Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2143 Two-Color Cross

This Big Four Elephant Phalaenopsis Formation is used to improve love luck. Zhang Yu has tried it repeatedly and has never had any problems. This time it was so evil that it was of no use at all.

Others didn't know the purpose of this, they just thought it was magical and they were all stunned.

Allardyce and Cheryl were sitting in the middle of the flower pots, both in awe. Allardyce said subconsciously: "It's amazing. The Phalaenopsis is in full bloom. It's so beautiful."

He was a little emotional. In fact, Cheryl had the same idea as him, but after hearing his words, Cheryl couldn't help but feel disgusted in her heart. She turned around and said angrily: "What a beautiful fart! A grown man, and he also likes flowers. Sure enough, He likes to mess around with women!"

"I just like it!" Allardyce didn't show any weakness and shouted back at that time.

The people around were originally shocked by the scenery here, but after hearing what the two said, they couldn't help but feel a headache again.

Logically speaking, looking at Zhang Yu's intention, he should be able to reunite the two of them. How could they be like this after struggling for so long.

Allardyce's words made Cheryl even more angry. She shouted: "Then I will grant you my wish! It's daylight now, let's go through the divorce procedures now!"

After saying that, Cheryl jumped up from the ground.

Allardyce jumped up and shouted: "Okay! Let's leave now! I can't wait any longer!"

Zhang Yu looked at it and scratched his head, but he was already sure that there was no formation, so there must be other problems. As for what the problem is, I still have to think about it.

But no matter what, I must not let the two of them divorce, and must stop them.

Zhang Yu closed the formation, but the Phalaenopsis orchid that was already in full bloom did not wither, and was still so bright.

Zhang Yu was naturally not in the mood to admire the flowers. Seeing that Cheryl had walked out of a pile of flower pots, he rushed to her in two steps and said, "Cheryl, don't leave."

Cheryl could understand this sentence and said directly: "Why?"

"The matter is not over yet. Do you really want to divorce Allardyce?" Zhang Yu said seriously.

This time, Cheryl couldn’t understand, so Zhao Hua came up to translate.

After hearing this, Cheryl said angrily: "If you don't divorce him, how can you stay and watch him have sex with others? I will help him!"

"There must be some problems here. I don't want it to be like this. Give me a day. If you two want to divorce after one day, I won't stop you." Zhang Yu said calmly.

Zhao Hua translated again, but Cheryl didn't seem to buy it, "Didn't you just say that it would only take ten minutes? After I sit inside, I will give you an explanation. By then, no matter what I think, Divorce or whatever, you won't stop it at all. Why are you going back on your word now, and what is your explanation?"

Zhao Hua's face instantly showed a look of resentment, and he secretly said in his heart that this woman's emotional changes were really big. He used to be respectful before, but now that he and Allardyce are having trouble, his whole person has changed.

But he still translated the words, and Zhang Yu was not angry. He knew that Cheryl was angry and would not listen to anything she said.

Usually after a couple quarrels, the words of others are basically useless. The other half must take the initiative to give in. This is the so-called fight at the end of the bed. But right now, it's almost impossible to get Allardyce to give in.

If two people refuse to give in to each other, this will naturally be the result.

"To untie the bell, you need someone to tie it." Zhang Yu muttered, but where is the person to tie the bell? It must be in a Catholic church. You can't go to the church to arrest people, you'd have to fight.

His mind was spinning rapidly, wondering what to do?

At this time, Allardyce's voice rang again, and he said loudly and boldly: "If you want an explanation, what explanation do you want? All the property in the family will be given to you!"

"What other property does the family have? To put it nicely, it's all burned down!" Cheryl turned to look at Allardyce and started arguing again.

As soon as he heard the two people talking about "home", Zhang Yu's mind immediately trembled.

"Yes. Their home," Zhang Yu said in his heart.

The two had a dispute at home. Allardyce went to the wrong room, had the incident with Eluga, and was caught by Cheryl. This couldn't be a simple coincidence. Especially after that, the house caught fire again, and in response to the prophecy, someone must have done something wrong.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu said: "You two, stop arguing now. Let's go to your home now."

Zhao Hua translated his words, but Cheryl didn't give any face. She just shouted: "The house is burned down, why are we going back? I came to Birmingham yesterday to divorce this guy! Go and apply for divorce now!"

"That's right! Go and complete the formalities now!" Allardyce also shouted.

Zhao Hua translated the words of the two of them again. Zhang Yu was a little angry this time. His own words really didn't work at all. You two still don't take me seriously.

Even if there is something wrong with one's xinxing, I can't care so much about it now.

Seeing that Cheryl had turned around and faced Allardyce, Zhang Yu raised his hand and tapped Cheryl's neck.


Cheryl was not prepared at all. Even if she was prepared, she would not be able to avoid it. Her body softened and she fell backwards. Zhang Yu hugged her from behind.

When everyone saw this, they were all stunned again. They didn't understand what Zhang Yu meant and why he was so aggressive.

Without waiting for them to ask, Zhang Yu said directly: "Yinling, Xiaoxiao, you two come here to support her, take her downstairs to the car, and go to her home!"

"Yes, Master." Yuan Xiaoxiao immediately agreed and stepped forward to support Cheryl.

Zhang Yinling also followed, and the two women started helping Cheryl to walk outside.

Zhang Qingfeng and Kaka also went to help and took care of Cheryl first.

Zhang Yu then looked at Allardyce, who was a little stunned, and said, "Follow me!"

Allardyce could understand this, but he still subconsciously raised his finger and pointed at himself.

Zhang Yu nodded and said seriously: "That's right, come with me."

He spoke in a tone of voice without any discussion. After saying this, he turned around and walked outside.

Zhao Hua was afraid that Allardyce wouldn't understand, so he translated a sentence in particular.

Brighton, Zhu Jiuzhen and others followed Zhang Yu out, with Zhao Hua walking at the end.

Allardyce and Eluga looked at each other. Allardyce was calmer than Cheryl after all, and said softly: "Let's go and have a look too."

"Okay." Ellu flattened her mouth and nodded.

Although the two of them were eager to register their marriage as soon as possible, they also knew how powerful Zhang Yu was. Zhang Yu had already packed up Cheryl and took them away. It shouldn't be difficult to take them both away. In addition, both of them are Zhang Yu's apprentices, so how could they not follow him.

Elugao entered the room first, found some clothes for Allardyce to wear, then held Allardyce's arm and walked out of the room together.

Zhang Yu and the others were waiting in the corridor. After seeing him, they went downstairs together.

Zhang Yinling had already brought Cheryl into the car first, and Zhang Yu arranged Allardyce and Elugao into their car. Fortunately, Cheryl was in a coma, otherwise, there would have been another big fight.

The two cars started and drove towards Lesa Town. Allardyce's home is at the junction of Lesha Town and Birmingham City, and the car drove all the way there.

At this moment, Allardyce's two-story villa has been burned into ruins. The building was smoked black, and the doors and windows inside were broken, leaving only the door frames and window frames.

Zhang Yu got out of the car, and other people filed out of the car. Seeing his home burned like this, Allardyce couldn't help but said: "Master, this fire is so strange!"

Zhao Hua translated, and Zhang Yu nodded slightly and said, "You also know that something is wrong. There is a big problem here."

"Could it be someone from the church who did it? But the police also came and found no traces of arson," Allardyce said.

"Sometimes, if you want to set a fire, you don't need to be there in person." After Zhao Hua translated, Zhang Yu smiled faintly, then raised his hand, and flames suddenly appeared on his fingers.

Allardyce had seen Zhang Yu's ability, he could light a cigarette without using a lighter.

After Zhao Hua translated, Allardyce hurriedly said: "Could it be that people from the church really used tricks to burn down my home?"

When he said this, this guy's eyes were red and full of hatred.

The whole house was burned down, no one else would be able to swallow this breath.

Zhao Hua translated, and Zhang Yu had already stepped towards the small courtyard of the villa. Entering the courtyard, Zhang Yu instantly felt that there was an aura of formation here.

Zhang Yu bit his finger and scratched it in front of his eyes. Then he could see that the villa was filled with gray air. And in this air flow, there is also bright pink, because the combination of bright pink and gray air flow looks hazy and weird. What's even more strange is that in the gray air flow, there are still traces of red air flowing outwards, and then disappear into nothing.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu understood what was going on.

Someone has set up a formation here. This gray air flow is bad luck and will make the owner here lose money, or even continue to lose money. Among them, the bright pink color indicates that the owner will have good luck in love affairs and the couple's palace will fall apart.

Zhang Yu turned to look at Allardyce. Zhang Yu had already seen the luck above Allardyce's head. His career luck was normal, his wealth luck was weak, and his love luck was strong.

At this moment, Zhang Yu's heart moved. Allardyce's current state was clearly that of someone who had lost money.

"Zhao Hua, I heard Zhang Qingfeng say that someone in this town will become a millionaire, is that true?" Zhang Yu asked calmly.

"That's right, that man's name is Jack, and he is a devout Catholic. He won the Mark Six Lottery and made one million at once, becoming a millionaire." Zhao Hua replied.

"That's it." Zhang Yu nodded.

Allardyce couldn't understand what Zhang Yu said, but seeing Zhang Yu nodding, he thought he had discovered something. Allardyce asked: "Master, what did you find?"

"Someone borrowed your family's wealth and gave it to others." Zhang Yu said after Zhao Hua translated.

Zhao Hua was the translator again. After hearing this, Zhang Yu's disciples were fine and understood the truth. On the other hand, Allardyce, Brighton and others were a little confused.

Allardyce asked eagerly: "What's going on when you borrow your wealth and give it to others?"

"Although a person's wealth may not always be destined, it still requires hard work, and God will not let the pie fall easily. The man named Jack did not have this kind of wealth in his life, but in order for the prediction to come true , someone played a trick and lent your wealth to that person. In this way, you will definitely lose money and suffer property losses, which can be used to immediately wipe out Jack's gains." Zhang Yu said after Zhao Hua translated , said so.

Zhao Hua translated again, but Allardyce didn't seem to understand, and asked curiously: "Is there any inevitable connection between this? Isn't it a prophecy that someone's house will catch fire? Why is it related to Jack winning the lottery?"

"To put it simply, what I mean is that the money Jack won from the lottery is actually the money lost in the fire in your home. And looking at the current situation, the money your family lost cannot reach Jack's winnings, and it will continue to lose money. , to settle the accounts. In this way, you should understand." Zhang Yu said.

"Oh my god. There is such a thing." After Zhao Hua translated, Elugao couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Allardyce's body was trembling and he said eagerly: "Master, Catholic people are so hateful! Master, you must avenge me!"

He himself also understood that he did not have the ability to take revenge.

"Don't worry, I will never let them have an easy time." Zhang Yu said and walked towards the villa.

Everyone was about to follow them. Zhang Yu heard their footsteps and turned around and said, "You don't have to come in. I'll go in and take a look alone."

Seeing what he said, everyone stopped and did not follow. Zhang Yu was about to continue walking, but hesitated for a moment, and then said to Allardyce: "Allardyce, where is your and Cheryl's room?"

"Go up to the second room on the left side of the stairs to the second floor," Allardyce replied.

"Then which room was Elugao sleeping in?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"It's the second room on the right side of the stairs." When Allardyce said this, he was inevitably a little embarrassed.

This is true. There are two rooms, one on the left and one on the right. Even if you go to the wrong place, most people won't believe it if you tell them. Sure enough, Allardyce added: "I really wasn't going to Elugao's room at that time. I really went wrong for some reason."

After everyone heard this, no one said anything.

Zhang Yu said calmly: "Okay, I know. You all stay here and wait for me."

After saying that, he walked into the villa alone. The inside of the villa was burned black, and there were many water stains left after the fire was put out. Everything was in tatters and it was obvious that the fire was really big and burned everything that could be burned.

There was no airflow here. Zhang Yu looked at the rooms downstairs for a while and saw nothing, so he walked upstairs.

The damage upstairs was no less than that downstairs.

Zhang Yu first went to the room on the right where Elugao stayed that night. The room was burnt black, and the cabinets and beds had all been burned into broken wood.

After observing for a while, Zhang Yu found nothing unusual, so he exited and walked towards Allardyce's bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Zhang Yu immediately saw that there was a faint gray airflow floating towards the ceiling at the head of the bed. The airflow also contained a strange bright pink color.

"Here's the problem!"

Zhang Yu was able to identify the problem in an instant and walked quickly towards the bedside. The headboard of the bed was burned down and was just broken black wood. Zhang Yu showed his money sword and pushed the wood away.

Splitting the sawdust apart soon revealed a red cross. Zhang Yu spread his hands and picked up the cross, and immediately discovered that the back of the cross was black. And the gray and bright pink airflow happened to be emanating from the cross.

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