen Tianzun Cao Bao, Wealth Envoy Chen Jiugong and Lishi Immortal Official Yao Shaosi.

Among them, Marshal Zhao Gong is the God of Wealth, and the other four are all Gods of Wealth, and they are all subordinates of Zhao Gongming. The fortunes of four partial Gods of Wealth are tied together, and it is impossible for them to be as good as one God of Wealth. If anyone dares to let the God of Wealth outweigh the God of Wealth, it is not about getting rich, but about being unlucky. Even if the luck is the same, it won't work, because in the eyes of these planners, the status of the positive God of Wealth and the partial God of Wealth are equally high. This is also a kind of blasphemy for the God of Wealth.

"Westerners really don't pay attention to these things at all. Partial wealth and positive wealth are equally arranged." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

"But it's okay. As long as I find the formation eye and add my formation to it, everything will be solved." Zhang Yu continued walking inside, closing his eyes and feeling it quietly.

Within a moment, Zhang Yu found two people sitting cross-legged on the ceiling of the large living room. The appearance of these two people cannot be seen clearly. They are made up of light spots and they seem to be exactly the same.

Even though Zhang Yu didn't understand the astrological formation method, Zhang Yu was immediately able to determine that this was the shape of Gemini.

Zhang Yu didn't know much about Gemini. He only heard from his disciples that Gemini has two sides. As for what the characteristics will be after the formation is set up, it is not clear at all.

Zhang Yu didn't intend to know this clearly. He didn't have so much time, so he could just find the formation and be done.

He observed the light spots of Gemini more carefully with his inner eye, trying to find any clues.

After looking at it for a long time, Zhang Yu couldn't figure out which light spot was where the formation eye was. Opening his eyes and observing, he saw that the place was filled with red and orange air currents. Zhang Yu could not determine where the fortune came from.

After all, Zhang Yu has Zhang Yu's method. If he wants to find the formation's eye, he doesn't necessarily have to look for it this way. After all, he has faced the Western astrological formation more than once.

"Isn't it just positive wealth luck and partial wealth luck? Isn't it the astrological formation of Gemini? Let me use some tricks to find the eye of the formation for you." A smile appeared on Zhang Yu's face, and then he showed his palms. The money sword comes.

The money sword dispersed directly, Zhang Yu only threw out seventy-two copper coins, and took back the remaining thirty-six coins.

That's right, what Zhang Yu wants to arrange is a formation that gathers bad luck. This formation is not the Eight-Nine Evil Gathering Formation, but evolved from the Eight-Nine Evil Gathering Formation.

The purpose of doing this is nothing more than to defeat the wealth here and find a place where the wealth is distributed in order to determine the formation. He didn't dare to use the evil spirit, and the reason was very simple. The evil spirit was relatively powerful. Zhang Yu was worried that if he used the evil spirit to directly break the formation eye, what would he do?

The rules make it clear that formations are superimposed, not letting people break them. If you break someone else's formation, you can declare defeat directly.

A formation that gathers bad luck is definitely a piece of cake for Zhang Yu. It didn't take five minutes for the formation to be successfully arranged. Even so, he did not directly activate the formation in a large way, but only slowly let the bad luck spread.

When bad luck comes into contact with wealth, there will inevitably be some entanglement. Zhang Yu soon realized that the wealth here is quite strong. More importantly, the positive and partial wealth complement each other and unite to fight against bad luck.

Zhang Yu quickly increased the intensity of the formation, causing more and more bad luck to appear. Bad luck and wealth devour each other, making it difficult to tell the winner for a while. Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that with his own formation, it would be impossible to forcefully break Rockenwell's formation. This also made him feel relieved. There were no traps in the formation. He could let go and search for the formation's eyes with all his strength.

The bad luck is getting worse and worse, and the wealth in the living room is slowly being offset by the bad luck. Zhang Yu originally thought that there would be fortune coming out of the living room, but it turned out that there was no luck at all. Only the fortune pouring down from upstairs continued to compete with the bad luck. Bad luck and fortune gradually formed a tug-of-war, and Zhang Yu's formation made it impossible to force out the formation's opening.

Zhang Yu was not worried, and immediately rearranged the formation, took out the remaining thirty-six copper coins, and reversed the four-image layout to bring about bad luck.

It takes a lot of time to go back and forth and change the formation to find Gemini's formation eye. Zhang Yu didn't notice it himself, he was completely immersed in searching for the formation.

On the big screen, everyone was watching carefully. Zhang Yu had already spent sixteen minutes.

It didn't take Zhang Yu and Rockenwell even twenty minutes to set up their formation. Now it takes so long to stack formations in the blink of an eye.

The little girl Zhang Yinling sweated for Zhang Yu, she looked anxious, but her cultivation was limited and she didn't understand the clues.

"What kind of airplane is this Zhang Yu doing? It's been so long and it's still not finished!" Zhang Yingling said eagerly.

"Yin Ling, that Rockenwell is not an ordinary person, he is very powerful. How could Master defeat him so easily?" Yuan Xiaoxiao, who was sitting next to her, said.

In the past few days, although "Yuan Xiaoxiao" was sitting here, she never made a sound.

Now that I can regain control of my body, I really feel like I am a human being again. Especially last night, she had seen Rockenwell's strength. Even if he was not as good as Zhang Yu, he still fought for a while. And Rockenwell's teacher Charles was even more superior. Zhang Yu couldn't even catch a single round. Yuan Xiaoxiao has never seen such a master before.

The rough Zhang Yinling didn't notice this, she just curled her lips and said, "Aren't I worried for him?"

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