Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2141 What a coincidence

Zhang Yu and others left Sanqing Temple, and many people sent them out. Tom also went out with him. The others saw Zhang Yu's car leaving and returned to the Taoist temple. Tom walked at the back. Everyone entered the middle courtyard, but he ducked and walked towards the back of the main hall.

When I came to a dark place and saw no one and no movement, I took out my mobile phone and dialed Rooney's number.

The call was quickly connected, and Father Rooney's voice sounded, "Hello, Tom?"

"Father, it's me you just called me." Tom said carefully.

"Yeah, how's the situation over there at Sanqingguan? What's John Brown's situation now?" Father Rooney asked in rapid succession.

"John's illness has recovered. I saw him standing up from the bed just now. And Mr. Zhang also said that John's illness has recovered. Now they say they are going to see the three Allardyce and plan to stop Allardyce." Dais and Cheryl are getting divorced," Tom said matter-of-factly.

"That's great," Rooney groaned, then asked, "What else?"

"They have now left Sanqing Temple, and the others are ready to rest. And Master Zhang said that he will tell everyone tomorrow that the prophecy is not accurate at all," Tom said.

"I know." Rooney said and hung up the phone.

Rooney is still in the quiet room of the church, and Bredvar's eyes have been staring at Rooney.

Seeing Rooney hang up the phone, Bredvar asked eagerly: "How was it?"

Rooney frowned slightly and said: "The people over there said that John Brown's illness has recovered and he can get out of bed. That Oriental boy has gone to Allardyce to prevent Allardyce from divorcing Cheryl. . I will inform everyone tomorrow that the prediction is not accurate at all."

"Asshole. This oriental boy." Bredvar gritted his teeth and said, "I will never let him succeed! He wants to break my prophecy. It's just a dream!"

"Then what should we do now?" Father Rooney said somewhat worriedly.

"Even if John Brown's illness is temporarily cured, it's not a big deal. If you want to kill him, you will still have a chance in the future. You can't say that he didn't die this time, and this prediction will not count. If he doesn't die today, it doesn't mean he won't die in a few days. As long as Allardyce can divorce, the prophecy is still valid." Bredvar said bitterly.

"But that Eastern boy has gone to find Allardyce now. Maybe after seeing him, Allardyce will really change his mind," Father Rooney said with some worry.

"Don't worry, there will be no accidents this time. Well, I'm tired and I'm going to rest." After Bredvar finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door.

Father Rooney quickly followed and said flatteringly: "Sister Liz is very beautiful and has good skills. I will call her and ask her to give you a massage."

"No need!" Bradvar was not in that mood now. After leaving the quiet room, he went straight to his room.

Birmingham Hotel.

Zhang Yu came here with Zhang Yinling, Zhu Jiuzhen, Zhang Qingfeng, and Zhao Hua. They went straight to the seventh floor and arrived in room 705.

Before coming here, I had contacted her by phone and Cheryl lives here. Zhang Qingfeng went to the door and knocked on the door. Soon there were footsteps inside, followed by the door opening.

The person who opened the door was Yuan Xiaoxiao. When she saw Zhang Yu and others coming, she quickly said hello, "Master, you are here."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "How is Cheryl's situation?"

"It's very bad. You'll know when you come in and take a look." Yuan Xiaoxiao said and invited Zhang Yu and others to come in.

Entering into the large living room, I saw Cheryl sitting alone on the sofa, with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes. She didn't look like a model at all. It looked like it had been ravaged.

She was wearing a white pajamas, her feet were bare, and her feet were dark and scratched.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown slightly and turned to look at Yuan Xiaoxiao, seeming to ask, but also seeming to blame.

Yuan Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said, "Master, all her clothes were burned. I bought her clothes, but she won't wear them."

As he said that, he pointed to a separate sofa next to him. On the sofa were newly bought clothes and shoes.

Looking at Cheryl again, she still had her head lowered, looking a little dazed, as if she didn't see Zhang Yu coming.

Zhang Yu sat down diagonally to Cheryl's side and said gently, "Cheryl, are you okay?"

Zhao Hua followed Zhang Yu, stood next to Zhang Yu, and translated.

Cheryl then slowly raised her head. Her face was full of tears, her eye circles were red, and her left cheek was even a little high. Zhang Yu could tell at a glance that it was swollen.

"Master, you are here." Cheryl said in jerky Mandarin.

Her voice was a little hoarse, full of sadness and grievance.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "If anything happens, I will make the decision for you."

After saying that, he looked at Yuan Xiaoxiao and asked, "Who hit her in the face?"

"Who else could it be, Allardyce?" Yuan Xiaoxiao whispered.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was stunned. He never expected that Allardyce would hit Cheryl.

I still remember that the relationship between the two was very good, and Allardyce didn't seem like someone who would hit his wife. What was going on?

Before Zhang Yu could speak, the little girl Zhang Yinling jumped to her feet and shouted: "This Allardyce is so abominable! He actually dares to hit someone! Where is he? I don't want to teach him a lesson!"

"You can't say that. It was Cheryl who hit Allardyce first." Yuan Xiaoxiao said in a low voice again.

"Even if you hit him first, he won't be able to break even if he's big and strong!" Zhang Yinling said angrily.

Yuan Xiaoxiao did not dare to answer this time. Zhang Yu waved his hand towards Zhang Yinling, and then carefully looked at Cheryl's complexion. Judging from her appearance, there is indeed something wrong with Cheryl's emotions. Zhang Yu then bit his finger and scratched it in front of his eyes.

He immediately saw the luck above Cheryl's head. The green luck for career was very light, the pink luck for love was not visible at all, the red luck for wealth was very light, and the white luck for health was pretty normal.

This made Zhang Yu feel surprised. He was obviously fine, but how could his luck in love suddenly disappear? Generally speaking, if the relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious and causes division, it will not mean that the love fortune will disappear all of a sudden. At most, it will become weak. The love luck on top of Cheryl's head is not good at all, as if it had been sucked away by a magic spell.

Zhang Yu was sure that someone had definitely manipulated him. Zhang Yu had already heard from Zhang Qingfeng about the conflict between Cheryl and Allardyce, and he was unwilling to waste time and let Cheryl say it again. Again.

He looked at Yuan Xiaoxiao again and asked, "Where are Allardyce and the others now?"

"They are in room 804." Yuan Xiaoxiao said.

"Come on, let's go straight over and see what's going on with Allardyce." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he stood up and added, "Take Cheryl with you."

Yuan Xiaoxiao hurriedly came to Cheryl's side, reached out to support her arm, and said softly in English: "Let's go upstairs to find Allardyce."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Cheryl, who had always been listless, immediately roared, "Don't see him! This bastard! I never want to see him, I will divorce him tomorrow."

Zhang Yu couldn't understand the English she spoke, so Zhao Hua translated in a low voice.

As a top student, Yuan Xiaoxiao can speak English well and can understand some conversations. She quickly persuaded: "Master is here now. The matter between you and Allardyce will be decided by Master, whether it is right or wrong. Don't worry, no one will hurt you again."

"I don't want to see him, wuwu, I don't want to see him." Cheryl burst into tears, "This ungrateful guy, from the moment he hit me, I broke up with him. I will divorce him tomorrow. , tell his scandal to everyone."

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiaoxiao had no idea and had to look at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu nodded and said, "In that case, you stay here with her and we go up and take a look first. If anything happens, let people know. Let me inform you. Qingfeng, you stay here and call me if you have any questions."

"Yes, Master." "Yes, Master."

Zhang Yu could tell that Cheryl was in a very unstable mood right now. In case something happened again, he had to tell her not to see Allardyce first. Wait until you meet Allardyce and figure things out before you talk.

Zhang Yu, Zhang Yinling, Zhu Jiuzhen, and Zhao Hua left the room and walked upstairs.

Zhang Yinling is very angry now. She has a good relationship with Cheryl, and they are the first friends she met here. Cheryl was beaten like this, how could she let it go?

As they walked upstairs, the girl said bitterly: "This Allardyce is really hateful. When I see him, let's see if I don't fix him severely!"

Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "Yin Ling, don't be impulsive. Let's talk about everything after we understand everything."

"What's there to say? A big man with a strong back and a strong back actually bullies a woman. Such a man must be severely punished!" Zhang Yinling clenched her fists and stared. She immediately looked at Zhu Jiuzhen and said, "Brother, do you think what I said is right?"

"Yes, yes" Zhu Jiuzhen didn't say anything. Seeing Zhang Yinling ask this question, he smiled and nodded.

Go up to the eighth floor and quickly find room 804.

Zhang Yinling knocked on the door directly, footsteps sounded inside, the door opened, and Kaka stood inside.

"Uncle, you are here," Kaka said in jerky Mandarin.

"How is it?" Zhang Yu said and walked directly inside.

Zhu Jiuzhen followed Zhang Yu, while Zhang Yinling watched with eager eyes.

When they came to the big living room inside, Brighton and other apprentices were there, and everyone stood up and greeted Zhang Yu.

However, Allardyce and Elugao were not seen.

Just when Zhang Yu was about to ask, Zhang Yingling rushed to ask: "Where is Allardyce?"

Brayton could understand this, pointed to a room in front, and said in jerky Mandarin: "There are people in there."

Without saying a word, Zhang Yinling rushed towards the room angrily. She opened the door and shouted as she walked in: "Allardyce, you hit a woman, don't think I'm good at it."

Her words stopped abruptly.

Zhang Yu, Brighton, and Zhu Jiuzhen also walked inside, especially Zhang Yu, who walked very fast, fearing that Zhang Yinling would go in and start a fight with Allardyce again.

But when I arrived at the door, I found that Zhang Yinling's voice had disappeared, and I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He entered the room in a few steps, and when he took a look, he saw Allardyce sitting on the bed, his hair was messy, and there were seven or eight bloody cuts on his face. He was not wearing a shirt, and there were several bloodstains on his body, which could be seen as obvious scratches.

Elugao sat next to Allardyce, looking a little aggrieved.

At this time, Zhu Jiuzhen, Brighton, and Zhao Hua also came in.

Allardyce and Elugao saw Zhang Yu arriving and hurriedly stood up and greeted, "Master." "Master."

"What happened to you?" Zhang Yu didn't even need to say anything. Zhang Yinling pointed at Allardyce.

Allardyce didn't understand this, so Zhao Hua quickly translated.

However, Allardyce did not speak, seeming a little embarrassed. It was Elugao who said, "It was scratched by Cheryl."

Zhao Hua translated again. When he heard that Allardyce's injuries were caused by Cheryl, Zhang Yinling didn't know what to say for a moment. After all, Allardyce had a lot of injuries on his body, which completely disfigured him.

Zhang Yu frowned and said, "Why did you two fight like this? When did you fight?"

Zhao Hua continued to translate, and neither Allardyce nor Elugao made a sound. Fortunately, Brayton said: "This is not because John Brown suddenly suffered from angina and fell into coma. The couple had a fierce quarrel and said they must divorce. My apprentice and I watched them to avoid anything happening. Yuan Xiaoxiao watched Looking at Cheryl. The guys came to the Birmingham Hotel together. It was fine at first, but at about six o'clock in the evening, Cheryl suddenly came over and had another quarrel with Allardyce. Cheryl pushed Allardyce Scratched, Allardyce slapped Cheryl and we all managed to pull them away."

Zhao Hua translated his words, and Zhang Yu looked at Zhang Yinling. Zhang Yinling couldn't help but have a look of resentment on her face, and she also realized that she had misunderstood Allardyce.

But she still said stubbornly: "Even if you suffer a little loss, you can't hit a woman."

Zhang Yu ignored her, just looked at Allardyce, and said seriously: "Allardyce, I heard that you and Elugao were in the same room, and ended up being touched by Cheryl. How did this happen? thing?"

The cause of this incident was that Allardyce went to Elugao's room after being on duty. The two had some kind of super-friendly relationship, and ended up being bumped into by Cheryl.

At this moment, Zhang Yu of course wanted to ask what happened.

Zhao Hua translated, and Allardyce lowered his head and said with some embarrassment: "At that time, I was on duty downstairs, three hours per person. They also took care of me and let me go on duty first, and then I could go back early to accompany Xie Li Er. After Yin Shangjie and I changed shifts, we went upstairs to our rooms, but we went wrong and entered Elugao's room. Elugao was asleep at the time, and the light was dark, so I didn't pay attention. I got on the bed. Because I don't like to wear clothes when sleeping, I took off my clothes. I didn't realize that the person on the bed was Elugao, and she wasn't wearing clothes either, so I moved my hand up and followed. On impulse, I really didn’t know it was Eluga, but by the time I found out, she had already stopped. Unexpectedly, Cheryl suddenly barged in. She didn’t listen to my explanation, and yelled, not to mention how unpleasant she was. He shouted and called the other people over."

Zhao Hua was the translator again. After listening to his words, Zhang Yinling curled her lips and said, "What a coincidence."

This girl still looks towards Cheryl in her heart.

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