Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2094 The favored party

After the arrangements were made, Zhang Yu was about to go out, completely ignoring the two reporters who came in to visit, as if they were not watching.

Jenny and Shi Yang remained silent. No matter how curious they were, they could not delay the treatment time.

As a reporter, generally speaking, you have to grab first-hand information. However, the two of them are relatively well-educated. Unlike ordinary reporters, they know not to disturb them at this time. The two of them just followed Zhang Yu out silently. Wang Chunlan and Zhao Qiuju also asked four junior sisters to follow them and went to help.

There are no more cries of children in this duty room, and people outside can really notice this.

As soon as Zhang Yu took action, the parents standing in front immediately got angry and shouted eagerly: "Master Zhang! Please save my Dabao." "Master Zhang, please save my child." Zhang Zhenren".

The parents kept shouting, and one of them, an elderly woman, knelt down in front of Zhang Yu and said, "Master Zhang, please save my grandson."

Zhang Yu was startled, hurriedly grabbed over, stretched out his hand to help the old man up, and said sincerely: "Auntie, don't worry, I'm working on treatment here. Don't worry, it will be fine. Wait a moment, All children can be cured."

"Thank you. Thank you Mr. Zhang, you are such a good person." The old lady said with tears of gratitude.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." "Thank you, Mr. Zhang." The parents also shouted. Such a scene looked extremely touching.

"Don't worry, wait here for a moment, I have to continue treating the children." Zhang Yu said gently.

After saying that, he went directly into a value room next to him.

Wang Chunlan and Zhao Qiuju took people into other duty rooms. According to Zhang Yu's wishes, everyone was treated separately. They wanted to teach the massage techniques they had learned to more disciples and do it together, so that the speed would be faster.

After Zhang Yu entered the duty room, there were about ten disciples in the duty room. They had been busy before, but fortunately they heard that Zhang Yu was back and had cured some children, so they were relieved now.

Seeing Zhang Yu come in, they quickly greeted him. Zhang Yu took a few steps to the bedside and took the pulse of the child in the middle.

The children here are also crying, with faces full of pain. Zhang Yu said directly: "You all come here, one person is responsible for one child, and use massage techniques to perform pediatric massage on them. I will inform you of the acupoints that are massaged. Wang Chunlan and the others learned it just in one go. I believe you should not compare They are bad."

"Master, don't worry." "No problem, no worse than them."

The disciples became energetic, and Zhang Yu's words could be regarded as a provocation. They were all from the same sect and were taught by the same master. No one could be more stupid than the other.

The two reporters remained silent and just took pictures with their mobile phones. The two of them were soon dumbfounded. Zhang Yu's technique was so clever and miraculous.

Zhang Yu took off the clothes of a little boy, then turned the child over and massaged the child's back. The child who had been crying bitterly before quickly stopped crying.

While Zhang Yu was massaging, he could also teach his disciples the essentials of massaging. The disciples copied the gourd and painted the gourd, and the children also stopped crying.

There were only dozens of children here in the Taoist Temple. Previously, everyone could hear the crying coming from the duty room, but not long after Zhang Yu, Wang Chunlan, and Zhao Qiuju entered the duty room, there was no more crying. Cry.

When people outside discovered this, they were all shocked.

"So fast." "Stop crying." "Stop crying." "Great, the child can be saved." "Zhenren Zhang is really a miraculous doctor." "It's amazing." "Wow. The child finally stopped crying. "No more crying, my dearest baby."

Many parents find that their children no longer cry, but instead cry with joy.

In the first room, some parents came out with their cured children. As soon as everyone saw them coming out, they started asking each other what was going on and how they were cured.

The parents were all happy now, so they told Zhang Yu about how he cured their children with pediatric massage, which made everyone exclaim that it was a miracle.

Some people even took the opportunity to enter the check-in room, and after smelling the incomparable stench, they even screamed that it was magical.

Many people have begun to reveal the situation here in their circle of friends. Whether it is WeChat, QQ, Weibo, Tieba, or forums, these are all posts of this type.

Wudang Taoist Temple became popular because of the football team, and later it loved to sleep on mobile phones. Although there was a lot of talk, it was not said to be particularly magical. This time, the whole country was shocked. Anyone who surfs the Internet knows about this. TCM pediatric massage has suddenly become famous all over the country.

In fact, this skill is nothing unusual. There are pediatric massage places in almost every city, but not many people recognize them. Nowadays, pediatric massage has directly become the focus of everyone's discussion.

The young man who had posted on the Haijiao Forum before immediately posted another post, "The truth! The truth! Follow-up report on the Guangming anti-toxic milk powder incident! The truth about the treatment turned out to be pediatric massage! Daochang Zhang used Chinese medicine plus pediatric massage to treat the child The toxins in their bodies have been expelled, and now the children no longer cry, and they are all cured. And I personally went to the check-in room to see it, and it was so stinky that it was all poop caused by the children! These are all Toxins! Chinese medicine is so amazing!”

Second floor: So magical! Damn it, I’ll take the car to Wudangdao tomorrow to watch it!

Third floor: I have never been interested in traditional Chinese medicine before. This incident has completely changed my view on traditional Chinese medicine.

Fourth floor: It is really their blessing to have such a Taoist temple in Guangming Town. It’s really a blessing to be able to get free medical treatment after something like this happened.

Fifth floor: Wudang Taoist Temple is really kind-hearted and a magical place.

Sixth Floor: I am at Wudang Taoist Temple now. The parents of the children are extremely excited, and I am also very excited. I really hope I can take a photo with Zhang Zhenren.

Seventh Floor: Facts have proved that medical care is not necessarily good from foreign countries. Traditional Chinese medicine is our national treasure. I hope that traditional Chinese medicine can be thoroughly carried forward in Wudang Taoist Temple.

For a time, it received rave reviews online. Occasionally, a few trolls came out to sensationalize, and were sprayed all over their bodies.

In the duty room, Zhang Yu and his disciples were already massaging the chest and abdomen of the children. After a while, they heard the sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff", which kept ringing.

The children began to fart and then had diarrhea. After the black poop came out, even though they could not speak yet, they started to laugh out loud because of their physical comfort, showing a lively look. Some children, perhaps because they are too tired, close their eyes and go to sleep after having a bowel movement.

Zhang Yu and the others wiped the child's buttocks and then put on clothes. Zhang Yu ordered his disciples to call parents according to the names on their clothes to come in and hold their children.

The disciples went out happily. As soon as their names were called, the parents outside became excited and came in one by one to hold their children. After entering the door, you must also say thank you to Zhang Yu.

When the two reporters saw that Zhang Yu had finished his work, Shi Yang was the first to rush to Zhang Yu's side and said politely: "Hello, Director Zhang, I am Shi Yang, a reporter from Xinliang News. I would like to conduct a simple interview with you. No. Know if it’s convenient for you.”

"You should be finished now, but there isn't much time, so please hurry up." Zhang Yu said casually.

"Thank you." Shi Yang immediately asked, "I wonder what method Daozhang Zhang used for treatment?"

"Pediatric massage of traditional Chinese medicine." Zhang Yu said.

"Can this treatment method completely remove the poisonous milk powder taken by the child in one go?" Shi Yang asked again.

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "The children have taken medicine before. This medicine is originally designed to detoxify, but because the children are too young, the amount of medicine is not enough and it cannot have immediate effect. Using pediatric massage can cooperate with the medicine to remove toxins from the body. The toxins are completely eliminated.”

"This is really amazing." Shi Yang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Jenny also rushed up now and said in jerky Mandarin: "Daozhang Zhang, I am a reporter from the English Sun. This time I am traveling to the East. I also want to interview you for a few words."

"No problem." Zhang Yu smiled and nodded.

Jenny also recorded Yang's question to Zhang Yu just now, so there is no need to ask it again now.

The questions Jenny asked were mainly about Chinese medicine and the upcoming exchange meeting on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui.

Zhang Yu gave a concise answer, explaining the magic of Eastern astrology and feng shui, and expressed that he was very confident in this exchange meeting. Zhang Yu would not give reporters too long, just a few words. When he saw the parents carrying their children out of the room, he walked outside.

Not only this room, but also other rooms are now completed. Parents are happily holding their healthy children, with happy smiles on their faces.

For Wudang Taoist Temple, the task is not over yet. There are still children who have not been cured in the clinic. As soon as this is resolved, Zhang Yu immediately asks Wang Chunlan and Zhao Qiuju to take their disciples who have learned massage to go to various clinics.

The disciples set off, and Zhang Yu took everyone to the main hall for a simple rest. Zhang Yu had to kneel down to worship the Taoist ancestors, and the parents of his children were no exception. They came forward to offer incense in batches. Even the tourists were impressed by Zhang Yu's methods and followed him to offer incense.

After working for a while, Zhang Yu announced that there was milk powder donated to the Taoist temple by Yingjilifran Ranch, and now everyone is going down the mountain to collect the milk powder. Each child can receive thirty buckets.

Zhang Yu had not made accurate statistics before. He only knew that one bucket of milk powder was one kilogram, and thirty buckets was thirty kilograms. Definitely enough for a kid to drink for a while.

When they heard that so much milk powder was given, the parents present were very moved. Even the tourists present were shocked.

There are also milk powder donation activities in China that "focus on poor families and care for the growth of children." But for this kind of activity, generally speaking, it would be good for each family to receive four barrels of milk powder. Zhang Yu's action was equivalent to thirty barrels for one child, which was definitely the ultimate expression of love.

There is a merit box at the entrance of the main hall. Generally, Zhang Yu never talks about donating money to Taoist temples, and Zhang Yu never lets his disciples take the initiative to ask pilgrims to donate. You can see the merit box wherever you go. Those who want to donate can do so themselves, and those who don’t want to donate are not asked to do so.

At this moment, many tourists donated generously, putting one hundred, two hundred, one thousand and two thousand into the merit box. The main reason is that not many people spend cash these days. They usually pay with their mobile phones when going out. Wudang Taoist Temple does not have a QR code to scan, only a merit box. Some people brought little cash, but they donated what they could.

Facts have proved that there is no lack of love in this world, only trust. If the donated money can really be sent to those in need, many people will donate generously and show their love.

When Zhang Yu saw someone donating to the merit box, he immediately said aloud: "I don't believe that the Taoist temple will never steal the merits donated by believers. I would like to thank all the believers for their donations and announce in public, In addition to donating 30 buckets of milk powder to each child, we also need to take out the money from the merit box and donate 10,000 yuan to each child. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so I will buy some new clothes for the children. This time the poisoned milk powder poisoning also caused The children are struggling enough, so buy some children’s nutrition products for them, but don’t buy them blindly.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the parents were so moved that they cried, and the visitors at the scene burst into applause. For a time, donations became even more enthusiastic.

Later, Zhang Yu took the parents down the mountain to receive milk powder. Many tourists had nothing to do and simply followed them down the mountain to have a look.

When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, we saw several container trucks filled with barrels of English milk powder.

Thirty buckets for one child. To be honest, they can’t take it away now. It’s too much. Zhang Yu meant good things to the end and asked his disciples to drive out all the cars from the Taoist temple. While sending the children back, he also delivered all the milk powder to their homes.

After hearing this, the parents were even more moved.

Before delivery, registration is required. There is a roster of children to be treated. The disciples allocate vehicles and distribute the 10,000 yuan promised by Zhang Yu to each child.

In addition to the children who go to the Taoist temple, there are also those who go to the health clinic. Zhang Yu also asked his disciples to contact various health centers for statistics, and then send them milk powder and money.

The people at the foot of the mountain were busy with work, and just as they were about to set off, they suddenly saw many vehicles rushing over, including even patrol cars.

When everyone saw so many vehicles arriving, they were puzzled again. The car stopped, and soon there was a crowd of people, and batches of people got out of the car.

Walking at the front was a woman wearing a white suit with large lapels. This woman was none other than Wen Qiong.

Guangming Town is Wen Qiong's boss. Although the tainted milk powder incident was not reported to her, the Internet has already been abuzz. As the top leader of Zhendong District, it is obvious that he cannot ignore it. Wen Qiong came in person and called over the town's leading cadres. When they met outside Guangming Town, Wen Qiong reprimanded the leaders of the town. Such a big thing happened and there was not even a movement. You are all dead!

At that time, none of the leading cadres dared to speak out. Wen Qiong asked again if anyone had been caught selling poisonous milk powder. The incident happened so suddenly. If it hadn't caused a stir on the Internet, the town leaders would still have been kept in the dark, and no one would have been caught.

Wen Qiong scolded the person again and ordered the person selling the poisonous milk powder to be caught within three days, otherwise he would be severely punished. Then, they came to Guangming Mountain together.

In addition to Wen Qiong and the others, all major media in Zhenhai also flocked to Guangming Mountain to prepare for interviews.

The two cars collided together, which made it look so majestic.

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