Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2093 Interview

In addition to the check-in room, especially the check-in room where Zhang Yu entered, everyone's eyes were staring at it, and the voices of discussion were endless.

Because the check-in rooms are connected, it was filled with the sounds of children crying and it was hard to tell which child was crying.

The people standing in front were almost all parents of their children. They were worried and in no mood to talk, but the people behind were still discussing the situation inside.

These people say whatever they say, some think it’s okay, and some think it’s unreliable.

At this moment, the door to the check-in room opened, and Wang Chunlan came out and said loudly: "The children in this room are all well. Now please invite the parents whose names I called to come in and hold their children!"

Upon hearing this, the people at the scene immediately exploded.

The parents standing at the door shouted excitedly: "It's cured!" "Is it really cured?" "My son is okay!" "Is my daughter okay?" "I am Peng Na's Mother, my daughter is inside!".

Not only the parents were excited, the tourists also couldn't help but say: "Okay! I cried so much just now, and now I'm fine." "Why are there still cries?" "What nonsense are you talking about? There are so many children. How can everything be cured at once?" "No, how is this cured and what method is used?" "Milk powder poisoning can be cured. Is it true?" "It must be true, otherwise. , can you say that?" "Keep your voice down, I'm going to read the name. I won't know if it's okay until the baby is taken out."

Amid everyone's discussion, Wang Chunlan took out a small notebook and read, "Peng Na! Wang Tianpeng! Zhao Niu! Qin Ye! Duan Xuan"

"I am Peng Na's mother!" "I am Zhao Niu's mother!" "Bedroom Wang Tianpeng's father!".

The parents whose names were called were extremely anxious and rushed towards the duty room one by one.

There were already a lot of people in the check-in room, but as soon as they entered, it became even more crowded.

As soon as they entered the door, they could smell a strong stench, but they didn't care about it at all. They just said: "How is my daughter?" "Where is my son?" "Child!".

While shouting, they rushed to the kang and saw the children lying on the kang, laughing like "quacking", some crawling, and some even fell asleep with their eyes closed.

When Zhang Yu saw so many people coming in, he immediately said loudly: "Infinite Heavenly Lord! Everyone, please be patient and don't be anxious! Listen to what I have to say before you hold the child!"

His words were indeed effective, and the parents were anxious to pick up their sweethearts and take a look. Now after hearing these words, they quickly stopped. That's true, the children didn't cry anymore, but the quilts spread under them were covered with poop. Other than that, everything was normal.

Not many people have seen Zhang Yu, but when Zhang Yu came in just now, they could all tell that the person wearing the white Bagua fairy clothes was Zhenren Zhang.

"Master Zhang!" "Master Zhang!" "Thank you Master Zhang!" "Master Zhang, thank you for saving my son!" Everyone said gratefully.

"Be quiet." Zhang Yu smiled and pressed his hands down to indicate silence.

Everyone quieted down and stopped talking. Zhang Yu said calmly: "The toxins in the children's bodies have been excreted in the form of feces through pediatric massage. They are now fine. Hold the children in order later, don't be anxious. Stop bumping. After holding the baby, don’t leave in a hurry. Go to the main hall to rest for a while before going down the mountain. Mr. Fran from the Xinshan Fran Ranch in England just donated a batch of high-quality milk powder to our Taoist temple. Waiting to go down the mountain When the time comes, each person will receive some. Okay, now let’s start taking the children to rest one by one.”

When everyone heard that Zhang Yu would give them milk powder, and it was Yingjili's high-quality milk powder, they were all very grateful.

What happened this time was caused by their greed for gain. Because their family background was not good, they had no choice but to seek help from the Wudang Taoist Temple. As a result, Zhang Yu not only cured the child, but also helped him.

A middle-aged woman couldn't help but knelt on the ground and said sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang!"

As soon as she knelt down, two more women knelt down to Zhang Yu and shouted loudly: "Thank you, Master Zhang!" "Thank you, Master Zhang!"

Seeing this, Zhang Yu quickly stepped forward and helped the middle-aged woman up, "Get up quickly, get up quickly, don't do this."

When a child suffers from such a disease, he would cry non-stop, and the parents would also cry. The tears finally stopped when they saw that the child was well. At this moment, Zhang Yu's actions made them shed tears of emotion again.

The parents followed Zhang Yu's wishes and picked up their children one by one. Among the children, some were already able to call mom. After entering their mother's arms, they all shouted with a smile, "Mom." "Mom."

After receiving their children, the parents carried their children out of the check-in room. When people outside saw that the children were all well and no one was crying, they cheered up.

"It's good!" "It's really good!" "It's amazing!" "It's amazing!".

"Sister Shi, it's amazing that Taoist Zhang really cured these children. Do you think we should interview him? Even if we don't ask questions aloud, it would be good to witness him curing diseases and saving lives." Zhang Qiang couldn't control his excitement when he saw a child being cured and sent out.

You know, this is big news. If you can take this opportunity to interview, even if you film it on the spot, it will definitely be a big stunt.

Shi Yang was excited and stunned at the same time. He really couldn't imagine that there was such medical skill.

After listening to Zhang Qiang's words, she hesitated and said, "Let's go and take a look, but everything must be obeyed by me. You must not disturb others' treatment of their children."

"I know" Zhang Qiang nodded immediately.

Although two people want to check in, it is not that easy. There are people in front of them, and they are so densely packed that it takes a lot of effort to squeeze through.

Everyone in the English tour group now heard the excited shouts of the tourists.

But most of them can't speak Mandarin, only the reporter and the tour guide can speak it.

They kept asking what the situation was like. When they heard that a group of children had been cured, they were immediately stunned.

"The one I bought is so powerful!" "It's real! It can't be an act!" "This shouldn't be the case." "I really want to see with my own eyes how he treats the child. Chinese medicine is really amazing.”.

The female reporter who came with the group stood on tiptoes and looked forward, then said, "You guys wait for me here."

With that said, he walked diagonally.

"Miss Jenny, where are you going?" asked a middle-aged English man.

"I'm going to conduct an on-site interview." Female reporter Jenny said.

"Let's go and have a look too." "Yes, let's go together." Immediately, several foreigners started shouting.

"What are you going to do? Daozhang Zhang should still be treating the child. I'm just going to record the video. If you all go, it will disturb other people's treatment. I'll just go by myself." After Jenny said that, she headed in the direction of the diagonal stab. He rushed there, apparently intending to go around to the front room.

The foreign devils thought about it and realized that this was also the case. They couldn't disturb the doctor when he was treating a disease. Jenny would be disturbing Zhang Yu if she went alone, let alone going so many times.

In fact, so many tourists at the scene wanted to see how Zhang Yu treated diseases. But they also know how to let them into the value room.

The young man who posted a post on the Haijiao Forum before has also updated it immediately.

"The latest follow-up report on the Guangming anti-toxic milk powder incident! Miracle doctor! Miracle doctor! Daozhang Zhang actually cured ten children in just half an hour! I saw it with my own eyes! It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Second floor: Cured! Ten of them were cured in half an hour, are you kidding me?

The original poster replied: This is definitely not a joke, I saw it with my own eyes.

Third floor: What method was used to cure it? Can't you believe it?

The original poster replied: I didn’t even go in to take a look! Anyway, the baby has been taken out now and is no longer crying.

Fourth floor: The poster quickly asks, what is going on? I couldn't believe that ten children could really be cured in such a short period of time.

Fifth Floor: Isn’t it acting?

Sixth Floor: Don't talk nonsense upstairs, what kind of acting is it to use the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman? I was also there and witnessed it with my own eyes. Now Zhang Daochang continues to treat children. It doesn't matter if he doesn't pray for the children, but he can say such things.

Seventh Floor: Isn’t it okay for Fifth Floor to question it? Most people would not easily believe this kind of thing. Anyway, I don’t believe it.

Eighth Floor: I agree with what the person above said, but I don’t really believe it either.

Ninth floor: Do you have any photos of the treatment? I want pictures and the truth!

The original poster replied: People are treating their children inside, so how can I be allowed in? I can only watch from outside. I can guarantee that this matter is absolutely not nonsense, it is all true, and it was all witnessed by my own eyes. I will continue to follow up on the report later.

10th Floor: I believe it is true. With the strength of Wudang Group and Ai Sleeping on Cell Phones, there is no need to use this kind of thing to hype up. Let's just watch. I just hope the children are okay.

Eleventh Floor: I agree with what you said above. No matter what, it’s good that the children are fine.

At the door of the check-in room, six Taoist disciples were responsible for guarding the door, prohibiting anyone from entering. There are children inside. If so many people rush in, there will be a big explosion.

Parents and tourists also know the importance. No matter how anxious, worried or curious they are, they cannot go in.

But at this stall, Shi Yang and Zhang Qiang squeezed through the crowd. When the two came to the door, a disciple immediately greeted them, raised his hand horizontally, made a stop gesture, and said: "Master Abbot is treating a child inside, please stop!"

"Sorry." Shi Yang also knew not to disturb other people's medical treatment. She took out her press card from her pocket and handed it to the little Taoist priest. She said politely: "I am a reporter from Xinliang News. I wonder if you can let me in for filming. Please rest assured that the treatment will not be affected."

"This..." The little Taoist priest hesitated and said, "I can't be the master..."

As he spoke, he turned to look at his companions behind him.

The other five Taoist priests did not dare to make the decision. One of them said: "Then I will go in and report to the master to see if it is okay. If the master does not allow it, then we cannot let you in."

"Thank you." Shi Yang said immediately.

Before the Taoist priest could enter the room, a foreign woman with blond hair and blue eyes ran over quickly.

This woman was Jenny, a reporter from the English Sun. As soon as she arrived at the door, she said in jerky Mandarin: "Hello, I am a reporter from the English Sun. This time I came to travel to your East. I saw your Oriental medical skills. It’s very magical. I want to make a simple on-site record, but I don’t know if it’s convenient.”

After Jenny finished speaking, she also took out her press pass and handed it to the little Taoist priest.

Almost all of the Taoist priests here came from academic backgrounds and could understand English words. After looking at their press credentials, they turned back to look at the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest said: "Let me ask them all."

During the check-in, after the parents came out, Zhang Yu did not come out immediately. After all, there were still children and parents who came with him in the room.

The smell in the duty room was so bad that Zhang Yu couldn't say anything and asked them to wait inside. He simply took his disciples to perform pediatric massage on these new children and quickly cured them. There were still ones in the duty room below.

Zhang Yu and his disciples were massaging the children. They had finished massaging the back and started massaging the chest and abdomen. The door suddenly opened, and a Taoist priest walked in, "Master, there are two reporters who want to conduct on-site interviews."

Zhang Yu was still massaging the child's belly. When he heard this, he said directly: "I'm busy here, so I don't have time to accept their interview."

"They said they won't disturb you from treating your child, and they can just film the scene on the side," the Taoist said.

"Then...let the two reporters come in, but no one else is allowed in. It's already quite crowded here..." Zhang Yu kept saying this while continuing to massage the child.

With his words, the Taoist priest immediately went out and soon led Shi Yang and Jenny in.

The Taoist priest had already told the two of them not to disturb the treatment work inside, so after the two came in, they remained silent and just used their mobile phones to take pictures.

Similarly, the two of them also smelled the strong stench in the room and found a lot of dirty cakes on the bed.

The two of them were puzzled as to what this was all about, and seeing that Zhang Yu and a group of disciples were just massaging the child's chest and abdomen, they didn't know if they had taken any medicine. What kind of medical treatment is this?

However, the two of them had also discovered that the children lying on the kang were not crying, but were lying obediently, and some even had smiles on their faces. The parents' faces were not as nervous as when they came before.

Suddenly, the sound of "puff puff" sounded.

The children began to fart non-stop, and each one pooped, making the stink in the room even worse.

After a while, Zhang Yu and his disciples took toilet paper and wiped the children's butts.

Zhang Yu looked at the parents and said, "The children are well now. Quickly put on their clothes and take them to the main hall to rest."

"Thank you, Master Zhang." "Thank you, Master Zhang."... Everyone stepped forward gratefully and began to dress their children.

Zhang Yu walked towards the door and said again: "I'm going to the next room to treat the children. Chunlan and Qiuju, you have now practiced your techniques. Go to other rooms and teach others at the same time." The junior brothers and sisters are giving massage to the children. I remember saying on the phone earlier that there are children poisoned by milk powder in many health clinics. Once you are done here, you will go down the mountain immediately and go to various clinics separately to help with treatment. "

"Yes, Master." "Yes, Master."...

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