Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2092 Pediatric Massage

Zhao Wenhao and his two brothers quickly followed Zhang Yu's wishes and left 100 kilograms of milk powder for Wang Jie. The other milk powder was on standby here, ready to be donated at any time.

Zhang Yu turned around and went up the mountain, cursing secretly in his heart. This Wang Jie was really able to take advantage of petty gains. He actually asked Fran for milk powder. He really looked like a rancher. And it only costs ten tons, which is enough to sell.

But then I thought about it, this milk powder arrived just in time. If something like this happens in Guangming Town, good milk powder from England will arrive soon, which can definitely solve the urgent needs of these families.

Of course, the first priority is to treat these poisoned children.

Before I took two steps, my cell phone rang in my pocket. I took it out and saw it was Wang Chunlan calling.

Zhang Yu answered the question and told his apprentice that he had reached the foot of the mountain and would soon be able to enter the Taoist temple. He asked about the general situation and hung up the phone.

Zhang Yu's steps were fast, and he caught up with the parents who had gone up the mountain in a short time. The Wudang Taoist Temple is located halfway up the mountain, and a trip up there, especially for this kind of thing, is indeed quite strenuous.

The parents worked tirelessly and walked up the mountain quickly. Even the elderly ones walked very fast. After Zhang Yu caught up, he supported the old woman and said, "Grandma, at your age, find a place to rest and don't go up the mountain."

"Master Zhang, I'm fine. I come to the Taoist temple twice a week, and my legs and feet are fine. Since I come to the Taoist temple every week, my body has become much stronger now," the old lady said.

"Mountain climbing does exercise your body, but you have to slow down. We are opening a driveway here. In the future, there will be free buses going directly to the mountain gate, so you don't have to work so hard." Zhang Yu said.

"I'm still used to walking like this. My old arms and legs need some exercise. Mr. Zhang, you really think about us." The old lady praised.

The children were still crying, and the adults were also anxious, wishing they could fly directly to Wudang Taoist Temple.

Finally reaching the halfway point of the mountain, Zhang Yu could hear the courtyard filled with discussions and the cries of children as soon as he entered the mountain gate. When the Taoist priests at the door saw Zhang Yu, they quickly greeted him. Zhang Yu asked his disciples to lead the way and hurried to see the poisoned children.

At the check-in counter, parents and tourists were still anxious.

Suddenly there was a shout from the side, "Master is here." "Master is here.".

Upon hearing this, the children's parents were immediately overjoyed. They all looked over and shouted eagerly: "Master Zhang is here!" "Where is Master Zhang?" "Master Zhang, please save my child." !".

After arriving at Wudang Taoist Temple, the tourists had not seen Zhang Yu yet. Now when they heard about Zhang Yu's arrival, they were all in high spirits.

"Where is Mr. Zhang?" "It seems to be over there!" "I heard that this Taoist Master Zhang is not very old. Is he really that powerful?" "Isn't he great? Have you ever used a sleep phone? Wudang The chairman of the group and the founder who loves sleeping on his mobile phone. You think this is ridiculous!".

As everyone was talking, many people took out their mobile phones and prepared to take photos of Zhang Yu.

Soon, I saw several Taoist priests coming first to clear the way. Behind the Taoist priests was a young man wearing white Bagua fairy clothes. Behind the young man, there were some parents holding children. The children in their arms were They are all crying too.

That's right, the person wearing the Bagua Fairy Clothes is Zhang Yu. The other Taoist priests here all wore apricot-yellow robes, but he was the only one who stood out.

Although most people present have never seen Zhang Yu, they can still guess it.

For a moment, the cellphones were buzzing, taking photos of Zhang Yu.

Especially the young people who had previously posted on the Haijiao Forum started updating their posts immediately.

"Following report on the Guangming anti-toxic milk powder incident! Now Taoist priest Zhang, who is not in charge of the Taoist temple, has returned to the Taoist temple. It seems that he will treat the children's illnesses. Let's wait and see whether he can be cured well at his young age!"

Second floor: Is the one wearing white robes Taoist Zhang? Looks really young.

Third floor: Are you kidding me upstairs? The chairman of Wudang Group is actually a young man.

Fourth floor: I don’t care whether you are young or old, the key is whether you can cure your child!

Fifth Floor: I am also a little worried. If you are an elderly Chinese medicine practitioner, you should be somewhat confident. Is he really reliable at such a young age?

Sixth Floor: Host, how is the situation now? Am I so anxious?

Seventh Floor: The poster doesn’t want eunuchs, please continue to update the situation quickly.

Eighth floor: Passing by, I smiled and touched the owner’s head.

Ninth floor: Wait for updates.

Reporter Yang and her assistant Zhang Qiang were also there taking photos.

Zhang Qiang whispered: "Sister Shi, he is Zhang Yu, the chairman of Wudang Group. Do you think he can really do it? I'm worried about him now."

"Why don't I? How can you hope that he can do it? It's been so long. If he can't be cured again, I'm afraid the problem will be bigger. I even think that if I can't treat the children this time, I won't be able to do it. They may all be seized," Shi Yang said.

"Isn't that true?" Zhang Qiang asked in surprise.

"Why not? The parents of the children send their children here for treatment instead of sending them to the hospital. It's better to say that they are cured, but if they are not cured, they will definitely become the target of verbal criticism," Shi Yang said in a positive tone. .

As she was talking, the mobile phone in her hand suddenly rang, "Ring ring ring ring ring."

When Shi Yang looked at the number, it turned out to be the call from the editor-in-chief of the news department. She could immediately guess what was going on and answered the call immediately.

"Hello, Editor Wang?"

"Shi Yang, are you at Wudang Taoist Temple now?" A middle-aged man's voice rang directly on the phone.

"Yes, is something wrong?" Shi Yang said.

"It is now going viral on the Internet that there is a poisonous milk powder incident in Guangming Town, and it is already making waves. It is said that children who were poisoned by milk powder are seeking medical treatment at Wudang Taoist Temple. You are at the scene. Is this true?" Editor Wang asked.

"It's true, I'm collecting information. Zhang Yu has returned to the Taoist temple and is preparing to treat the children." Shi Yang said.

"Then why didn't you report the situation to me immediately? Send back all the information in your hand right now! Also, conduct an on-site interview immediately to understand the mentality of the family members. It is best to interview Zhang Yu again and ask him if he has any questions. Not sure!" Editor Wang said eagerly.

"I can upload the information right away, but at this juncture, I don't think it's appropriate to conduct on-site interviews. Wouldn't it be better to wait until the treatment is over before conducting interviews?" Shi Yang suggested.

"We'll wait until the treatment is over before we can do the interview. The cucumbers and vegetables are already cold!" Chief Editor Wang shouted dissatisfied: "When such big news happens, of course we need first-hand information! Other media should have rushed to Wudang Taoist Temple by now. When the treatment is over and they have all arrived, do you plan to get up early to catch a late meeting?"

"I know, but" Shi Yang Gang wanted to say, "Wouldn't it delay the treatment if we interviewed Zhang Yu now? Interviewing the parents of the children would also make the already anxious people feel even worse."

But before she could finish her words, Editor Wang shouted, "But what but, there is no but, interview immediately. Interview immediately."

"Yes." Shi Yang had no choice but to agree.

After hanging up the phone, she asked Zhang Qiang to send back the information he had taken before. She did not go to the front to interview so as not to disturb other people's business. Instead, she conducted interviews with the tourists nearby.

"Sir, I am a reporter from Xinliang News. What do you think of this tainted milk powder incident? What do you think of the treatment methods adopted by Wudang Taoist Temple? How much confidence do you have?"

"Those who sell poisonous milk powder are simply unscrupulous. If you catch them and don't shoot them, you will be sorry! I can't say anything about the treatment methods adopted by Wudang Taoist Temple. I always feel that they should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. But the people here Having so much trust in Wudang Taoist Temple, perhaps Taoist Zhang is really a little confident."

"As far as I know, Daozhang Zhang will definitely use traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Do you think it is feasible?" Shi Yang asked again.

"Who knows about this. Normally, I don't think there is much hope. But looking at the current situation, there seems to be some chance. I hope everything will be safe."

While she was conducting the interview, Zhang Yu had already taken the new children and their families to check the room.

On the kang in charge of the room, there were all children, and they were all crying as well.

Wang Chunlan saw Zhang Yu coming and rushed to greet him, "Master, what do you think we should do?"

"Have you taken any measures to treat him now?" Zhang Yu asked back.

"We gave the children traditional Chinese medicine, but so far, it has no effect." Wang Chunlan said.

"Is there any Chinese medicine here that you feed to the children? Give it to me to taste." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes!" Zhao Qiuju on the side heard what Zhang Yu said and immediately agreed and went to get the important thing.

The room was filled with the smell of medicine, and there was a medicine jar next to it. She filled a bowl of medicine and handed it to Zhang Yu. After Zhang Yu took it, he smelled it first and then took a sip. It was a little sweet, probably because of the addition of sugar.

Zhang Yu was able to confirm that this prescription was good and had detoxification effect. As for the fact that we haven't seen any effects yet, it's mainly because the traditional Chinese medicine doesn't work that quickly, and since it's being administered to children, the dosage is also lacking.

If you are not in a hurry, you should be able to recover after taking it for three more days.

But with so many people watching outside, you can't just say it's slow.

Zhang Yu had already had a plan in his mind, so he could just say: "Give the next children some medicine, and I'll go see the children inside."

"Yes, Master." Wang Chunlan agreed and immediately started busy with others.

Since Zhang Yu arranged it this way, it means that there is nothing wrong with the medicine he prepared. This made Wang Chunlan relieved.

They started to work, and Zhang Yu walked to the kang. In this duty room, there were ten children lying on their backs, but there were no parents, because the place was not big and there was no room for so many people.

When you get to the kang, you can see that there is a small sign hanging on each child's clothes with the correct name. They are probably worried that they will be hugged by the wrong child later.

Zhang Yu grabbed the wrist of a crying child and checked the pulse. Not to mention, it was better than the child who had not taken medicine before at the foot of the mountain.

He untied the child's clothes, turned the child over, and massaged the child's back with his palms.

Strangely enough, after a while of massage, the child stopped crying.

Wang Chunlan and others had already finished giving the medicine to the subsequent children, so they couldn't tell, so everyone was crowded inside, and only one parent could wait inside holding the child.

Everyone watched Zhang Yu massaging the child. When they found that the child was not crying, their eyes lit up.

"Stop crying." "It really works." "It's amazing." "Zhenzhen Zhang is such an amazing person." The parents watching from behind were all excited. Because they knew that as long as Zhang Yu could cure one child, he could cure all the children.

After Zhang Yu massaged the child's back, he turned the child over and continued massaging the child's chest and abdomen.

Within ten minutes, I heard the sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff".

When everyone saw it, it was a child who farted. Not only did he fart, but he also had loose feces. The smell was really bad.

Of course, a child would not understand such an embarrassing thing. Not only did the child not cry, he even smiled at Zhang Yu, "Quack. Quack."

Zhang Yu put his hand on the child's head. His forehead was no longer hot, and his previously red face had also faded. When I felt my pulse again, my wrist was no longer cold and had returned to normal temperature.

Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief and put on the child's clothes with his own hands.

He then looked at Wang Chunlan and other disciples and said: "This is pediatric massage. The children were poisoned by milk powder. Although the drugs they took before can detoxify, they cannot immediately remove the toxins from their bodies. They can only be treated with massage and massage." .Do you understand?”

"Understood." "Understood." The disciples nodded.

In fact, to be honest, this children's massage is almost the same as a normal massage. The only difference is that Zhang Yu has never massaged a child before. He is in the countryside, whose child dares to train him.

However, this kind of massage is a one-size-fits-all method, and with Zhang Yu's attainments, it is no problem.

When the parents in the room saw that Zhang Yu had cured one of them, they all said, "Master Zhang, please give my child a massage." "Master Zhang, please save my child." "Master Zhang."

Zhang Yu immediately said gently: "Everyone, I know you are anxious, but after taking the medicine, it takes a certain amount of time for the medicine to settle, and you cannot perform pediatric massage immediately. Therefore, you need to wait for a while, don't be anxious, I will definitely make them all Healed.”

This is not true because the medication can be treated within five minutes of taking it. But everything has a first-come, first-served basis. However, in this situation, the adults were anxious, so Zhang Yu couldn't just force everyone to line up. This statement is more acceptable.

Sure enough, when everyone heard this, they nodded and continued to wait.

The room is now full of stench, the smell coming from the loose shit. But no one cares, they only have children in their hearts.

Zhang Yu came to the middle child again, and called Wang Chunlan and other disciples to come over, and said: "There are too many children, and I am not enough. You all follow me and follow the normal massage techniques. I will massage at the same time , while pointing out your location."

The apprentices nodded in agreement, and Wang Chunlan and others all came to the child, each one responsible for one.

Zhang Yu untied the child's clothes, turned the child over, massaged the back first, and explained while massaging.

Disciples like Wang Chunlan, who studied medicine with Zhang Yu before, knew all these. Zhang Yu started playing with it quickly.

After massaging the back and the front, after a while, the sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff" sounded again in the room.

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