Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2036 God’s Will

"God's will." Zhang Yu muttered. He had seen this white porcelain pillow with his own eyes and knew that this thing was like a cornucopia and was not permanent. Once the Qi was used up, a person's luck would come to an end.

Zhang Yu understood this, but he did not expect that an ordinary person like Zhou Jiafu would also understand it. Out of curiosity, Zhang Yu said deliberately: "How do you say this?"

"It's all over, what else is there to say? The most taboo thing in this life is greed." As he said this, Zhou Jiafu smiled miserably.

This sentence has been said by many people in the Great Enlightenment. Greed is an original sin, and countless people eventually go to a dead end because of greed.

After others heard this, they could only think that Zhou Jiafu had a great enlightenment, but when Zhang Yu heard it, he meant something else.

You know, the reason why Zhou Jiafu's luck is running out is not because of anything else but because he keeps winning money from gambling.

His partial wealth luck is indeed very strong, even Zhang Yu's luck-attracting method can't help him. But when the energy is used up, it is the end of life. No matter how much money you have, you will never spend it. This is the same as the extremely wealthy Shen Wansan.

"So, you know the purpose of that pillow?" Zhang Yu stared at Zhou Jiafu.

Zhou Jiafu's expression turned serious and he looked at Zhang Yu in surprise. Previously, he only knew that Zhang Yu was here to arrest him, but he did not expect that Zhang Yu had such insight.

"If you weren't too greedy, you would gamble every day, win a lot of money every day, and eventually use up your energy. I'm afraid you wouldn't be sitting here now." Zhang Yu said calmly.

Although, Zhang Yu achieved his goal by intimidating the casino, forcing Miss Allen to submit and hand over Zhou Jiafu. But this is because the Zhou family's wealth has run out. If Zhou Jiafu's energy is not exhausted, God knows what the outcome will be.

"How did you know?" This time, Zhou Jiafu was completely shocked. He looked at Zhang Yu as if he were a ghost, obviously not believing that someone in this world actually understood this.

"If I didn't have this ability, how could I have brought you out of the casino?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"That's right." Zhou Jiafu nodded feebly.

"Can you tell me how you got this pillow?" Zhang Yu asked calmly.

"This" Zhou Jiafu showed hesitation, then he smiled bitterly and said: "Anyway, there is nothing to say, so what's the harm?"

Zhang Yu, Ajiu, and Yang Wu didn't say anything, and looked at Zhou Jiafu quietly.

Zhou Jiafu first looked bitter, then laughed, and then felt sad again. He said slowly and emotionally: "Life has its ups and downs, just like the ebb and flow of the tide. My life is also like this. Maybe everything is God's will."

Having said this, he paused and then said: "I still remember that when I was young, I was a real gambler. I started gambling with people when I was thirteen years old, but it was just a small matter, and I lost and lost. Win. But when I was nineteen years old, I stepped into a casino for the first time, and my destiny changed. I lost a lot of money, and when loan sharks came to my door, my father was furious, and my mother got angry and fell ill. I couldn't even afford to go to the hospital, so I had to stay temporarily at my uncle's house. I sold out everything I could sell at home, and at the moment when I had absolutely nothing left, I decided to commit suicide. But even if I died, I couldn't be a starving ghost. I faced the door The person in the small shop said, I want to die. Can you give me a bottle of wine and buy me a roast chicken? From now on, I will never show up again. The person in the small shop was also afraid of me, so he quickly gave me wine and Money, send me away. I took wine and roast chicken and came to the river. I met an old man begging for food. He said that he hadn’t eaten for three days and could he give him a bite? Maybe it’s because people are dying. I invited him to eat with me, and it was like looking for someone to talk to before I died. At that time, I hadn’t talked to anyone for a long time. I talked a lot with him, and after the food was all gone, I said I wanted to jump into the river. I'm going to kneel down and admit my mistake to my parents. I don't want to, but the old man suddenly told me that he has nothing now, and he doesn't want to die. Why should I die when I am such a big man with hands and feet? I know my mistake. There's a lot that can be improved. Looking back now, we can still see the light of day."

Zhou Jiafu paused, shook his head and smiled bitterly, and after a while he said: "Of course I didn't believe what he said, and I still planned to die. But he took out a white porcelain pillow from the broken bag, and then said to me, as long as I hold this pillow, my life will be over. It will change. Since you are not even afraid of death, why are you afraid of living for one more year? Maybe after one year, you don’t want to die. I still don’t believe it, but what he said is right. I am not even afraid of death. Why should I still be afraid? Will you live one more year? The pillow he left behind also left eight words - Don't be greedy, just put it on your pillow and leave."

At this point, Zhou Jiafu burst out laughing, and after a moment he said: "I never dreamed that this pillow would really change my destiny. When I returned to my uncle's house at night, I happened to hear from my neighbor that there was a newly developed cemetery in the suburbs. They were recruiting people to dig holes, so I didn’t want to gamble anymore, so I told my neighbor that I wanted to work. My neighbor knew that I was a gambler, so he didn’t want to take me there. Fortunately, my uncle begged for help, and they took me there. After working for three days, I actually dug out two gold bars in the soil. Of course I wouldn't give them to anyone else, so I sold them directly. With the money from selling the gold bars, I started a small business, as if God was taking care of me. Me, my business is extremely prosperous. From small to large, I occasionally gamble with some people in the business field. Every time I bet, I will win. My family business is getting bigger and bigger, and the scenery is unlimited. When I was twenty-five years old, I had already When I became a local young entrepreneur, no one knew that I was once a gambler, which made my father angry to death. They only knew that I was young and promising, and that I was one of the top ten outstanding young people in the local area. How could I think about dying again? That year when I entered the capital, I met my wife Yang Wu”

Zhou Jiafu looked at his wife and said with emotion: "We fell in love at first sight, but I didn't dare to tell her about my past. My career continued to flourish until the eve of the highway construction, haha."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but shed tears, "Obviously everything was going smoothly, but God played a huge joke on me at this time. My project turned into a shoddy project. Who would believe that I actually didn't cut corners?" , the person who did that thing was my most trusted subordinate, but he died. I could only take my wife and run away, but I was also worried that my father-in-law Taishan would be harmed, so I wanted to take him with me, but he didn’t leave until I I was hiding in a foreign country, always afraid of being caught, so I came to Casino Royale. The greedy days in the casino made me seem to be the same person I used to be, but I was more rational than before. But I always win every time I gamble. I seem to have forgotten the old man's advice. I am obsessed with the joy of winning money every day. I want to win more money and enjoy it here forever, but I forget that in fact, I have spent all my money in several lifetimes. Just here Just now, my pillow was broken. At that moment, I remembered the eight words of the old man - avoid being greedy. At this moment, I know that my life has come to an end."

Tears flowed from Yang Wu's eyes, but she didn't say a word. In her mind, only bits and pieces of the two people's acquaintance emerged.

In her mind, Zhou Jiafu is a successful man, a perseverant man, and a business wizard. How difficult it is for a person without any background to be where he is today through his own efforts.

Now, listening to the past events told by Zhou Jiafu is even more sentimental.

Ajiu said nothing, either looking at Zhou Jiafu or Zhang Yu.

For Zhang Yu, he just wanted to know the origin of this pillow and what it was about. As for other things, it was not important.

Whether Zhou Jiafu was unjustly accused or not was not Zhang Yu's turn to deal with. In such a big case, Zhang Yu could not intervene at all. All he could do was complete the task. Next, hand the person over to Yang Wenbin, and that's it.

Zhang Yu was still looking at Zhou Jiafu. Although he didn't look at the sky, he could still tell that Zhou Jiafu had the same unlucky look on his face as when he was gambling yesterday.

At this time, Ajiu suddenly said: "Master Zhang, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I want to become your disciple, but I don't know if it's possible or not," Ajiu said carefully.

"Worship me as your teacher?" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment.

"I have already seen what you are capable of. I sincerely want to become your teacher." Ajiu said sincerely.

"It's not that I won't accept you. You have to work for the office, so you won't have time to practice Taoism." Zhang Yu said gently.

"This, this job. Anyway, the tasks that I can resign have been completed. When Mr. Yang comes, I will resign to him. Mr. Yang is very energetic. As long as he agrees, I can resign successfully." Ajiu said sincerely. said.

Of course Zhang Yu knew what Ajiu was doing. He was an informant abroad. If you let such a person follow you, then whatever you do, this guy may be reported to the police.

Of course Zhang Yu was unwilling to accept such a disciple, but it didn't seem particularly appropriate to refuse him directly. Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "When I accept a disciple, I always rely on fate. Now the fate has not come, let's talk about it in the future."

This was a tactful rejection. How could Ajiu not understand it? He said with disappointment: "Okay, then."

After about two hours, Yang Wenbin finally arrived.

Zhang Yu handed over Zhou Jiafu and his wife, as well as Zhou Jiafu's bodyguards, to Yang Wenbin.

This task is considered completed. All we need to do next is to take a photo of the faucet at the auction, and we're done.

Everyone was sent to Yang Wenbin's car. Yang Wenbin chatted with Zhang Yu for a while, saying words of encouragement and saying that he would ask for credit from his superiors when he returned this time. You know, it was a miracle to bring the two Zhou Jiafu out from Casino Royale.

"Brother, this mission is thanks to you. I will send the person away right now and extradite him back to the country. After this matter is done, we will contact you again." Yang Wenbin said with a smile.

"Okay, adopted brother, go and do your work." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Yang Wenbin patted Zhang Yu's shoulder, then turned to leave.

At this moment, Ajiu next to him suddenly said: "Mr. Yang"

"What's going on?" Yang Wenbin looked at Ajiu.

"In the next few days, can I continue to follow Mr. Zhang?" Ajiu said in a sincere tone.

"This." Yang Wenbin looked at Zhang Yu and asked for Zhang Yu's opinion.

After all, the mission has been completed. Whether or not Ajiu will be kept by his side depends on Zhang Yu's wishes.

Qingmeizi and others were nearby. Zhang Yu made a gesture to Qingmeizi and called them over.

Then, he whispered a few words in Qingmeizi's ear, and Qingmeizi immediately nodded and ran towards their car quickly. In a blink of an eye, the person came back, but with an extra envelope in his hand.

The envelope was bulging, and Qingmeizi handed it to Zhang Yu, "Master."

Zhang Yu took it, handed it to Ajiu, and said calmly: "Please come back and help us organize these days. You can keep this money. The task has been completed. We will stay here for two more days. It will be nothing without you." It’s okay, go back and rest for two days.”

Seeing what Zhang Yu said, Ajiu couldn't say anything else. He took the envelope, knowing that it must contain money, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

In this way, Ajiu left with Yang Wenbin, and Zhang Yu and his party returned to the Royal Casino.

It's late at night. After a hard day's work, of course I need to have a good night's rest.

The next day, at 2pm, London Hilton Hotel.

At this moment, countless people gathered in the hotel auditorium, including reporters from all over.

So many reporters gathered here for no other reason than Allardyce, the "new boxing champion" who defeated Mayweather, and his wife Cheryl held a press conference.

What is Allardyce's status now? He wants to hold a press conference, which is naturally very sensational.

Similarly, various media outlets are also very curious about what Allardyce means by suddenly holding a press conference. You know, the next round of the top 16 competition is about to begin. Therefore, reporters are also speculating whether Allardyce wants to announce in a high-profile manner that he will become a real boxing champion.

Even if Mayweather is defeated, the boxing championship is not over after all.

After all the reporters had arrived, Allardyce and Cheryl were escorted by hotel staff to the stage and sat down.

The reporters applauded, and the host on the stage looked at Allardyce and said, "Mr. Allardyce, what do you want to announce at your press conference today?"

After saying this, thunderous applause erupted from the audience again, "papapapa", "papapapa" and "papapapa".

When the applause stopped, Allardyce stood up and said solemnly: "I held a press conference today. What I want to announce is that I will withdraw from this boxing championship. Not only that, starting from today, I... Ledais will completely quit boxing and follow my master Zhang Zhenren to Wudang Taoist Temple to practice Taoism!"

"Ah?" "Practice?" "Quit the boxing ring!" "How do you say this?" "What?" "What does this mean?".

After Allardyce said this, the audience exploded.


Special thanks to: Blood Wolf Xiao Yi, Happy Bad Guy, Black Pegasus, Mr. Oogway, Forgiveness of Reincarnation, Flying Saucer to Russia, Jin Kecheng, Yu Xiaoyan, Book Friends 201712, Donghuang Mingzui, Mr. I am in my heart, Sisley, Sheng, Liu Zhenbang’s father, book friend 158, tranquility, Lang, traveling across mountains and oceans, vast rewards, as well as more than 2,000 recommendation votes and more than 300 monthly votes in the past few days.

I'm not asking for votes today, I just wish all my brothers and sisters a Merry Christmas! Bang bang Ruyi! May all your wishes come true! good luck!

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