Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2095 Black-hearted Businessman

The people at the foot of the mountain were a little confused when they saw so many people coming. Of course they didn't know Wen Qiong, but they knew the uniformed patrol officer.

Everyone immediately started talking in a low voice, "Why are there so many patrols? What are they doing?" "Now there are rumors about fake milk powder poisoning on the Internet. I guess it must be related to this." "Absolutely." "But this patrol should be Hurry up and arrest people. Why are you rushing here in such a mighty force?" "That's it."

At the stall where everyone was talking, Wen Qiong, several executives, and the town leaders came to the front of the crowd.

A patrol officer introduced him first, "This is CEO Wen from Zhendong District. I heard that there was a poisonous milk powder incident in the town, so I came here to understand the situation and express condolences to the children who were affected."

Wen Qiong is still the acting CEO, but the patrolman dare not say the word "acting". Of course, no one in the Zhendong Executive District dared to say this word in front of Wen Qiong.

After the patrol officer said this, he immediately took the lead in applauding. The people surrounding Wen Qiong, no matter what they were doing, clapped quickly.

When the people on the opposite side saw this posture, they all clapped along, and the applause was thunderous for a while, "Pa, pa, pa, pa." "Pa, pa, pa, pa."

When Wen Qiong and the others were on the road, the secretary had already drafted a message of condolences, and when the applause stopped, Wen Qiong recited it in front of everyone.

However, even if it is recited, it is full of emotion, singing and crying.

Then, she asked the poisoned parent to come over with the child, and took a child from a parent and held it in her arms.

Reporters frantically took photos, and Wen Qiong once again expressed her views and attitudes, that is, children are the future of China and should be taken good care of. Those who dare to sell tainted milk powder are not only crazy, they are simply going against the Office. Therefore, we must pursue it to the end and never tolerate it.

Her statement once again won rounds of applause.

Then she invited Zhang Yu to come over to speak. In public, she could not say "you stinky boy" or anything like that. She had to speak in an official tone and say "Daozhang Zhang" and say some words of thanks.

Zhang Yu would also say that he has seen this kind of face in scenes now, after all, he has seen it a lot. He wouldn't call her "Aunt Wen" or anything like that. He would just respond with official words, indicating that these are what he should do.

Wen Qiong is actually grateful in her heart. Guangming Town is her jurisdiction after all. Every official hopes that there will be peace in their jurisdiction and that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. If something like this happens and another person dies, the trouble will definitely be big. Although the responsibility will definitely be pushed to the town, as the leader of the district, his face is somewhat unsightly.

Naturally, no matter what happens, it is always the right thing for the authorities to come forward to solve the problem as soon as possible. After Wen Qiong finished his superficial work, it was the turn of the town leaders. The mayor said that he would definitely catch those selling fake milk powder as soon as possible and give an explanation to the victims. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured in this incident. This was all thanks to Taoist priest Zhang who was not in charge of the Taoist temple. The PCPD will also provide comfort to the families affected.

The leaders spoke, and then it was time for reporters to interview.

To be honest, these reporters who came from afar have been impatient for a long time. They rushed forward in a swarm. Some surrounded Wen Qiong and Zhang Yu, some surrounded the town leaders, some surrounded the victim's family, some surrounded the Taoist disciples, and some surrounded the watchers. Lively tourists gathered around. Even those foreign tourists were not spared.

Officials can certainly handle it calmly when faced with interviews. The disciples of the Taoist temple seemed a little excited when they were interviewed for the first time. They all gave impassioned answers to reporters' questions.

For example, when Li Mingyue answered the question, his body was shaking a little, "We at Wudang Taoist Temple have always been adhering to the Taoist heart and helping the world and saving people. Of course we are duty-bound when encountering such a thing. When the poisoned children went up the mountain, We took countermeasures and treatment as soon as possible to ensure that no child was harmed. We did this and the children are safe!"

Zhao Wenhao was responsible for picking up and transporting the milk powder. When reporters asked why the milk powder was delivered to the Taoist Temple in such a timely manner, this guy also spoke generously.

Likewise, he would not tell the truth and foolishly said that the milk powder was given to Wang Jie by Fran Ranch.

"These milk powders were donated to us by foreign philanthropists. Because they are foreign milk powders, customs supervision is very strict, so they just arrived today. Originally, these milk powders were intended to be donated to families in need to ensure their safety. Children grow up healthily”

The parents of those children expressed in front of the media their deep hatred for the unscrupulous businessmen who sold fake milk powder, and their immense gratitude to the unworthy Taoist temple. Especially Mr. Zhang, he is so kind-hearted. We are really lucky to have such a Taoist temple in Guangming Town.

Tourists who traveled here also expressed their own opinions. Although they said a lot of things, the general meaning was the same. For example, Wudang Taoist Temple is really a magical place that promotes traditional Chinese medicine and saves the world. Especially the Chinese medicine here is really amazing. I didn’t think there was anything special about Chinese medicine before. But after seeing it today, I have to admit that it is the quintessence of China.

The foreigners' tone was even more exaggerated, "I can't imagine that Chinese medicine can be so miraculous. The children who had been crying before took Chinese medicine and massage suddenly stopped crying!" "It's amazing! Chinese medicine! I finally saw the magic of Chinese medicine today! I'm convinced!" "Oriental China not only has a long history, but it is also a mysterious country. I think I have fallen in love with it. Waiting for me After I go back, I must tell my friends everything I saw here, and ask them to come here with me to experience the magic of the East.”

When these reporters came, it was still a little late. When Yang arrived before, he had already sent the information back to the headquarters.

Xinliang News broke the news immediately with an eye-catching headline.

The first news was: "A poisonous milk powder incident broke out in Guangming Town. The poisoned children went to Wudang Taoist Temple for medical treatment! I heard that the traditional Chinese medicine here is very miraculous. Whether the treatment can be successful, our reporters will follow up and report!"

The second news is: "Surprise! Taoist priest Zhang of Wudang Taoist Temple uses traditional Chinese medicine combined with pediatric massage to detoxify poisoned children, and the effect is remarkable! The quintessence of China is indeed well-deserved!"

The third news is: "From crying to laughter, foreign reporters are also on the front line of Wu Taoist temple! Foreign tourists are shocked by the magic of traditional Chinese medicine!"

Xinliang News kept reporting on the incident, and sometimes it was based on the medical video uploaded by Yang. Watching the child who was originally crying in the video, after being massaged, began to pull out watery poop, and burst into laughter with tears, it was simply heart-wrenching. Breathtaking.

The number of clicks on the Internet exceeds 10 million in one hour. The comments from netizens are even more diverse, and most of them are praising the magic and greatness of traditional Chinese medicine.

Not to be outdone, other websites subsequently reported on the incident. Because they had no first-hand information, they could only post the video of the on-site interview.

That night, Wudang Taoist Temple occupied the biggest headlines in domestic news media, and its traffic quickly exceeded 100 million.

In addition to domestic reports, the British Sun also conducted exclusive overseas reports on the matter.

The video uploaded by Jenny shocked foreign netizens. The most important thing is that Wudang Taoist Temple is not an ordinary Taoist temple, because the abbot of the Taoist temple is Zhang Yu and Zhenren Zhang, and Zhenren Zhang is also the master of the new boxing champion Allardyce.

When Allardyce announced his retirement, he said he wanted to practice with Zhang Yu and learn Eastern Tai Chi. Many people were puzzled at the time and didn't understand why Allardyce gave up the opportunity to become a real boxing champion. Now after reading this report and watching the video on the news, I am all praiseworthy. Many people believe that Allardyce's move is actually more sensible. If he can learn Chinese medicine from Zhang Yu, he will definitely benefit from it throughout his life.

Many foreign netizens also left messages, planning to travel to the Wudang Taoist Temple in the East.

Even Fran Ranch’s donation to Wudang Taoist Temple was reported by The Sun. This was virtually a huge advertisement. It was night in China but it was daytime in England. Many reporters rushed directly to Laisha Town to conduct interviews with Sanqing Temple and Fran Ranch there. What's more important is that on this day, the orders for Fran Ranch actually broke the record.

The main patrol room in the east of the town.

Chief Inspector Lu Weichen has received orders from Wen Qiong and began to deploy to arrest the unscrupulous businessmen selling fake milk powder.

But it's not that easy. All they can find is some surveillance in Guangming Town. From the surveillance, they can roughly see the appearance of the black-hearted businessman.

It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night. Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang and two colleagues from the serious crime team came out of the patrol main building.

Naturally, they had heard about the fake milk powder case, but they were not responsible for this case.

They had just finished handling a murder case and were now off work. After the four of them came out, they planned to find a place to have some late-night snacks.

"I'm starving to death. What can I have for dinner?" Pan Yun said.

"Let's get some skewers." Niu Sanjiang said with his lips curled up.

"How do you know how to eat skewers? You smell like cigarettes." Pan Yun said with a frown.

"Aren't you a female man?" Niu Sanjiang said with a smile.

"Stop coming!" Pan Yun said carelessly.

In front of his colleagues, Pan Yun is not a woman at all, a typical tomboy.

The four of them talked and left the main patrol compound. After not taking two steps, I saw something lying on the side of the road. It seemed to be a person.

Pan Yun immediately pointed to the man and said, "There seems to be someone lying there. Go and take a look."


At that moment, the four people ran over quickly. After running a few steps, they were able to confirm that there were indeed three people lying on the ground. Moreover, these three people were tied up with a long white cloth, and their mouths were still covered with tape. Although they tried to struggle, they couldn't move at all.

"What do you do?" Niu Sanjiang asked loudly before he came closer.

Pan Yun said directly: "How can they answer you if they are like this?"

As she said that, Pan Yun was stunned for a moment, because she discovered that there seemed to be something written on the white cloth on the three of them.

"A black-hearted businessman has no conscience." Pan Yun walked up to the three of them, lowered his head and took a closer look, and slowly read out the words written on the cloth.

Niu Sanjiang and the three others were also stunned and muttered, "What kind of black-hearted businessman?" "I don't know."

Seeing that the mouths of the three people were covered with tape, Pan Yun squatted down, tore the tape off the mouth of a middle-aged man, and asked seriously: "What's going on with you?"

"Help, please. We were caught for no apparent reason, and then they tied us up and threw us here." The middle-aged man said innocently.

"It's inexplicable." Pan Yun said with a look of disbelief: "Who would do such a thing inexplicably? Do you recognize the words written on your bodies?"

"We. We haven't done anything. Please let us go. We will thank you deeply and give you five thousand yuan." The middle-aged man said.

"Do you know what we do?" Pan Yun asked.

The four serious crime patrol officers do not usually wear patrol uniforms, they are all in casual clothes.

Three middle-aged men were lying here. It was impossible to see clearly where Pan Yun and the others came out.

"I don't know," the middle-aged man said.

"We are patrolmen!" It was Niu Sanjiang who spoke this time. He curled his lips and said, "A black-hearted businessman has no conscience! If you have nothing to do, someone will write this on you and throw you to the patrol chief. At the door of the room? Be honest with me. If you don’t tell the truth, we won’t suffer the consequences until we find out the problem!”

When Niu Sanjiang said he was on patrol, the middle-aged man's face immediately showed a look of horror, but he immediately said innocently: "Well, we really didn't do anything."

"Whether you want to do it or not, we'll wait until we return to the main patrol room!" Niu Sanjiang pointed at the middle-aged man and said.

He waved his hand and said, "Untie them and take them back to the serious crime team!"

The other two patrolmen immediately started to pull the cloth strips off the three people's bodies. Then they could see that the three people were tightly tied up. No wonder they couldn't run away.

Then, they saw an envelope wrapped around the middle-aged man's chest.

"There is a letter on him." A patrolman pulled out the envelope and handed it to Pan Yun.

Pan Yun has now become the deputy detective of the serious crime team. Apart from Detective Bai, she is the highest ranking person in the serious crime team.

Pan Yun took a look at the letter and scrawled four words on the envelope - from the police officer.

Seeing this, Pan Yun couldn't help but smile and said, "It's really interesting."

The other people were not in a hurry to untie the two of them, and all moved closer to Pan Yun, wanting to see what was written in the letter.

Pan Yun opened the envelope, took out the letter paper, and unfolded it. There were not many words written on the letter.

"Hello, patrolman, these three people are black-hearted businessmen selling poisonous milk powder in Guangming Town. Now I have captured them all, four of them in total. You will definitely find something wrong, why there are only three here. The answer is simple, because the main culprit is me It’s not difficult to find them. I have a tip here. Just follow the tip to find them. But I guess you won’t be able to understand. It’s best to ask Zhang Yu from Wudang Taoist Temple to help. look."

Beneath these words, there is a picture. In this picture, there is a child sitting cross-legged, which is lifelike. With a smile on his face, he stretched out two fingers of his right hand and pointed upward. On his left hand, he held a seven-leaf lotus. There are several red dots marked on the child's body.

What he said was really true, Pan Yun and the other four couldn't understand it at all.

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