Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2142 Accident

"It's indeed a coincidence." Zhang Yu also said the same thing. He also thought that this incident was enough of a coincidence.

But Zhang Yu didn't say much about this matter. Instead, he looked at Allardyce seriously and said, "Allardyce, what are your plans now?"

Zhao Hua translated Zhang Yu's words, and Allardyce also said seriously: "Master, Cheryl really doesn't believe me, and I really didn't expect that she could be such an unreasonable shrew. Our fate as husband and wife That’s it, since she is determined to divorce, then I will divorce her!”

Zhao Hua translated again. After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown slightly.

He stared at Allardyce again and said: "You have to know that the Catholic side has spoken out and there will be seven prophecies. One of them is that someone is going to get divorced. This prophecy obviously falls on you two. If it is a divorce, it means that this prophecy has come true. In this case, it will be a huge blow to our Taoist family, and I think you should also understand this."

Zhao Hua translated as usual, and Allardyce also had a look of frustration and helplessness on his face, saying: "Master, I don't want to do this either. But look at how Cheryl and I look now, we can still be together. Really? She is determined to get a divorce, so I can only accompany her. "

Looking at his expression, Zhang Yu could roughly guess the meaning of the words without Zhao Hua translating. After Zhao Hua translated, Zhang Yu nodded slightly.

When he came in, Zhang Yu not only saw the injuries on Allardyce's body and face, but also saw the luck on Allardyce's head.

Green career luck, no problem. The red fortune is very light, similar to Cheryl's. There is no problem with white health luck, the key is just love luck. Now Allardyce's previous positive pink love luck is gone, and all he has is bright pink love luck.

Elugao, who is next to Allardyce, has relatively normal luck, but the pink love luck is quite dazzling.

Before this, when he was at Casino Royale, Zhang Yu had seen the luck above Allardyce's head. At that time, Allardyce also had love luck, but it was not that strong. But now, love luck has been completely suppressed.

The fortunes above Allardyce's and Cheryl's heads are in sharp contrast. One has great luck in love and the other has no luck in love. It is obvious that a third party has intervened and the love has come to an end.

But Zhang Yu understood that this was not a purely emotional issue, there must be other issues involved. Otherwise, everything was fine before, but how could everything turn into this after that prophecy came out?

Whether it was for Sanqingguan or for Allardyce and Cheryl, Zhang Yu couldn't let them ignore it. The plan for now is, of course, to restore their love fortune as soon as possible.

When a couple has misunderstandings or conflicts, their future evolution is uncertain. Sometimes, they can put aside their past feud and get back together again, and sometimes, they completely come to an end. And part of the key here is whether the two people's love luck is still there. If the love luck is there, everything will be easy. If the love luck is gone, divorce will definitely happen.

Zhang Yu still had a solution for this kind of problem. He immediately said: "Zhao Hua, is there anyone selling Phalaenopsis flowers in England?"

"Phalaenopsis is a famous flower in England, of course it exists. But this season, there should be nothing in full bloom," Zhao Hua replied.

"It doesn't matter if there are no blooming ones. Ask Brighton to buy phalaenopsis immediately and ask for 108 phalaenopsis." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Zhao Hua didn't understand Zhang Yu's intention, but he still nodded and told Brighton what Zhang Yu meant.

Brighton frowned. It was three o'clock in the morning. Where could he buy Phalaenopsis?

But he could tell that Zhang Yu must have an important purpose for the Phalaenopsis.

He didn't hesitate, so he called his disciples and went out together to find a flower shop to buy Phalaenopsis.

They left. Zhang Yu looked at Allardyce and Cheryl and said, "If you and your wife are really not in harmony with each other and come to an end, I will not interfere. But the matter at hand , it’s not that simple, so I must explain this matter clearly to you.”

Zhao Hua translated again, and Allardyce said: "How can I explain this clearly?"

Elugao on the side hugged Allardyce's arm, looked at Zhang Yu sternly, and said: "Master, Allardyce and I have made an agreement, you will never intend to break us up. Two!"

Allardyce nodded, patted Elugao's hand again, and then said seriously: "Elugao and I have agreed that when Cheryl and I divorce, we will register our marriage. Master, I I will not let Eluga down."

Zhao Hua translated the two people's words as usual. Zhang Yu's heart tightened, but it was indeed the case. The two people had already had a relationship. Looking at this situation, even if he helped Allardyce and Cheryl regain their love fortune, To get the two of them back together, Elugao's matter is also a problem, and this woman will never give up.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu said: "I'll take care of it. Okay, you two have a rest first, and I'll sit outside for a while."

Zhao Hua translated Zhang Yu's words, and Allardyce and Cheryl escorted Zhang Yu and Zhang Yinling out of the room.

They stayed in the room without closing the door, while Zhang Yu and the others sat down on the sofa.

Zhang Yinling knew everything that happened better than Zhang Yu. She also saw that there was some trouble and said: "Zhang Yu, look at how to resolve this matter."

"It's hard to say the final result. Just wait and see. I believe there will be a happy ending." Zhang Yu said.

"Perfection? How can it be perfect?" Zhang Yinling didn't understand everything. Of course she could also see that even if Allardyce and Cheryl really agreed to get back together, the Elugao matter would still be difficult to resolve.

"You still need the person who tied the bell to untie it. We'll wait until Brighton and the others buy the Phalaenopsis back." Zhang Yu said.

"By the way, I really want to ask you, what do you want the Phalaenopsis for?" Zhang Yinling asked curiously.

"You will know by then." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"You're still playing mystery with me." Zhang Yinling curled her lips and tightened her nose towards Zhang Yu.

To be honest, it would be nonsense to buy Phalaenopsis on the street during this time.

Fortunately, Master and Apprentice Brighton was considered a local leader in the Birmingham area before, and he knew the situation relatively well.

After running to the flower market, he knocked on the door of a shop and brought back the Phalaenopsis that Zhang Yu wanted at dawn.

But the Phalaenopsis brought back made Zhang Yu frown a little. There is no other reason. In the past, the Phalaenopsis he bought in China were the kind that came one by one. He put them in a vase and poured some water into them. The Phalaenopsis that Brighton brought back was the kind that was planted in flower pots.

There are 108 pots of Phalaenopsis, and the waiters in the hotel are helping.

Brighton came in first carrying two pots and said, "Brother, where do you put these Phalaenopsis?"

Zhang Yu pointed to the living room and said, "Let's leave it for now. We've moved the sofa and coffee table."

Everyone worked together, moved the sofa and coffee table, and placed 108 pots of Phalaenopsis in the large living room.

Zhang Yu followed the pattern of the Great Four Elephant Array. The Qinglong position is 9 basins, 9 basins, and 7 basins. The white tiger position is 9 basins, 6 basins, and 7 basins. The Suzaku position is 9 basins, 7 basins, and 7 basins. The Xuanwu position is 9 basins. , 4 pots, 7 pots.

Place the remaining 18 pots in the middle and surround them.

Zhang Yinling, Zhu Jiuzhen and others watched Zhang Yu busy with great curiosity. Even Allardyce and Elugao in the room, after hearing the sound, walked to the door and looked at it curiously.

Zhang Yu placed the flower pots and said, "Yin Ling, go downstairs now and call Cheryl up."

"Okay." Zhang Yinling didn't know what Zhang Yu was up to, so she quickly left the room, expecting that there was a show about to be performed.

Allardyce and Ellu frowned when they heard that Zhang Yu asked Cheryl to come up. It was inconvenient for Eluga to say anything, so Allardyce said: "Master, what did you ask her to do?"

After Zhao Hua translated, Zhang Yu said: "Don't worry about this for now. Now go to the middle of the flowerpot and sit down cross-legged."

When Zhao Hua translated, Allardyce was full of doubts, but he still nodded and stepped into the middle of the flower pots.

Elugao was a little worried and said in jerky Mandarin: "Master, what are you doing?"

"You'll find out later. Elugao, just stand there." Zhang Yu said.

Zhao Hua translated again, and Elugao nodded and said nothing.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Yinling and Yuan Xiaoxiao finally brought Cheryl.

Cheryl was still wearing her pajamas and looked extremely embarrassed. The most important thing is that it seems that he doesn't want to come at all.

As soon as she entered the living room and saw Allardyce, Cheryl suddenly shouted: "Allardyce, you heartless bastard!"

With that said, she rushed towards Allardyce angrily.

How could the formation that Zhang Yu had just set up allow her to make such a mistake? He quickly stopped her and said, "Cheryl, calm down."

Zhao Hua hurriedly followed the interpreter. Cheryl was downstairs before, as if she had no love in her life, but now she saw Allardyce, she suddenly became energetic. She gritted her teeth and said, "I don't need to calm down! This bastard! This bastard! He talks one thing and does another behind his back. In vain for my wholehearted treatment of him, he actually wants to divorce me!"

Allardyce, who was sitting on the ground, saw her shouting and shouted without showing any weakness: "I told you, this is a misunderstanding, I recognized the wrong person! Since you don't believe it, forget it! Divorce, divorce, this matter You brought it up, and you think I'm afraid of you!"

"You bastard! You saved her instead of me. Do you want to burn me to death and replace me with someone else? After we divorce, I have to tell all your scandals, you heartless thing?" Xie Li You lay down in tears and shouted with choked sobs.

Zhang Yu couldn't understand what they were saying, and he knew they were quarreling from the quarrelsome manner.

Zhang Yu shouted angrily: "That's enough! That's enough! Can you two stop arguing now?"

Zhao Hua also translated loudly, but Allardyce did not say anything. Cheryl's face showed an angry look, and she simply said to Zhang Yu: "I know you prefer Allardyce, otherwise why would you keep Ellu by your side?" , and asked her to follow Allardyce to create opportunities for them! Now that you have succeeded, what else do you want? "

Hearing this, Zhao Hua's heart tightened and he did not dare to translate for a while.

Zhang Yu saw something strange on Zhao Hua's face and said, "What did she say?"

"She said." Zhao Hua also knew that he couldn't hide anything and translated Cheryl's words truthfully.

"Alas" Zhang Yu shook his head and sighed. Regarding the Elugao matter, the way he handled it cannot be said to be without any problems. I originally wanted to have the best of both worlds, but ended up getting into trouble like this.

Zhang Yu said calmly: "Cheryl, I understand how you feel now. In this way, you listen to me first, and I will definitely give you an explanation. What do you think?"

After Zhao Hua translated, Cheryl asked: "What explanation? What did you want me to listen to?"

She is indeed a little red-eyed now. Any woman would not be able to calm down when encountering such a thing. Allardyce is her husband and her support, but Allardyce and Elugao are also Zhang Yu's apprentices. Since she and Allardyce were in such trouble, she would inevitably think that Zhang Yu was partial to Allardyce and Elugao.

Zhao Hua translated again, and Zhang Yu pointed to the empty space in the middle of the flower pot, which was next to Allardyce. "You go inside and sit cross-legged now, back to back with Allardyce."

"No!" After Zhao Hua translated, Allardyce and Cheryl almost shouted in unison.

Without luck in love, these two people can be said to be separated from each other, and they are no different from enemies. Mentally, there should be some problems.

Zhang Yu was not angry, and said calmly: "I know the situation you two are in now, and I am helping you. You listen to me first, and then go inside and sit back to back. The time is not very long, it is only ten After a few minutes, I will give you an explanation. At that time, no matter what you think about divorce, I will not stop you. But if you don't listen to me now, then I can only take action and force the two of you. We pressed them together and sat down."

His words were both soft and hard. After Zhao Hua translated them, the two of them naturally knew how powerful Zhang Yu was. If Zhang Yu really wanted to take action and push the two of them to sit together, they would not lose their temper.

Allardyce said nothing, Cheryl nodded and said heavily: "OK!"

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the middle of the flower pots, came behind Allardyce, and "hummed" at Allardyce before sitting down.

It was said that they were back to back, but their backs did not touch at all.

Seeing that the two finally sat in the formation, Zhang Yu also breathed a sigh of relief.

He then bit the tip of his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood mist towards the flowerpots inside.

Immediately afterwards, something unexpected happened.

The Phalaenopsis placed here has not bloomed. It is winter after all. However, after the blood mist sprayed onto the branches and leaves, the eighteen phalaenopsis in the middle slowly sprouted, gave birth to flower buds, bloomed, and grew purple flowers.

Gradually, the surrounding Phalaenopsis also bloomed, and for a while, the room was filled with the fragrance of flowers.

"This", "this", "this". Everyone was dumbfounded!

Zhang Yu had used this move before, but they had never seen it before. This time I saw with my own eyes that the Phalaenopsis bloom in winter at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was simply a spectacle.

Their mouths were open and they couldn't speak at all. It was the little girl Zhang Yinling who exclaimed: "It's so beautiful."

"Very beautiful" Standing at the door of the room, Elugao, who had never said a word before, could not help but murmur now.

Zhang Yu's eyes were fixed on the heads of Allardyce and Cheryl.

At this moment, the 108 pots of Phalaenopsis are emitting streaks of pure pink air. This is the air current that symbolizes love.

Zhang Yu can be sure that in a very short period of time, love luck will reappear on the heads of the two people in the middle, making them regain their rationality.

However, after three minutes passed, Zhang Yu unexpectedly discovered that no matter how the air flowed, the luck above Allardyce and Cheryl's heads had not changed at all.

The top of Allardyce's head is still bright pink. Over the top of Cheryl's head, there was no luck in love at all.

"W-what's going on?" This time, it was Zhang Yu's turn to be shocked.

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